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 Jun 2014 marina
 Jun 2014 marina
i am afraid of my own
of myself, of the things
my dad dreams, of no
answers, of asking
questions to my
pillow at 2 am
out loud and
my voice
so soft
and mistaken
like it really shouldn't
be there.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jun 2014 marina
 Jun 2014 marina
i wove a flower crown
for you; how could i
forget? i want to tell
everyone how much
i love them for all
the things i cannot
say to you, i'm
still trying to
write you
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i was fine   before you so i
will survive after you, but
it's  just  that   i'm   having
trouble figuring out  what
parts of me have    always
existed     and  what  parts
are         your         creation
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
I need to open myself up and throw
away  all  of  this  stuff  inside me
that  tastes  l i k e  leftover  milk
and rotting   t o m a t o e s.   I
stupidly   let    out    all   the
f e a t h e r s  and sunlight
you've   been   sneaking
into  me for the  p a s t
year and I want them
back  I  want  them
back I want them
back  I    w a n t
them   back   I
want   t h e m
back I  want
you   back.
 Jun 2014 marina
 Jun 2014 marina
that kid phil wouldn't shut up about **** and
acid, downing a can of pabst blue ribbon, the logs
snapped and I let the moths drown him out, because
the stars are so much louder (my silence is so much
louder than it used to be) have you ever wondered
why moths are such idiots?
he asks. I tell him they're
just looking for the moon and everyone goes quiet
because, what? They wanted to believe that moths
aren't just searching for the light too?
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jun 2014 marina
 Jun 2014 marina
this charcoal is a part of me
and I believe i can erase my
mistakes with a chunk of
rubber, i can gesture draw
and not worry about the
lines, because all the lines
are me and i am all the lines
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

remember why you do what you love.
 Jun 2014 marina
left you at the station
wrung out and dried
on a train to I-don't-
know-where, but I
bought the ticket
and I was ready
to lose you, I am
ready to lose you
I left you at the
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Jun 2014 marina
Erin Atkinson
I've been
     to find
            words to describe
the secrets
            of ancient bones
            hidden within this temple
in which i've made my home.
Perhaps if you took the time
to study
              the walls I call
                    my skin
               covered with
graffiti & hieroglyph,
You might find
                ­                                 truth
obscured by
my own lack
of knowledge
                         on where
                               and how
                         to begin

So maybe I'll start
                                 with the
                             big           BANG
every moment
of recorded history
that lead up to the exact
                                  explosive moment
when our lips met for the first time
and i slipped
into a new    

I only want to fill silence

           with your                             
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