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Aug 2017 · 117
Dark Gothic Heart
I look to the sea
viral implications take me to the surf
along the rocky ledge leads to an old abandoned house
you hear the intense pounding of the waves outside
a cobblestone walkway lines the entrance to the inclosure
the limestone permeates the small structure
a creeky door open to plants inside having moss
an old woman perched in her rocking chair begins to speak
"My name is Martha I'm the owner of this home & I will tell you your future,
you have a dark gothic heart with a temper that is unmatched."
Suddenly a black cat thunders through the home with a screeching noise
Martha continues," The devil lead you to this home in search of blood for tormented souls,
you have been given a gift with an aura of sophistication".
At that the woman said nothing more but pointed at the door
Outside in the back of her yard were skulls lining the main exterior
I couldn't take it any more so I ran so fast to a nearby stream
Looking into the water I then saw my mere reflection
I was left to wonder what the old woman really meant
a figure moved to help me gain my composure
of that of a hunch back creature having viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
Again I ran away to hide frightened
At last a nearby meadow with a clearing sought me to venture further
It was then I realized the true message of my gothic heart
a cool breeze calmed my spirit & soul
noting that love was the mere essence of my existence
I sat alone & collected my thoughts
Aug 2017 · 108
From The Heart
If it means anything to anyone in this group I love everyone equally I'm a lover not a fighter. Life is to short to have hatred in your heart. So if you want to believe in God fine if you don't that's fine to. I'm not here to argue even though my reference to pig ***** was a little rough though. No, you are all free agents to do whatever you choose in this life. No, I'm not being a coward I'm just expressing my real heart felt sentiments inside. Just some thoughts by which to ponder or perhaps a heavenly call from up yonder ?
Aug 2017 · 110
Take Off Your Masks
We all have issues in this life none of us is perfect. There will always be someone better then you in this life. But you can be the best you can be in the mean time. See positive reiforcement strengthens the heart. Good things should be told to each other to keep each other solid. A living breathing human being is what we are with real feelings. Some of us are dessensitized to this very notion of thought. Afraid to express their true emotions. Instead they harbor under a false hidden garb of compromise. Let us return to the fundamental basics of love that truly made this country great. Stop being something your not. We each wear masks that are easily taken off from time to time. Just be yourself people can tell is your lying or not. Most importantly God knows the real you the one deep down inside that people try to hide away from society. Be people of positivity ask for the favor of almighty God & share with each other his mighty love. Amen
Aug 2017 · 202
Gothic Demonic Illusion
out of the depths of the earth there lies a swell
of a great story I'd like to tell
to delve into the midnight madness of the bowels of Hell
your body lies frozen in time
the casket is slowly lowered into the ground
you are locked as you awake to demonic bites
viscous long hanging fangs dripping blood off side
you close your eyes again want to run away to hide
now it's just you & Satan going on for a ride
bowels of hot sulfur & radiated fires of impulses
your very soul is a loose tonic in the beverage of death
blackened stench with skulls surrounding you
the immense screams of torments in weeping, wailing & gnashing
minds plugged in eternal destruction

a hole in the center of the vast formation leading to fire
intense agony as you gasp to take a breath
eyes with holes having spots with tombstones in brain
no chance at turning back you are now captured in Hell
the billows of hot lava scorch your gait
a deep odor of sewage permeates through the vast domain
your heart explodes into the corrupted way of the ******
Satan laughing spreads his wings in flight
gross premonition of demonic henchmen doing his bidding
liquefied fragments of death launched at you
screams of pain staking patrons under garb of evil
walls of vast petrified extreme with bats over head
the walking dead of sinners marching to their doom
When will this madness end ?
A poet looks intently at our world through a visible but very delicate lens
Does all of the wishes that they aspire come true ?
Well ! It all depends ?
Yet through those delicate eyes we derive a most solemn surprise
For some maybe their grace has not fallen on them ?
I don't think as a poet as a liar per say,
Rather, someone who connects with that half of the brain
That no one bothers to tap into,
Although for now though dimly,
Yet what one does today will forever be echoed throughout all eternity
Poetry/ Hits on many topics and aspects of life,
Relationships and material
There can be no substitute for the real you
Hence, it's all based upon choices,
For the materialization of the given subject matter,
To equate one's whole being as squeezing the tooth paste out
Hence their is always still some **** left in the bottom of the tube
Still what may be true for you may not be for someone else ?
The poet should have a keen sense of vital improvisation
Yet to not relent when critics start bashing one's subject matter,
This is a clear indication that as a professional writer
One must pay real attention to the mere tone of the subject matter,
People could see through the lies
Lastly, a true poet never dies,
Rather lives on in the many hearts of their adoring fans
Aug 2017 · 574
Grasping For Straws
you have many personalities inside your head
face full of lead but I'm still not dead
I need love I need you I
I am no more than a blade of grass
no more than a shell
cast out of the sea
no more
than a bird
in migrant flight
nor am I less
than a star whose light
penetrates infinity

yet last night
When a half spent moon
Lay on the ***** of heaven
And day's heat pressed down
The sides of mountain peaks
To squeeze the desert floor,
And all the world was weariness
Which the stars wept to see,
A desert songster
Insolently free, joyously
Lifted melody
To the moon, and teasing a breeze
Into cooling the night
And drifting the yucca's perfume
Bringing heart's ease to me
Aug 2017 · 178
Keeping It Real
Hatred Doesn’t Make You Cool I’m Keeping It Real Tonight. No, Hatred Comes From Satan. What you should pursue in life is love. Love that comes from heaven by way of Jesus Christ. Thugs use hate to demonstrate their pride. But pride was the chief downfall of Satan. We need to join hands and start to really love each other that which is spoken of in the bible. We can start by honoring our mother and father. Then spread the love out to your neighbor. See friends it started way back in the garden with Adam & Eve. For the serpant Satan deceived Eve into taken a bite of the forbidden fruit in the garden. Ever sense then mankind has rebelled into a cess pool of sin. Satan wants you in Hell with him & he has his demonic henchmen doing his bidding for him. Friends give your heart to Jesus Christ let him take first place of your life. You will all be richer & blessed for it.
Aug 2017 · 242
Tick Tock You Don't Stop
stop what you doing

