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As I drown in a sea of *****, I reach for love with every breath. But when I had love I missed the woman and awkward mornings, I crave so very much. The grass was greener but after I stopped giving it the emotions and fuel to be green it died like the relationship I got out of. I want what I cant have. We are so tech prone I can get a girl like I can get pizza... one call and 15 mins later I have some hot piece at my door ready... without any effort.  Why try? Why do dates, hold hands, love? When I can feel all those emotions in one night cuddle if need be and not worry about fights or drama... but I still seem empty inside... am I really my own worst enemy? Is my Achilles heel inside? My heart, only touched by ones I can barely choose to let close? Or is it all just noise.
you are endless wordplay recorded over a blank coffeeshop soundtrack. your lips throw out pun after pun, but your throat hums to the ghost of a song you swore you didn't listen to.

you are smiles across the breakfast table, blinking too-little sleep from your too-bright eyes, talking too loudly about how you don't need rest when you can get drunk on life. i laugh quietly. the dark circles give you away, my dear.

you are long nights and warm blankets and repeating "we should go to bed" until it sounds like a joke. it is hard to fall asleep when the blood is singing in my veins and my dreams are coming true right in front of me.

you are soft corners and sharp edges, too strong to stand firm and too fragile to break. your footsteps falter and even your confidence has cracks, but i'll admit it's comforting to know that you're just as scared as i am sometimes.

you are fast-talking and over-explaining, and you never do anything halfheartedly so you are also lying-too-easily. but it's okay i never wanted the truth anyway, i hated how it dimmed the memories and haunted the empty space on my mattress. i like how that space is taken up by the curve of your body instead.

you are called a paradox, white wolf or black sheep, predator and prey at odds and at peace. and you are called downward-flowing, like the way i am falling faster and harder for you. then again, maybe i like metaphors too much. maybe your name is just a name. maybe it's the most beautiful sound i've ever heard.
but i call you love because you are the only reason i have any inkling of what it means.
a secret to
not being hurt
one way prescient
to release and go quiet
I need to quit caring
and go away
alone and barren.
(Java Jibe)

This  night is very different.
It is young
The moon is out full view,
But it's like there is no moon,
It is dull, it doesn't glow,
Looks like a paper moon.

An empty corner meets my eyes.
Window is closed...door is ajar,
Posts...ceilings...walls...all are naked,

I sigh,
But, a sigh is just a sigh,
Not encouraging in this piercing cold,
I find no help offered.

...just a plate to my left---with stuff..

I take a sip,
A *******, I dip...
Maybe, I could bite a tip
Or...a drip
From the dip,
Again, more sips...
This time, no more dips...
Mind is now deeply dipped,
W a i t i n g...with the hands
F l e x i n g.....ah, I'm
T r y i n capture them now,
Stop these kites from flying
Away, out of my brain, fleeing...
This moment......I now seize,
Will stretch it to long hours, into a night of bliss,
My hot, strong, bitter drink always helps me clear the way,
The boulder, is now fragmented...crushed,
Pushed further away, to flow towards a lazy, lethargic river.  

It matters not to me,
Could be a poem or a ditty
This is a supernal moment
When ideas so potent
Like tap water, flows with no end.

This is one of those nights
When I would fall, then rise again, and take flight
Reviving inspirations to a glowing height
One moment I can't let go...I am in a JAVA JIBE
Oh, I've never been so A L I V E !



Copyright 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
No matter how many times
you wash your hands,
They'll always be *****
with the blood of the innocent.
It's all about power,
You like control.
Vultures like you,
Picking on the weak.
Hit me when I'm already bleeding.
I know you take joy
in watching people break.
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