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 Feb 2015 Matthew Walker
Watching hills roam
While my thoughts do the same
There's a gentle arm about my back
I never thought we would change

Caught by a cornea's
Shackling stare
Peer through the rim
Between blurry and clear

It's the only way
To shred these strings

That smile was fake
It told me it's self
But the flower in that hair
Makes me thankful for grace

Songs from the heart
Were afraid to come out
Now joy is their freedom
Despite all the pain

Teach me how to endure

I want no other pattern but yours

You sit close and parallel
Pages apart
From threefold confusion
Confounding your heart

She's in the corner
Making desperate rhymes
I would sit down beside her
And finish her lines
March 14, 2014
 Feb 2015 Matthew Walker
I'm sitting in the space of my eldest brother
Sorting water dameaged hockey cards
While I softly sing another
Song we grew up on
That nobody seems to like anymore
Not even the cards

This is what life is like
It seems less fair than it is
But I'm grateful for
The leftovers in my fridge

I'm the last one to come
And the last one to go
I'll be the last one
To say "I love you"
In a chapel
And I wouldn't have it faster

As long I'm dry
And as long I'm fed
As long as I'm breathing
I am at my best
I am at my best

I got in entranced by a girl I should have known better
The very same soul of whom I'd said "never"
And she is loved by my hearts brother
I'm going to a place we traveled together
But he's not with me
No, he isn't with me

We all have dreams

Some larger than others
Some oversized for my size 10 feet
These water damaged hockey cards
Are my only company
Nov 4, 2014
I see your eyes every time the sun slips
and bangs its head on the horizon
before drifting off to sleep

I hear your chuckle in the chorus
of every favorite song
that used to make me dance

I read your name in every street sign
every billboard
every paper
letters constantly scrambling
with you at the center of it all

You said this was
"a good idea"
you said this was
"going to make me happy"

you’re everywhere;
and yet nowhere close to me.
Natalie M. Walker
 Nov 2014 Matthew Walker
We're sitting on this bed kind of thing in a train. You're propped up on some pillows, your hair's all messy, your ****** hair all grown out, you can barely keep yourself awake. You keep trying to play with my hair and you just end up rubbing my back, your eyelids drooping and your posture relaxing. You hold me leaning against your propped up legs, and you finally fall asleep.
I'm facing a wall and I have some chalk, you've been talking in your sleep and I've been drawing what you've said. You start speaking in iambic pentameter and I laugh to myself. The train rocks and you wake up, only to ask me what time it is and fall back asleep. My watch is in a language I don't understand, so I shrug and go back to the wall with what are now paints and a brush. You trail off into mumbles and I begin to hum. I've finished the picture on the wall with your words and you smile, the sun dancing on your face as the train tears through the countryside.
We go through a tunnel, a tunnel with windows. I flinch and feel dizzy, the tunnel and the train spinning. You're awake and you reach up to touch my lip, you pull your hand away, your fingers covered in blood. The train lurches and I give in to the gravity, head hitting the wall and blood splatters ruining your picture.
You whisper something to yourself, and get up, all exhaustion gone. Someone opens the door and fires a crossbow at everyone in the room. He gets to me and I look at him, the crossbow is empty, and something tells me it always was. A man comes up behind the assassin and asks, "All clear? What about that one?" Referring to me. The man replies, "She's already gone." For the first time, I didn't know what he meant. As they close the door the second man puts a hand to his ear, "All clear on level X." The door closes behind him, and I turn back to you. You had your hand on my shoulder and I had mine on your shin, but as I turn your grip slackens and you reach up to wipe away some of the blood from my face. You flinch at the cut in your chest, a cut that wasn't there before. I sit up and look around the room. All the white jumpsuits around me are stained red, covering people who aren't breathing anymore.
Now we're wearing white jumpsuits and yours is slowly changing to scarlet, coming from the **** in your chest. I start to feel lightheaded from smelling all this blood. I look back at you and your eyelids begin to flutter, you force them open and look into mine. Your thumb strokes my cheek and you say, "Save them," with all the pain of endless suffering in your voice. You finally give in to exhaustion, and from your injuries I'm sure you're dead. But your chest rises and falls slowly and you still shift in my direction, seeking comfort like a cold child cuddles his mother in her bed at night. I try and wake you, you don't budge. I hear yelling and rushed steps down the hall helping my panic set in. I shove your shoulder, call out, I don't want to hurt you but I won't face whatever the hell this is alone. You simply won't wake up. The door slams open and before I can turn around I feel a sharp pain and as I look down I notice something shiny and red is protruding from my chest. The pain returns as the tool disappears, only to be replaced with blood slowly turning my jumpsuit red. A voice behind me scolds, "I told you X was clear." Running footsteps grow faint in but a moment. My own eyelids flutter and I fall into your embrace, you shift, adjusting the comfort of your position. I hear sirens approaching the train, from where I'll never know. I awake in my bed, surrounded by blankets and a sharp pain in my back. And I can't find you anywhere.
My mom always told me if you tell someone the dream you had you won't have it again. So I'll write about my nightmares.
 Oct 2014 Matthew Walker
my body is tired,
my mind is numb,
my eyes are wet
and i've bit my thumbs.
they're bleeding now,
and i want to sleep,
but my mind wont rest
without your blessing;
the queen can't end the day
without a kiss from her king.
You wrote about me , and it hurts. I've never been so lonesome in my life as I am now. Its eternal despair, and the pain rumbles in my lungs and I soon lose feeling of my knuckles and finger tips. Youre gone, but your friends say you're at home watching Netflix and lounging in your lazy underwear and bra
I know you've always been the one to let go
And for some reason that fear stood up close by
I pray to the moon
And I begged cupid to go pay you a visit
And begged the stars to die out so I could say something cheesy like "your eyes are brighter than any substance the stars may produce"
Slowly my heart breaks more and more each and every hour, every minute of my day, every drum and every 80s break up song slowly starts to sting
Darling I'm in despair and random thoughts that pop up in my head like a tour bus and really bright Vegas lights, or a Scottish Coffee shop, or like the coupons in your favorite cigarette, or the nights my friends saw me kissing you and they started to cheer, they screamed and I slightly looked away, but you grabbed me by plain black T-shirts and kissed me harder, until your lip scabbed up and my lips became sore

' Hold onto my hands, I feel I'm sinking, sinking without you.
And to my mind, everything's stinking, stinking without you '

' And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you. and in the day, everything's complex, There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you.