beep beep you don't stop

I got pop rocks in the bottom of my socks

one eight hundred on the dial


buddy buddy what's your call

smoking fat blunts in my garage

sugar is sweet like sweet like the honey

homeboy is broke cause he ain't got no money


I'm in a hurry so why do you worry

working too hard can give you a heart attack

out swinging his bets cruising in his Cadillac

the big mac attack


it's the blind of the blind soon will fall into a ditch

the snitch very cool meat on the bone

like Home alone

got music in my veins not insane


Crazy is a lazy boy in the crib

Sitting back with those magic ribs

Summertime & the honey's are sweet

hear the music from my head down to my feet


it give one pause to think

Can't even think to dismiss this Earhly bliss in a time well spent in thought

there's a dozen of pots in my sink

you think break to the rhyme the rhymes filled with reason


it's the changing of the season without a reason

cruising down the neighborhood look for some props

getting caught being chased by the cops

took my forty & my nine they can go kiss my behind


bruh, bruh, bruh, don't you know

it's not what you know rather who you blow

time is a killer doesn't stop for any G-unit hood

doing no good as **** life would be


Rocking these rhymes busting out making sweet history,

I say hop, hop you don't stop rocking till they day is done

run, run, run getting capped in my knee cap having no fun

sugar can sweeten my smile with glee


Living in a land of make believe

what is one willing to achieve

banging on the hard cement floor

like homeboy Tony kicking it with a two bit *****


more, more, more

in the plausible quest

we can pass every test
Aug 2017 · 179
The Union
I was lying on my back look up at the ceiling
Trying to come up with a wheel or dealing
See I kept a diary sense I was young
I captured my dreams filled up with kings & queens
far off places with knights and lances
In one such dream I can make things move with my thoughts
Flying guitars through the house
Snap shot moments of the past

Having so much fun with a hope it would last
Trading places with flirting traces
Deep inside we have no reason to hide
Some dreams filter through the manic extreme
Faces with tombstone eyes in their head
It's the walking dead face full with lead
The demonic and deranged
A chance at which to rearrange
Laying back once again
Now I'm being paid a visit of a beloved friend
From the savior I have grown to depend
Yet beneath my window there lies faces, traces and spaces
I got goo on my shoes so at times I sing the blues
Still I dig much deeper then ever before lest I implore
Dreams can teach of many lessons of life
A dash to splas in the ocean of oblivion
The union is when God came to me in his son Jesus
I must confess through all of the madness
There was a chosen way of escape
Through the only key that will open heaven's door
you crossed me
that did it
you insulted my intelligence
yet who are they really anyways ?
you live behind four walls that close in
it's too late you blew it
my pride is on the floor
lest I implore more
but that of what
a challenge to be free is a quest of time
you gave me the *******
just remember there's four fingers pointing right back at you
have I bitten off far more then I could chew ?

Now your messing with a *******
give you another lousy dish
you tend to sweep things underneath the rug
no sense of remorse from me & no love
you bit & devour with viscous fangs that bite dripping blood of side
go run away & hide
standing alone with a noose around my neck
what the heck is this life for ?
it's not known in a Studio 54
nor of that a Warhol piece of Campbell soup cans
hopefully someday you will understand
that you can't get away from sticking it to the man
life is to short for losers like you
sit back with your spaghetti with sauce & Ragu
you got eyes of blackened hot wired stench
ears that hear but you straddle the fence
said you read your books in school but you haven't made a dent
try to even the score lest I implore
another place in time hence another door
Aug 2017 · 103
we could dismiss this earthly bliss in a time well spent in thought
skull bones with viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
eyes with spots having holes
let's escape to a darkened world below
fires of screams of the ****** in Hell
sorrowful tears flowing off peoples faces
Satan in the center doing his bidding
it gets a bit heavy when your feet can't stand steady
molten rocks with blackened stench of fumes
fire with blazing eyes that pierce your soul

weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth
the bowels of the unconscious yet very conscious
piercing skulls with worms the smell of stench
swirling circles of grey tubes in elusive form
the darkened briars of sewage
can't breath can't catch your breath
rocks that explode before your face with demons that hook
grab a hold of your flesh tightly with screams
throbbing pulsating heavy beats of dire madness
the explosion of black extremities on the impulse of your soul
charcoal urination on your face hands & wrist
exploding into a dungeon of ****** fervor
your mind has erupted into ever increasing doom
no escape no exit
no chance at heaven for you are forever locked in Hell
Aug 2017 · 142
The Message Of The Cross
Tonight you maybe hurting perhaps your at a bar ? No that someone cares about you deeply far more then you could ever imagine. You maybe sitting on the sidelines of life wondering what this life has in store for me ? You weren't created to live in fear & isolation. No his love was such just to cause some of us to follow. You maybe thinking thoughts of suicide, addiction & vice. Well friends turn your hearts and lives over to the awaesome care of Jesus Christ. He died on a wooden cross over 2,000 years ago for all the world to see. He took the awful blow of the Roman soldiers cause he had you in mind. Your very heart & soul was and still is on his mind. Jesus Christ loves you and wants a relationship with you. One that will last for all eternity. If one individual hears this account it will make my life worth the living. To share the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone will to hear & receive. Amen.
Aug 2017 · 146
Jesus Saves
you read your books in school bruh
they taught of lessons needed in life
some how along life's way you got lost
busting down doors sleeping with ***** ******

rap scene was you first priority
flirting with fire of Satan's burning desire
trying to get you higher
you were so blind you couldn't see

now your messing with a *******
you realize eternity is a long time
had to stop all your dope rhymes
yesterday it was wine, dine and 69

got to keep it real cause the truth will set you free
let the devil flee as you king on to Jehovah
turn your life over
you wake up late stating it's one of those days

getting lost in a purple haze
take a chill pill & wear your Sunday's best
swing in your corner and turn your thought life over
yesterday we used to pray

yet today you say it ought not be that way
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves
you were a mouse stuck inside a maze

until you gave your heart to the savior
now your eating another ice cream flavor
disaster was your best friend
slipping & sliding nothing was guiding

today you stand ten feet tall
cause you took your chance with the king of kings
the world outside is so very mean
coming back to your first love

kick that old dog Satan underneath the rug
Aug 2017 · 190
Expose The Lie
I live in order to expose the lie

The lie of self is shattered when I walk by,
For I could never live up to your standard
Under your selfish thumb...
Now today I'm numb,
Under your very selfish thumb...

