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 Jan 2016 Matthew Tatum
I’ve got my dad’s heavy silence.

My moms daggered heart.

I’m a bit unattainable, but you

can find me in my art.
I dreamt of you again last night, I've felt
more of your kisses in my dreams than
in real life.
Does that make them any less real?
I've been dreaming him almost every night since I moved back
 Jan 2016 Matthew Tatum
Dev A
The outside shows a girl
Who wants to be here
And join in the world's wonders.

On the inside is a girl
A girl who wishes and dreams
Everywhere she goes.

The outside shows a girl
A girl who smiles and laughs
Everywhere she goes.

On the inside is a girl
Who cries and dies a little more
As each and everyday passes.
They lied to me when they said that sticks and stones break bones but words don't hurt

I found that your words have branched and rooted within every splinter in my bones and the ache is nagging and constant

It's the guilt your words caused that weigh like boulders on my shoulders and every step causes a new fracture

Sticks and stones don't break bones but the weight of your words have crushed me
Written on January 16, 2016 and shared on Hello Poetry on January 18, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes and all rights reserved.

— The End —