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Oct 2016 · 349
Marco Batista Oct 2016
The persistence
Of this gloomy eyed beauty
Smooth sailing out to sea

Where do you want me
It's your decision honey
In my reality or yours

Bad habits
Will We ever get this right
Bad habits
Faded out of sight

I'm flying and knee deep
So let's hold hands
And get back down
Aug 2016 · 331
Marco Batista Aug 2016
Love is flooding my body, it's a strange feeling. I'm entrenched in vulnerability , every word held hostage. I was always running away from it , scared of it controlling me, scared of it destroying me. This time I'll dive into it with every inch of my being. I will soak my decisions in this emotion. I hope she doesn't know that she can **** me. Drop me from the heavens to faceplant in the concrete. That she is my vice, the one that rambles consciousness, scrambles my soul. **** a rock ,she's my mountain.
May 2016 · 354
Perfect scene
Marco Batista May 2016
This is the perfect scene
A man with a siliconed personality
A woman with a siliconed body

This is the perfect scene
People validating themselves through a handheld device.
The environment taken hostage under our pollution.

This is the perfect scene.
Apr 2016 · 290
Marco Batista Apr 2016
I see the horizon change when her eyes dry.

She's made of constellations.

I hold her soul with the deepest devotion.

The world hurts when she hurts, thunder and tropical storms.

Religion is a product of her.
Apr 2016 · 772
Self Adulation
Marco Batista Apr 2016
Lying lives more then living nowadays,
Tedious times are the tormentor.
Moments passing minute by minute,
Never enough for the naturally ordinary.

Self-denial and delusions are deemed reality,
Irrational ideas seem more than illusions.
Loving loosely has become everyone's legacy,
Awake yourself, become aware of me.

Emotions are at a pinnacle.
I'm bursting with lust for self adulation. Don't ever attach yourself to external gratification.

She's caught in the crossfire of my self destruction.
Apr 2016 · 341
Marco Batista Apr 2016
She's the habit I can't break.

My collective consciousness can't seem to collaborate with the world unless she's in it.

She's in the depths of my being, simmering just above the boiling point.

I have a maturing addiction to her, a mental hypnosis that lightens my darkness.

She's the habit I can't break.
Mar 2014 · 810
Marco Batista Mar 2014
The manner of her tongue was a bit antiquated, yet her personality was heretical, rejecting traditions.

She is an ingenious paradox and I'm a little abashed to say that I'm in a state of extol.

However I came to the consensus that I will safeguard her inaudible heart, scorn every hint of dismay, and feed it to the vultures.

I have jettisoned my own grotesque nature, for she is my alleviation.

It might sound querulous, but she is the pinnacle of my languished existence.
Jan 2014 · 680
Where's the Coffee
Marco Batista Jan 2014
Lying lives more then living nowadays,
Tedious times are the tormentor.
Moments passing minute by minute,
Never enough for the naturally ordinary.

Self-denial and delusions are deemed reality,
Irrational ideas seem more than illusions.
Loving loosely has become everyone's legacy,
Awake yourself, become aware of me.
Jan 2014 · 2.2k
Marco Batista Jan 2014
Feels like I'm fighting forever with these demons
Underestimating the toll it's having on my body
Can't let complications control me, just confuse
Killing the negativity could resolve this

Make me realize what I'm worth
Excite me with the possibilities

Harass me with profound positivity
Accept my unpredictable atrociousness,
Realize, realistically,  that I can love.
Dance with my emotions, set me free.
Jan 2014 · 3.6k
Alliteration Epidemic
Marco Batista Jan 2014
Life's pleasures painfully pass leaving,
Foreign feelings to fulfill my fantasies.
People plagues themselves - profound professionals.
Lonely Love is our generations epidemic.

Mission is to make money and misuse morals,
Serving success somberly on silver spoons.
Indulging in insecurities is hard work,
Dumb decisions is our generations epidemic.

Love is a limp language, lust's legacy is forever,
Trash transcends to trends, don't tech the toddlers.
Confusing emotions corrupt my kindness.
Selling selfishness is our generations epidemic.
Dec 2013 · 856
This is true love
Marco Batista Dec 2013
I shiver when thoughts of you infiltrate my brain
I become empathetic when I hear the sickness of your name.
I use to love you, I use to sacrifice for you
Now the pictures I have left of you are rotted
You slowly sunk into my darkness and now your stuck
Stop haunting me and leave
Leave ****** and damaged like my insides.
Leave scared and addicted like my past.
Baby I use to love you, now look.
Nov 2013 · 557
Marco Batista Nov 2013
Lord my soul has been dismantled, pandering out of my rib cage it's looking for a new breeding ground. My face is neutral but my body is in a panic. The food for my thoughts have been rotten for days and it's hungry again. I'm not a virus, I'm not infected. Over and over it's under my skin. I can't break this underlying addiction. I want to be what you drown and manifest in. Let me be your overdosed addiction. My ****** organs slowly turn when our faces use a language it only understands. I can't control it's ticks.  Let's destroy ourselves and rebel in the madness. Such perfection me and you losing control.  Get a little closer let yourself unfold. My brains faucet is leaking.
Nov 2013 · 810
Congested Chest
Marco Batista Nov 2013
My cogitation suffers inside
Pleasured by neglected infections.
I will damage your insides
Leave you naked and misdirected
Naturally Im taught to take what's mine
Leave emotions uncollected.
Push aside honest lies, unfaithful dreams,
You die inside every time you fail to speak.
Im the darkness you love
The disaster you carelessly seek
The trouble you need,
The obsession that initiates your thoughts to bleed
Lets leave our fantasies to be teased
Beg for the sin of love on our knees.
Marco Batista Nov 2013
I Jammed the pain inside, to wait for the defects to reside. Today strays and wanders away until it's stuffed down inside the void of discomfort. Let's roll our imagination onto light able paper, light it, and watch it burn..