For I'm not some puppet on a string.
Do you all know what I mean ?
Yet I still can't put my finger on it,
Still in front of us there lies a legacy of death...
It smells like teen spirit

We have no where to hide
In order to deter the ride,
Hence to hide from all the pain
Yet we all tend to compromise,
Can't we see through all those jealous lies... ?

For today, who lay's the claim ?
This greedy sabatoge can make one insane
Yet who sets the claim ?
Were only dealing in some bargain basement shame
Such a soft reply,

In order to build up enough faith
This is in order to pass the ultimate test,
The pathway that lies to the common restitution...
Perhap's I should start a new found revolution
Hence away from what you all learned in school

No one can't find this in a bar or even in a pill
To turn our backs on evolution
Yet sin still comes at a heavy price,
For one given chance at which to roll the dice...
Still when a person is in great need

Society today gets a bit greedy in order to watch one bleed
Still the sharks prawl around in search of their meat,
By sticking their sophisticated noses in the air
Who the Hell would care,
Those hot headed ****** lead many to despair
Aug 2017 · 124
Just A Thought
I am a teacher of children and father with none
I am an artist with a different frame of mind
There is nothing that strikes me like the lack of trust and care
Among fellow humans, what a waste and I don't dare

Please tell me the real motive, I will try to understand
The time is getting shorter, let's make this moment fine
We breath the same air, we use the same soil
The water is all ours and the skies we all do share

What else is in there that is hard to comprehend ?
Don't we all look for the same in our lives and in our destiny ?
Let's stop and think and let's set a change
Because the time is ours and our children will be soon gone

Or we will find ourselves mourning in the middle of a quiet storm
It all seems so ironic that after all our years
See ? at the end of the road ? There is something for all of us, dear
The same hole and the same fear

Let's live with ample joy because our hour is almost here
Aug 2017 · 123
Letting Go
Remembering lost thought and unseen smiles
Constant urges come upon me unannounced and send
chills throughout my entire self
My dreams don't allow me to see, the heart, as well as the soul

letting go...
In need to move and feel the wind
Words just seem to sound better on paper
There are only some days when you feel like

nothing can bring you down
I get dizzy just standing still
But when the sun is shining or the moon is full,
then why does it still rain ?

I can never tell if my world may be coming together
or simply falling to pieces
I feel this could be a good thing
I'd like someday to see a black cat with crystal green eyes

All of my tears have turned to smiles
and when I wake up, the sun is still shining.
Aug 2017 · 482
A Dreamer Of Dreams
Outside my door was a rainbow of color
I'd never seen before,
Then God saw fit to deliver you,
right to my very door

He set the color of blue in your eyes
through which I now see summer skies
The color of pink upon your cheek
that keeps me smiling through the week

The color of night on your downy head,
which rests so quietly upon your bed
Your skin is snowy white
and shines translucent in the light

You are a true cherubic delight
Your lip was formed from an angel's wing
and when you laugh I hear them sing
The colors in my life now have a special ring !
Calamity spreads his ***** wings
Like a vulture, preying on the old and weak
The helpless children, shaking and shivering
But for a mother's touch

In the dim twilight, quiet red on the horizon
We kiss him goodbye, slowly and torturously
With dry, cracked lips and burnt, peeling skin
The ache heavy in our shoulders and hearts restless for sunrise

He spreads his dusty wings cautiously, looking back
But we do not. He flies away
Slowly, heavily, weighted down by so much death and disease
He is a sickness growing weary

Dying embers of a campfire,
Mostly smoking, choking out the last bit of orange
Heat as the moon makes a final exit from the sky
He flies into a reborn sun

Reborn as we will be with the light on our faces
A dingy feather lying still on the ground, a reminder
He is a ghost now, a whisper, a silence
But ready, always ready to return
we got to get things in check
watch what you say & do
others have no idea
getting lost in the sauce of high ideals
inside we hide behind four walls that squel
these are desolate times
yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
the casualities are enormous
for a stated cause that's atrocious
let's look above to the heavenly love
many sweep things underneath the rug
been getting caught up in the mix
take some time to fix
you got dreams sense you were a child
running outside getting a bit wild
to bad he had to die
Different strokes for different folks
he taught us to think outside the box
that homeboy sure did think a lot
today we get caught up in the land of mean with evil schemes
folks coming apart at the seams
got caped in the back of the head by a stray bullet
people need to turn back to there first love before it's to late
some call it destiny others ponder with fate
get out of your beds we are turning into the walking dead
need a heart full of love to break the mends
heads in the street need a lesson
start confessing...
Life, is it really worth living for ?
I did not know until God opened the door

And there he was in the shape of a big, bright, spiritual light,
He said, Son, believeth in me and everything shall be alright

So every morning I get down on my knees and pray:
God, please let me have another clean and sober day !

Though I often have thoughts of suicide
And tell the Lord: oh, how hard I've tried

Then I asked him for a way out of this bind;
With a silent voice, he answered: my son, one day at a time

Before I called upon him I had one foot in the grave;
but like he told me, believeth in him an thou shalt be saved

When my mind and nerves become idle,
I become secluded and read the bible

So now I am saved and will always wear his sign
And will never forget the blessing he placed in mind !

