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 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
today after work i went to see you
and i shouldn't have
god i shouldn't have
because when you opened the door
i forgot everything i was going to
say. you looked so lovely- like you
had just gotten out of bed although
it was five pm- and you didn't tell
me what i wanted to hear but for
just a few minutes your words
were meant for me again.
"I never lied about loving you, but
I think it's best if I don't talk to you
so you can be happy with someone
 Jun 2014 marina
 Jun 2014 marina
developed a little
bad habit per say
started smoking
cigarrettes on
summer nights
each one filling
my lungs with
thick smoke leaving
tastes of you lingering
on my lips
 Jun 2014 marina
Coke still doesn't taste quite right
After our 2 parts whiskey, 1 part coke nights.
 Jun 2014 marina
they were all crossfaded
and brendan probably
doesn't remember telling
me that everything was
*so beautiful and you look
like pocahontas
(c) Brooke Otto
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
I will not
for wanting
to know what
it would be like
to sleep near him,
to know what he sounded
like as he was drifting off, to see
his tired eyes in the morning.
Because I was trying to find
something in   someone else
for the first t i m e  in forever
and  that's  okay.   I  will  not
apologize     for being selfish
just this one   time when my
life  has  been  a     torrential
downpour           o f         m e
every   ounce   I  have inside
of me to   o t h e r   people up
until this point.  I just needed
to  know  how  it  would  feel
to  be  next  to  someone  ­new.
I  hated  it,  for  the  record.
He doesn't breathe like you.
 Jun 2014 marina
michelle reicks
I want to be a place
   a safe haven
                    for you

a place
                 where you are warm

       I want to be a home,
I want to be your bed

         you can come here

   strip off the clothes of the day

                  as peaceful as
           a sunset lake

                   in me.
 Jun 2014 marina
Megan Grace
He asked me if I ever worry my
life is like The Truman Show and
one day I'll wake up and realize
everyone around me was an actor,
that everything I thought I had
known until that moment was a
lie. But god I worry enough for
a whole village and if I added that
to my list I would never sleep
never eat never brush my teeth. I
do not know how to steady my
hands anymore when I think
about how you told me you were
in love with me and you didn't
mean it didn't mean it didn't mean
I'm sorry for my lack of actual poetry lately.
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