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Marissa Kay Jul 2015
I really want to hear someone’s voice
I’m not sure if it could be anyone or if I need it to be you

Who the hell are “you” anyway.
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
I walked toward the piano
And ran my fingers on its keys
He looked at me with wonder
Raised his eyebrow
Squinched his cheeks
I smiled and awnsered
"its my only escape"
"Can I be your escape" he whispered too quickly to be thought over
I couldn't figure out if he meant it or just felt it in his throat
But I took a breath, thought little thoughts and
I replied
With some sort of absance of the emptiness inside
Based on a true story
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
I recently dis covered
In such a simple and unexpected way

Brush your teeth
And then drink hot chocolate
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
Love is respect and I respect everyone I meet
It's then you're responsibility to let it fall or let it keep
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Silent heartbreak
I never revealed my true heartthrob
And now you'll never know all your beautiful pieces
Like the way you look from a distance
Or how easily your eyes give you away
Or your laugh for instance-
An explosion of color in a room painted grey-
All things kept secret
Words forbidden the taste of air
   she'll never see them
Buried deep under skin
But I've witnessed a world of you
Remaining -and to remain-
Marissa Kay Jan 2015
I hate that some people create the idea that poems have to have structure

Can't something just be completely raw
And intricate and beautifully unorganized without the World trying to conform it into being utterly and equally as boring as everything else
Marissa Kay Jan 2015
You're the type of thought that I hide from my mind because it hurts to think about
Marissa Kay Nov 2015
i'm getting better and better at being heartbroken

now, when my heart starts to shake
i hold it tightly
that way there's no room for heavy breathing
Marissa Kay May 2015
"Oh God"
I think
Now I miss you.
That's the first step you know, to ******* heartbreak.
Nothing ever feels completely mine , and you especially will tell my heart to put that to the test.
But no. You know what? No more experiments. The conclusion is too much, the variables are too abundant
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
The absence of you is
My loss
And the presence of you is
My loss
Because whether you're with me or not
You're never mine
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
So desperate
For color
So desperate for a reaction
Tears came easier
With color
So deeply stuck under skin
At last with final breaths she picked up the lines that let her cry
The one thing that allowed release
And Color spilled
Their final piece
Last attempt for peace
Marissa Kay Aug 2015
I don’t have thoughts about you.

I have thoughts about myself through your eyes.

Because I know exactly what’d they be impressed with, what they’d hate so much yet, fall deeply in love with.

Until now

It’s different.
Different isn’t even a word.
No word is a word, and no thought is a thought, and no symbol is anything of symbolic texture.
You are not you and I not I.

This is too real to be in a form of reality
Marissa Kay May 2015
I'm not even satisfied with the idea of being satisfied
Marissa Kay May 2015
I might just keep ya around for a while
So you fall in love and out of style
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
Was there ever a moment
That my breathing set the rhythm of your heart
That the separating of my lips slowed in motion, all you dreamed of the night before

Was there ever a piece of me that you fell short of- a fantasy you failed to fulfill
Because for me there was,
  But like you, i do not make that clear
Marissa Kay Apr 2015
You would be good for me
And I think that's the problem
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
You're barely a stranger yet you hold every part of my emotions I wasn't even sure still existed
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
Why is it that I can't connect to anything
Why is it that I can hear my lungs pumping in my head
What made me numb to every bit of interest in anything that looks me in the eye

I long only for a rock in the sky
Marissa Kay May 2015
That maze on the surface of your brain
--I'd like to get lost in it
Marissa Kay May 2015
He's looking at me in that way again
For a while he wouldn't look at me at all
But now
I feel his glance, from the shadowy blinks of his too-blonde-to-see eyelashes
And I hope he tastes the regret on his tounge

I take big steps
;because I can
My lover that knew me whole
Now knows me not at all
And I crave to be that torture
Marissa Kay Nov 2015
i prefer a room filled with darkness over a lighted one. i can’t think under the sun, it yells and screams and forces itself to be noticed. The heat suffocates me.
But when it rains, nature is nourished. When it rains, the sky stops pretending to give off all this energy that it truly doesn’t contain, it takes a deep breath and says “okay, okay, I’m sad.”
And crys.

i hear all kinds of people talking about happiness like its the only answer, the ultimate goal.
But to me it just seems like an act.
my happiness isn’t like most people’s happiness. My happiness isn’t a smile, or a wink
Or a giggle or a chirp
Or a high-five or a holler. Those things don’t appeal to me. my happiness is a gaze. A symphony of violins. A sunset. Silence.
my happiness always has this hint,
although sometimes very faint,
of sadness
Marissa Kay Sep 2015
I only cry for my heart
I always make it about how badly my heart hurts

But for you?
It's like I no longer have one...a heart.
I just steal yours and hook it up to my body

I love to feel your pain
Marissa Kay Oct 2014
All I ever wanna do

Is walk cracked streets
On sunny days
Inhale the breeze
And exhale a phrase
Marissa Kay Oct 2015
"Has your heart ever been broken?"


Its never been fixed
Marissa Kay Nov 2014
What do you gain when you've got nothing to lose
Where do you go when you've got no mountain to move
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
I guess I just expected you to care a lot more than you did

— The End —