Now that I've found myself and my goal
With dignity and pride I can shout out, no !

No one wants to be a drug or suicidal fanatic;
So remember, that's life through the eyes of an addict !
Aug 2017 · 78
Sometimes I Cry
Got to keep it real but sometimes I stare at the four walls that steal
I like to keep it all in until it starts to get heavy
No **** of a smoke on a blunt to implode
I suffer inside having no good reason to run away & hide
Still I seek for a higher power relax & take a hot shower
We each go through things in life amidst the given strife
Sparks fly through the duration inside my brain lest I refrain
I cry for the lonely hustler on the street trying to get something to eat
I cry for the widow in her deep affliction
I cry for the humble in every situation
So I take my time to write down a list
To show what I thankful for
A reason by which to explore
A pause to reflect on a sparkling array of blissful care
I thank God everyday as I bow my knee to pray
Others may claim it ought not be that way
Yet who are they any way
One needs a heart saturated with love
love is the essence of one's inner existence
Never join in the resistance
Some times I cry in my dreams
evil screams things that come from a world so very mean
I cry for the poor in their affliction
Life was never intended to be easy
How you fought so hard and fierce
My one truest love is gone from here
A challenge to be free is a question of time
My one solution is using my mind
Living on the edge and it's going to my head
Sitting up at night all alone in bed
Following the rainbow to the sky
I see a vision of you pass me by
Our war were in is almost over
it's so hard to believe I lost a lover
© 39 minutes ago, chevyvent   society poems • friendship poems • love poems
Aug 2017 · 120
Holy Spirit
a shudder,
to frolic in the dire ambiance
a spiritual awakening
a peace that passes all understanding
the go between
the comforter
a heart saturated with truth
in order to withstand the true test of time
angelic premonition
a deep longing

to seek deep into the heart of the manifestation of God
Jesus came to open are hearts
to turn us from Satan onto God
that we may have forgiveness of sins
inheritance among us which is sanctified within thee
the soft pitter patter of sandaled feet
a breath of wind
to light to sun set amidst the day
a humble need to bow the knee to pray

Holy Spirit I surrender take me where you want to go
help me daily in your presence so that I may grow
with tempter on fire with blazing eyes of vengeance
daily my portion will be just to be with you
love is the essence of my inner existence
God is not a man that he should lie
comfort my heart may you never depart
live your light through us
give us wisdom therefore with all thy getting gain understanding
keep us by the power of your spirit
give us the strength to over come sin, self & Satan
a challenge to be free is a question of time
light of illumination
sought to be with us to the end as believers.
My Personal Testimony As A Christian :
I came to know Jesus Christ in 1979 at the P.T.L Club in Charlotte, N.C.
was baptized by their pool by brother Anthony.
Had the opportunity to meet Jim & Tammy Faye Baker there.
Growth for me as a Christian took time I went to various Pentecostal Churches that were spreading the world of God.
I always read from the King James Version of the bible.
Since 1989 I have written more then 1,000 poems and two short stories featured on line.
Many years would pass having every reason to grasp the true message of the gospel.
I decided to enter the New England School of The Bible in 1996 studied under very good teaching by Pastor Townsley.
A few years later I drifted away back to alcohol & drugs.
Then I repented in 2007 and joined the Wolcott Christian Life Center.
It was there I discovered the 12 steps of Christianity & prison ministry.
I went to  Manson Prison unit in Cheshire Ct to spread the word of Christ there.
That brings me up to today in which I'm a practicing Charismatic Catholic at St. Michaels Church in Waterbury, Ct under the pastoral care of Rev. Labarda.
Jesus Christ to me is the true essence of life. He's my love the reason I get up in the morning.
I share with others daily the true message of the gospel message which is Christ in you the hope of glory.
My life verse is II Corinthians 10 vs 3-6.
Thank you for the opportunity in sharing my personal testimony with you all.
In Christ,

Poet Mario William Vitale
The sun is the light of my life
Shining so bright and so clear when
Even that I'm near. When I'm sad the
Sun is right near to say no matter where

It maybe she is always near
Just look to the heavens my dear and
Still pray because we will always be near you
Our son is hear with me thanks to God

I'm your sunshine he is your clouds so you see
My dear that is why we will always be near
Always look for me in the snow
White clouds shining and watch for your

Guiding angel
Did she wonder, as they wandered
Far away from all their kindred:

Why tell strangers we're not married ?
He said I am so fair to see

So could we lie, for his safety ?
He said his soul shall live because of me

Uncovered eyes make men bolder
Are we a chip on God's shoulder ?

Since God restrained me from bearing
My maid and I are wife-sharing

Once she conceived, she despised me
Judge between us. I made her flee

Now Abe sits in the tent door, seeing things
And I have to laugh at what I'm hearing

I hear that I shall have a son
My firstborn son, at ninety one

God made me laugh, for all to see
That all who hear will laugh with me

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-laugh with me
Aug 2017 · 94
A Hopeful Rose
The powerful voice of loneliness is screaming through her mind of twisted halls,
All too painful to hear, she absorbs them into her cotton ball walls
But, beyond her tea-blurred vision and through her pounding heart

She hears the voice inside her that is worse
than a dagger through her heart
Her shadow's darkest moments are filled with hopeless pride
And her tongue tied conscience is all whom she has to confide

