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howled and howl at the moon!
you did not condescend
or turn into a hairy wolf
you talked of life and love
and how to mend steel tendons
we will miss you, not eating
withering away like fall leaves
while the sky cries tears of rain
your voice getting faint in the wind
as your presence like mountains loom
we who love you cannot bear
our thoughts are past sad
our hearts are heavy with losing
though you have always born
and reborn us in you

Some write from their heart
Others bare their soul
Some write for the art
Others to feel whole
Some write to inform
Others to get a laugh
Some write as a platform
Others to land a gaff
Some write to rant and lobby
Others to find peace
Some write as a hobby
Others in search of a masterpiece

They each have merit
But with every sort of objective
They just want to share it
With us, the HP collective
If I leave
Do I go left
If leaves leave
Are there any left
I left with the leaves
I followed them right
I wanted to know where
They go
When they leave
But I got lost
The leaves left too fast
Leaves have to leave
Naked after fall
Never leave chasing leaves
Unless you know the way
The trees will re-leaf
New dressings in spring
What a relief
Playing with leaves 🍁 looking at our beautiful trees
 May 2020 Max Neumann
Mike Adam
Saw you-

Molten stuff from
The navel of the world-

Never cooled to earth-

Bubbled desire
Moulded to a sigh

Quaking your surface
Only to subside.

May your fluid state
Persist unstabled
As the end of day

Breathes orange
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