My darling
I miss you with everything I have,
with everything I can,
and with everything I am.

With raindrops falling and sunshine.
With every thought out of my mind.
In the blowing wind and the gliding moon.
With every breath I miss or take too soon.

In every second that is tickling
And every muscle that is beating.
With every flickering of my light
And all the stars from all my nights.

When I smile or when I weep;
When I’m awake and when I sleep.
With the dancing of my curtains,
In all the known and the uncertain.

With every wave the ocean brings.
In all my hopes and all my dreams.
When day is born and night is gone.
In all I do and all I've done.

In my old future and my past youth;
In my biggest and my smallest truth.
While a politician lies and a hero is born.
In the fearful doubt of right and wrong.

In my tears and laughter,
In my before and after.
In the emptiness of my shadow.
In the darkness of my hollow.

Within Neruda’s rhyming
And In Becker’s free writing.
In Shakespeare’s imagination
And Chomsky’s punctuation.

In the amount of freckles on my back
And in all the things I will ever lack.
When I’m trapped and when I’m free
While I have the joy of knowing thee.

I miss you
And there’s nothing I can do
Because I miss myself, too,
Whenever I don’t have you.
I wrote this for someone who doesn't exist.
 Sep 2014 Matthew Walker
You forgot your pictures
On forgotten bed side tables
In the back of my brains.
I was supposed to sleep two hours ago,
But I was busy tracing the tracks
You’ve crossed with your fingers on my skin;
And when I reach the end of the map
I don’t find a treasure
Instead I find your dead cells
Lurking on my shoulders
Like dust lurking on my book shelves,
Like tanned blondes stretching on the sea shore,
Like red and blue highlights that you’ve kept for so long.
I found your sea shelled bracelets
And 3 fingered rings exciting,
I found the simplicity of you wearing no necklace soothing,
But I knew that I was at the peak of a roller coaster ride-
When everything slows down,
When that loose feeling of safety
Tingles up your spine
And stays long enough
To amplify the shock of falling suddenly.
I picked up a flower shaped safety pin
And as soon as I brought it close enough to smell
Your grenades exploded in my face.
Instead of shattering,
I blew up into a thousand words
That can make oceans of me ,
And instead of you swimming
You learned how to drown;
Avoid my words,
Swim through the sharks and create jewels out of my sea shells
Till I become just another
Pendant from your arms,
Or glitter on the corners of your backpack
Where you hanged memories you force outside
Because the demons inside are not on good terms,
Because the demons inside of you are screeching
But you don’t want the world to hear;
Yet you left your pictures on my bed site tables,
And you meant to keep a retraceable mark of you on my hands
And you want me to come back,
But your mines were too dangerous.
Your mood swings
Flew me over the bushes,
Your cigarette smoke, filtered in my lungs
Made it hard for me to breath out the words “I love you”,
Your eyes are my only solace
But sometimes,
It takes less effort to exit home
Than to stay in it.
 Sep 2014 Matthew Walker
It's so weird whenever I'm angry or depressed my mind floods back with memories of you

These memories only make me more sad and angry
I miss you and want to say hi almost everyday I have a debate in my head if I should message you and say hi
But I think it will be awkward but worst of all I'm scared that you won't say hi back
I'm scared of you rejecting me again because I'm still recovering from the last time you hurt me

Those memories of the time you broke me still feel so fresh
I wish I could cry and talk to someone but I'm supposed to be a tough guy that's what society says
Grow up don't cry so I hide my emotions in my poetry

I'm still in love with you and if you were to say I might melt away and be yours all over again
But you will never say hi
You are just a memory that will some day fade when I met another girl as amazing as you but until then I'm stuck wishing you would say one simple hello
i don’t know how someone as small as me
with bones that break at the sight of heat lightning
and heart strings that thread apart at the sound of his voice
could make anyone feel like the sun shines brighter
through kaleidoscope eyes—
you’re okay if it brings out the freckles on your face,
and you feel good, you feel alive
you say i showed you how to love in a new way,
that i taught you to be so much more okay with your tummy,
“it’s been very freeing and life is a lot better, thank you,”
but i feel like i can’t say you’re welcome
because i am a messy cliché of imperfect scraps and hypocrisy
loosely sewn together with
“you are strong you are strong you are strong,”
but i feel so weak i feel so weak i feel so weak
and i am not steady hands, they shake like
wet dogs after kiddy pool baths,
i am flower seeds that forgot how to bloom,
trapped below the surface of a garden that feels like quicksand
and i’m sorry but you don’t see all the mistakes i make,
all the words i’ve preached that look back at me
and laugh when they see
what i feel, what i think, who i am behind closed doors,
i’m sorry.
you keep hanging medals around my neck, and
they’re so heavy, and i don’t know
what to say besides i love you
when you speak words of adoration,
but please do not praise me, i am not good.
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