But the rose that is trying to bloom, within
her salty hand, will never wither, and never be taken away,
Because this, and this alone, is
what keeps her going day by day

the embrace...
Aug 2017 · 77
Keeping It Real
Keeping it real from the heart: We need to talk, Why is it that some people get away with things in society & others don't. It's a double standard. Also how come atheists have so much hate in their system ? Love should become the essence of one's inner existence. As a society we are slowly drifting away the fundamental values in which make are country great. This leaves me feeling ton inside. Many people today live by sight behind a false hidden garb of compromise. Can't we see through Satan's evil lies. That's why I think faith is so beneficial it's believing in a substance of things unseen the evidence of things to come. Just knowing something superficially isn't necessarily biblical truth. You have to back it up with the word of God. Still it makes me wonder when someone dies have they been actually dead for years until the moment ? Sin is actions in which humans rebel against God. Miss their true purpose for their lives. Surrendering instead to the prince of the air more then God cause all their deeds were evil. Still faith without works is dead if not put into action. Even the devil believes & trembles inside. Only one life is soon to be past only what's done for Christ is going to last !
Aug 2017 · 165
inside my brain lest I refrain
lies a deep impulse to explode
the notion of love that comes from heaven above
I was given this gift as a child
with pad and pen & a need to pretend

hands, heart, face & smile
cause I knew all the while that in time I would shine
to feel the warmth on my face by the sun
the conquest at hand to have a bit of fun
although those many years would pass
I had every viable reason to grasp

therefore gain wisdom & with all thy getting gain understanding
a challenge to be set free was a question of time
I had to sit down & learn how to rhyme
of far off places with kings and queens
just another flavor of my favorite ice cream
I searched high in low to be found

inside I used to hide behind four walls in my mind
why does one negate logic for fear ?
for I shed a single tear to help numb the inner pain
not having a good book in hand was driving me insane
Suddenly I found myself in the fast lane getting lost again

until the supernatural came in
now I could hold my breath & count to number ten
a beacon of hope to a hurting world in search of love
fallen from the heaven's from God above,
I fell in love with a unique craft of poetry
lost in sullen brevity amidst its extremities
finally came full circle to who I really am
just to know deep inside that God alone had a plan
Aug 2017 · 225
Summer Love
We both met at a party so long ago
A breath of fresh air was in sight
A moon glow at the edge of the end of the night
As I looked deep within her eyes

It was then I saw a future
Filled up with hope for a brighter tomorrow
We then took a walk through a barren pass
Holding hands as we entered an enchanted forest

To hear the sounds of a nearby flowing stream
Rocks, sticks & stones
It was both of us there left all alone
Just couldn't resist for I had to kiss

Her soft lips with beautiful brown tan
Soon are very soul's intertwined and we were on the ground
Yet didn't want to take it further onto the next level
So we settled for necking and soft caressing

For back then I had chosen the proper words to say,
"She dances in a ring of fire, yet throws off it's challenge with a shrug".
It was at that very moment I knew she was the one

For I had fallen madly in love
Summer love was the mere essence of my existence
A true real love that would last
Amidst the frolic of everyday brevity

A love to impart to last throughout eternity
The smell of her perfume when she walked into a room
A décor of a sparkling array of illumination
For a man, the feeling inside should have never been hidden

One must first seek a higher source to be forgiven
For true love is patient & so very kind
Created & crafted in by a great designer
My summer love was so very rich

Filled with sweet sentiments of humble kindness
To reflect on the mere beauty of her unique smile
As to know all the great while
Polished dresses with earrings that sparkle

Eyes with blue & a hint of green
I will treasure the red rose I plucked for her
A time before the ocean sun set in
A sparkling array of sweet blissful care

None the worse to wear
A heart of gold saturated with a soft kiss
For I will ever miss your very touch
When your not there

Block parties with the fresh barbeque
Listening to classic music as Huey Lewis & The News
What can end my summer blues ?
The soft touch of her present beauty...

For there will never be another lover
Who would never wander
But I'm often left to ponder ?
Love that was so tender and never blind

Yet you can't make your heart beat something it won't
so she let go of my hand in search of the world
Yet she was the fullness of love sent down by God from above
Hope we can meet up yet once again ?
Aug 2017 · 69
liquid Torn Illumination
smoldering duration of piercing eyes lurking
searching & seeking in the midnight blood
portals filled with vast darkened madness

eyes, hands & face
following headlong at the seams
the mind is vast has many connections
some are lost torn to a world of scorn

Scientists search for a reason to believe yet what ?
there the tool of the government & industry to
they have bitten off more then they could chew
Liquid torn illumination

hearts are beating today to the brigade of doom
death is there plight having viscous fangs that bite
eyes with spots having holes
others ponder there flight in the midnight air

As a space ship looks down to planet earth
looking on to the immense expanse of space & time
to look into the vast domain with an inner torn reflection
the inner mind is fixed with noise pollution

that's why many cleave to suicide as a solution
they hide behind the dark hidden garb of compromise
Can't we each see through all those lies
At death's door there is an immediate sting

the illumination of love in its twilight aura of revolution
everyone believes in something but what ?
no one questions anymore no one has a voice
having eyes with tombstones in their heads

these are desolate time yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes
still a human heart won't beat something it can't
we each have to find what's true & false
the marching orders are for sure follow the golden rule
Aug 2017 · 118
Equestrian Horse
out of the vials of the pit of my soul
one may evoke fear or that which hurts you the most
I had fallen asleep after a bitter long day
hadn't had the time to bow the knee to pray

I awoke to a vast land with caverns & blackened stench
in the center of the excursion sat an equestrian horse
filtered through my mind a sparkling array of blissful care
once again a demonic force had sunken its fangs in my flesh

darkened portals of liquefied personifications
viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
I melted inside once again starring into a vast curtain of extreme
still I had my mind fixed on the equestrian horse wondering why ?

fires of smoke enveloped my fragile egg shelled frame
not getting back to the present world was driving me insane
smoldering duration of piercing eyes watching & gazing
Satan laughing spreads his wings

still the horse what could I do ?
have I bitten off far more then I could chew
eyes with spots having tombstones in their brain
smoldering heat needing to quench my thirst but nothing their

suddenly right before my eyes it appeared the equestrian horse
I got to really see the deep colors of red, black & grey
lifeless embodied structure that brought back youthful sentiments
Sadly I immediately awoke to the sound of a crow

I will forever treasure the memory of my dream
a challenge to be free is a quest of time
sublime, eyes, hands & face
a cause of triumphant discovery from another dimension in time
Aug 2017 · 103
Biko The Woodsy Owl
Biko came down from heaven
brought a message from Jesus to impart

the sun comes up every morning in full view of the day
one must be humble enough to bow the knee to pray

I'm a messenger from the most high God
as a beacon of like to a hurting world in need of love

Harken onto me dear woodsmen in your strife
I'll draw waters from heaven for you to quench your thirst

for I was hear with the Timber Wolf basking in nature's sway
fill my beak with fallen residue that fall from ivy dew

Come bask in the vast expanse between space & time
we are all chosen for a purpose from a grand design
Aug 2017 · 79
Tomorrow People
I planted a single seed left long ago
In time roots sprung up out of the fertile soil
In the game of life your time is very brief
try turning over a brand new leaf

many people today seem so very out of reach
these are desolate times yet we settle for ill faded rhymes
casualties are enormous for a stated cause that's atrocious
a mothers cry as the door bell rings

vanishing salute to freedom as the church choir sings
let's look above to the heavenly love
merciful one come take this chip off my shoulder
stop the senseless fighting as our nation grows a bit colder

Tomorrow let's pray for better days
instead of people getting caught in a purple haze
eyes, face & hands
when will we ever live to understand

you can't stand in line while kicking it to the man
how you have fought so hard & fierce
my truest love is gone from here
a challenge to be free is a question of time

Tomorrow people will achieve if one can perceive
it's more then a philosophical rant
one must succumb to the business at hand
hopefully someday all will understand

for love is the true essence of one's inner existence
a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of hope
hope that can evoke feelings of positivity
in a land so full of their negativity
Aug 2017 · 93
I'll Forever Fly
I'll Forever Fly

The many shades of blue I see,
Far out in the sky
Say my name and beckon me,
I wish that I could fly

Fly above the deep blue seas,
And pain upon the land
For once again I shall be free
And holding no one's hand

The single thing I long to be,
Flies within the sky
I'm not and angel on her knee
I'm a bird that flies up high

High above the swaying trees,
And soaring with the sun
I've lost myself within the breeze,
And now we two are one

For now my problems seem to flee
And I stay in the sky
My problems set my spirit free,
And I'll forever fly
Aug 2017 · 68
A Precious Gift
If our love was blind,
I would find a way to see it
If it was unable to speak,
I would find a way to say it

And if it was unable to hear
I would find a way to listen
But our love isn't blind
It sees from within our hearts, minds, and souls

Love is a very precious gift and to receive,
but once it is lost,
It can never be returned in the same way again
Love can't be measured in size or strength

For it is what is within our heart
And it can't be described in every way
For we all love differently !
Jul 2017 · 104
Follow Your Heart
Magic breathes life in our hearts
Destiny resides in our souls
Our path now shimmers unshadowed by the night
With one embrace partnered by a tender kiss, the bounds

of time and distance crumble through fingers like drifting
grains of sand
Dream time is the place where I am alive
Green eyes ripple into lipid pools where miracles draw me

to your heart
I am free to swim by your side until the sun sets and
rises with you again
Life is my dream

I love you
Jul 2017 · 103
How Beautiful Is Thee
How Beautiful Is Thee

How sweet thy name
I speak it and your voice calls
I hear wonderful whispers from your lips
Followed by the smile bestowed upon your face

How beautiful is thee...
When you cry, a tear strikes my eye
When you laugh I roll in it
How beautiful is thee....

When you gaze at me
I feel alive
When you touch me with your tenderness
I feel alive

How beautiful is thee..
What magic do you possess
How do you spark the fire
That holds me within

What do you see in me
How beautiful is thee...
Jul 2017 · 129
Vanilla Ice
many moons ago let the truth be told
word fresh from the under toe
there came the likes of a white rapper
Vanilla ice baby
girls wearing hot with the hot bikini
Sucka M.C. in the place to be dropping sweet rhymes
Making sweet history
Bust a nut in a rut got kicked in the but
rappers today don't put on much a display
it used to be the old days not at all that way
with the likes of the hook up from Kid and Play
always sifting for the latest trend my friend
then he starting doing metal which got him no where
he needs to get back to his roots in rap
as a one hit wonder is it any wonder he had too much time on his hands
always trying to be B boy & sticking it to the man
had some crazy dancing routine a blend of M.C. Hammer & machine
now a days you don't hear of the dude
I guess it goes to show he's not in any mood
still I got his tome quick to the point to the point of faking
will it ever stop man I don't know
A one of a kind rapper who can't be forgotten
See ya on the flip side cheese
Roses are red with colors that bleed
Jul 2017 · 350
Electric Kingdom
Isn't it a pity when you hate the city
So no **** good with snake pit lion's den you need someone to be your friend
Like Mickey Mouse & Daffy Duck chasing each other in a bush
The whole wide world is in quite a rush
Yet such a kingdom does exist
Can you catch my drift
In a far off place in search of trace in
A child hood fantasy in a dream whole new scene
With dragons and kings with queens
A court jester killing the village scene
We got trolls living in holes with dirt as their ceiling
Nothing shady in my electric kingdom
Lot's of folks tripping cause I'm on a mission
A vision of twilight sun tainting the vast array of its sparkling ellagance
Such extravagance at first glance a timely dance with a fare maiden
Looking lips shooting hits take some time to move those hips
A sought off excursion in my mind cause the dragon got me in a fix
I mix with tempers of fire blown up in full desire
An angry elf just bit me in the arm so sound the alarm
I came to get down & paint to village town
Electric kingdom where the creatures are so real
Some may claim it as a no good deal
Horses with valiant lances never given any second chances
Took a crap in the distant bushes with a push in
This is a place inside my mind some call me crazy but I am not blind
Rap is good in this place of dreams holding my own as my vison gleams.
Jul 2017 · 78
Viscous Fangs That Bite
Satan has demonic forces doing his bidding
as I drift to sleep I'm not kidding
I go to a world with caverns filled
straight from the river of ****** death in Hell

there is creatures sporting viscous fangs that bite
dripping blood off side with eyes filled with holes
sulfur of deep ****** premonition taunts my soul
Dark embedded structures with remnants of flames

this place is for the mentally insane in the membrane
no drink of water to ever quench my thirst
fire breathing dragons with evil intentions
as I roam this wretched place of desolation

I pant for a serious question like is this my fate ?
Do some soul searching & this is what I come up with
There are two paths you can go by but in the long run
There's still time to change the road your on

That's why I pray everyday so I won't go to this place of the dead
Silence of a memory that taunts my intentions
Vast darkened caverns with demons I must flee
It's a reason to believe in a real savior to save me from danger

Satan laughing spreads his wings in this world of sin
Now I have a true purpose now I know where to begin
I have come to close not to turn back now
No use looking back when your hand is on the plow

Caged barbaric remnants I will see no more
As I gaze in the vast display of heaven's shore
For faith is the substance of things unseen
There can be no use for me living in a land of mean
Jul 2017 · 402
The Hustler
yesterday we used to pray
today you say it ought not be that way
I was born in the gutter my mother was a *****
she sold her junk in the trunk in back of the liquor store
I was raised by my grandma Mable
feeding her dog underneath the table
back then as a young G living came most naturally
as the years would pass having every reason to grasp
those silly days of my youth with the loose tooth
shopping trips at the nearby mall
playing bat and ball at the end of my street
Pop Rocks those fancy socks eating candy with the dots
loose lips sinks ships took some time to move those hips
Went to high school thought I was way to cool
smoking **** listening to boom box with Scot Lerock
block parties that where it began the day I became a man
working on my tan selling dope down at the 8th Street Station
getting busted by the cops doing time
made a name for myself on the streets
The hustler was soon released had the best of suits but a noose around my neck
What the heck had to put things in check
Had my mind on my money but my money was gone
Until that day I went to church payed a visit with the savior
Now I get high with the Lord up in the sky
No fly by or getting shot in the eye
God is good to those who love & put him first
Most of my friends were in the back seat of a hearst
The moral of this dope joint is have faith in God
Forget about your good for nothing friends yet who are they anyway
Let us learn to stay humble everyday and bow the knee to pray
Couldn't share my story any other way
Jul 2017 · 79
Crouched in his cavern of coal
The miner does time on his shift
Black permeates body & soul
As he digs out the energy drift

He can't lift his head to stand up
The pay seam is less than a man
His body conforms to the rock
Solid boundaries limit his stand

So the judge with the law binding down
And the priest with a precept to hold
So the doctor with medicine bound
And the bureaucrat cast in his mold

Have in common with men in the mine
No way to stand up to full height
Rock hard limits society finds...
Ways to bend men...
and keep them from light
Jul 2017 · 159
White Lies
Dreams of passion filled within my mind

Screams of Satanic laughter in my soul

We lost touch long ago

You lost weight I did not know

You could look so fine after all this time

Remember those days hanging out at the village pier

I shed a single tear to help numb the inner pain

Not having you in my arms was driving me insane

Days with fun with Pop rocks & bottle tops

Sneakers in the high school gym

It used to mean something to hold open the car door for your lover

A great sense of respect has taken a back seat for temporal lust

In a fast paced world in quite a bit of rush

The white lies that you told have taken root & grown

We used to make out in the back seat of my car

Danced until our hearts content down at our neighborhood bar

White lies of crazy money coming in

Now its best to hold our breath & take it all in

Yet we have come this close not to turn back now

Why turn back when your hands on the plow

Cause sugar is sweet so sweet like honey

Now its up to me to take home the money

Just holding our own after all these years

Cheap beers & the tears flowing down from our faces

Have to settle for a pair of Goodwill sneakers with those funny laces

Life is a trip so try to take it all in

Learn from your mistakes a good way to begin

Gave my heart to Jesus had to forfeit my sin

We are but mice stuck in a cage

looking for escape thinking we got it made

Be brave & hold your head up to the sky

Follow the golden rule so read your books & stay in school

But you say that's not to cool

White lies come & then they go

White lies come & then they go

Get the beats straight & increase the tempo
Jul 2017 · 295
All You Critics Suck
excuse me what did you ****
you always got something to ***** about
nothing is every good enough for you
you have bitten off far more then you could chew

still your not perfect son neither am I
you got sweat so much where pigs do fly
Critics **** I mean who are they
I'll stay humble enough to bow the knee to pray

I believe that God is the ever constant amidst all your inconsistencies
I'm holding my own with my hand on the phone
theses Satanic demons choose to never leave me alone
we are at war why you kicking it with a two bit *****

Critics can kiss my ***
they ain't getting by on any free pass
they come to ****, steal & destroy just like there homeboy Satan
I'm choose to cook up something light by frying it in bacon

you best be leaving on a long awaited vacation
they will never help you cause they can't even help themselves
perhaps its best I put that book right there on the shelf
there a spitting image of a Keebler elf

See bruh positive reinforcement is good for the heart
Critics you know there jealous you see
there the type of people that watch as you go ***
nothing good about critics you see

I'll take my chances & make sweet history

© right now, chevyvent   society poems • friendship poems • nature
Jul 2017 · 104
Light of illumination
filled the tiny vortex of my mind
A world colored river earth cloud and storm
Forestry crosswinds and fire

Ah natural madness beautiful madness
A sweet perfect chaotic choir
So I can drown snug in a sublime mire
And stand under waterfall of senses and bathe

Only to replenish the infinite orb of me
The glow of life this heavenly orb
Kept within everyone's old locket of sight
Then express I into free and walk into flight

With burdens plus pain hung from swift wings
Exploring portraying recording
The when and the being
Holding inside

Emotional spin time keep in heart beats
Thought sweeps and breath leaps
Yes forever in glide
Another man holding time

Using soul as a guide and breathing in deep
This life my soul reaps
Jul 2017 · 114
Boom Chaka Latta Boom
sip on your wine
come kiss my fat behind
now stand in line
run to the ocean where you could do some fishing

licking the ***** with a wooden spoon
got junk in my trunk take some time to take a dump
Boom Chaka Latta Boom
go clean up your ******* room

got clothes upon clothes
and saving your crystal dish
playing up your nose with a rubber hose
Goochie hand bags for my lady

working all week saving up for my lady
we move to soon &we'll get jumped
took a ****** in the back room waiting to get pumped
***** ain't nothing but meat on the bone

I'll **** it, I'll **** it, I'll leave it alone

kiss me in the shower its my hour of power
kiss me in the shower it's my hour of power
suicide is no solution stop all that noise pollution
put your hand in the hand that stirs the water


Blinded bats with eyes of sulfur
viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
viscous fangs that bite dripping blood off side
go walk away or run and hide

Boom Chaka Latta Boom
the renegades have sealed their tomb
watch your rhymes as you go in for the ****
late night party can't pay the bar bill

look you best be taking a chill pill
so see ya on the flip side cheese
can't praise the Lord until you get down on your knees
working this rhyme just as busy as a bee

got to keep up with the law &order
look how she swings that bolder holder
six gun salute &this rhyme is over
yet its still all good cause I'm wearing my 9 on my shoulder
Jul 2017 · 142
It Wasn't The Nails
Suffering is a part of life, and I say
But sometimes I just wish the suffering would go away
Pain seems so useless, its purpose is so hard to find
When I'm in pain I'm often abrupt, rude & unkind

But Jesus had much more pain than I ever will;
His suffering was the way he chose my sins to ****
He died of lack of blood and lack of enough air
Into his lungs, and to me it seems unfair,

To die for my sins on his cross up there
It wasn't the nails that held Christ to the cross;
It was his love for us that put him at a loss;
For air to breathe and blood to flow

And in the end, for his life to go
My pain has purpose when I unite my pain,
With Christ's pain on the cross which was for my gain;
Gain of forgiveness of my sins on my soul

And for other's sins, too, to make us all whole
So I'll offer up my pain for others, and not complain
For my suffering may help them repent and not sin again
Suffering is a part of life, I know, and I say
Jul 2017 · 100
Hungry For Heaven
you struck a chord yet deep within
white lines that filtered through my brain
the lover in life is not the sinner
the less that you give your a taker

through the head of a small child learning to dream
coupled with the given ambiance of the moment
sincere promises made in the dark
will light the inner spark to where I'm destined to go

we seek for shelter among the wolves that howl
blind wolves desperately bleeding in the night
shadows block the sun in my search for fun
I'm hungry for heaven burning the midnight oil

take too long watching water to boil
dig much deeper then ever before
Dig much deeper then ever before

A willingness to explore the vast perpetual universe

For a cause of true brotherhood & togetherness.

One needs to capture the true essence of their youth.

Carve out time each day to meditate or pray.

Share your unique creativity to a hurting world in search of love

As a beacon of light to a much battered existence.

We need to break the amends answer the call.

Live in light of eternal implications to suffice.

We only get one chance at which to roll the dice.

The modern man does more then search through his Sunday morning newspaper

Sort of a caped crusader with the memory of Steve Jobs in tow.

To evoke creativity toward the mass populace.

Common courtesy by holding open the door for a neighbor

Searches for truth with all of his heart

This will light the inner spark to what he has been waiting for.

Search for the true riches that Christ has in store
an open door by which to humbly explore
the world, the lust of the flesh & pride of life
never relent to ever give up the fight !
Jul 2017 · 77
Hungry For Heaven
you struck a chord yet deep within
white lines that filtered through my brain
the lover in life is not the sinner
the less that you give your a taker

through the head of a small child learning to dream
coupled with the given ambiance of the moment
sincere promises made in the dark
will light the inner spark to where I'm destined to go

we seek for shelter among the wolves that howl
blind wolves desperately bleeding in the night
shadows block the sun in my search for fun
I'm hungry for heaven burning the midnight oil

take too long watching water to boil
dig much deeper then ever before
Dig much deeper then ever before

A willingness to explore the vast perpetual universe

For a cause of true brotherhood & togetherness.

One needs to capture the true essence of their youth.

Carve out time each day to meditate or pray.

Share your unique creativity to a hurting world in search of love

As a beacon of light to a much battered existence.

We need to break the amends answer the call.

Live in light of eternal implications to suffice.

We only get one chance at which to roll the dice.

The modern man does more then search through his Sunday morning newspaper

Sort of a caped crusader with the memory of Steve Jobs in tow.

To evoke creativity toward the mass populace.

Common courtesy by holding open the door for a neighbor

Searches for truth with all of his heart

This will light the inner spark to what he has been waiting for.

Search for the true riches that Christ has in store
an open door by which to humbly explore
the world, the lust of the flesh & pride of life
never relent to ever give up the fight !
Jul 2017 · 88
Dose Into Eternity
Dose Into Eternity

A solemn choice for Monarchs blend
beneath the barren sod I reflect
the notion of death in its timely plight
forget the night & the day is far spent

I have lived a life that's full
filled with happiness & sad times to
perhaps I have bitten off far more then I could chew
one in twain yet marked on a blotted page still clearly intact

working to hard can give anyone a heart attack
yet through the duration of time I have created a rhyme
a tug at the heart will light the inner spark to where I need to go
choose to bury me upside down so the watching world can kiss me

we frolic long in our temporal dwelling
fix our eyes on the sophistication of the day
a humble desire to ever bow the knee to pray
yet the unbelieving world claims it ought not be that way

still deep inside we hide behind the four walls that bind
its best to leave a lasting legacy in a world of make believe
many choose to live by sight & curse the day they were born
swallow your pride cause deep inside there's a star transformed

they teach you in school to act proper & be cool
yet who are they I pity the fool
when all that you have to give & your time comes full circle
don't ever get caught playing second fiddle or be in its middle

Only one life is soon to be passed
Only what's done for love will last
For no one in this life gets by on a free pass
Aim your arrows high in the sky

Watch as the eagle will soar high as it fly !
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