See because that's what addiction does. It overrides your body latching on your inner artistry for its fuel. Pretty soon you become a machine, something mindless. Fasten your seatbelt because your on auto-pilot.

Now the transactions of your body really start to inaugurate. Your internals no longer has what it takes to fight, to resist, so now come the alterations.The tips of your fingers go hand in hand with the tip of your tongue. How your saliva's lust for substance dismantles the chemical compounds. Your taste buds loving that all too familiar feeling. Your greed full blood consuming every inch of it. As the destruction slowly trickles down your throat your anxious. Then the finale comes, the moment you've been waiting patiently for  the manipulation and overhaul of your brain and your reality remodeled, your home.

In those seconds pain is never an option, never a thought. Your lost out at sea. But that's all it really is, seconds, minutes, sometimes hours, just a little more time to stick the dysphoria on the back burner. When in truth you've just deepened the scar and exposed it to infections. When it's gone your left with broken thoughts that feel unrepairable.

Addiction doesn't just come from pre-packaged materials, they come from every entity you wish that blocks the truth out. They come from unfulfillment , pain, and soak themselves until you are left with no control. You have to fight, fight for your life. Face the music
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Attempting to Hustle Life
Marco Batista Nov 2013
I look for the source of the disaster. I look in the mirror and it decides to screech. I'm lusting for love and a dime's worth of affection. Haunting vibrations are crippling my decisions. Everyday is unedited from the previous one. Looking for new high's in a comfortable setting. I want to change reality forever so I soak myself in fantasies and exchanges that don't really exist. Im sick of being stuck, nailed to my vexatious living pattern. That's what life is really about, patterns, how you change the patterns. How you leave a mark, a little piece of you, dwelling in forever. I'm a creationist, I consume to create, destroy to rebuild. I'm bored so I dang on the edge of abyss's . I want to see how far I can go, how deep can I scare history. It's all a matter of perspective really, what you sink your desire in. You could be the most beautiful tragedy, a crying saint, a god, love, the Devils cashier. We don't live by rules, there can't be rules, we will never reach our full potential. We have to stretch every emotional and physical boundary we have. We have to be successful or we lose.
Nov 2013 · 853
Crooked Young
Marco Batista Nov 2013
I want to insert you in my veins, sniff you into my thoughts, drink you into my soul, overdose in your presence. Plagued in disasters, I need redemption. Free my bastered soul, it’s mischievous and deluded intents. Let me be your fear, set you still lay you down, sink my teeth into your throat and take whats pure. Your legs on my shoulders, let me drown in you. The way you live needs love, the way I love needs alterations. Submerging ourselves in broken dreams and empty vows. Lets **** until our heart drops, gasp until our heart stops. Choke on our words, praise fake lords, pursue diseased ******. Let’s create for havocs sake.
Nov 2013 · 779
Marco Batista Nov 2013
My thoughts are rotted and my soul smells like sulfur.
Violence has become habitual, spirituality has become vexatious.
I'm a ****** scene, the bright yellow on the caution tape.
My brain , my heart , they still need to make the distinction that there in the same body.    
Emotions have a deficiency so I yoke them up and ******* them to people.
Long enough in an abyss and your suffering starts to suffer.

Being beautiful, respect ? What's the point ?

I want to die with scars on my faces.
I want the broken bones, the bruises.
I can't go out with this charming face, it isn't honest.
I don't want to be a copy of a copy of a copy.
I can't control my shakes I shouldn't be enjoying this
Nov 2013 · 615
Marco Batista Nov 2013
The cravings I have for you are undisciplined, thriving by the second.

Every word you speak, every breathe you take I need to inhale and hold my breathe, selfishly, trying to keep as much of you vibrating inside me. Your my personal overdose, my rehabilitation.
Every interaction we have echoes until time becomes misplaced. The contact of our skin, collision of our emotions, carnality of our voices blending in. I was lost and erratic, you were my salvation.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Monologues for the Soul
Marco Batista Nov 2013
I am the thoughts that you want, I am the vibes that you crave
I am the truth that you flaunt, I am the lies that you make
I am the death that you fear, I am life with it's fakes
I am the breath that you breathe, I am the visions you need.

She steeps deep in my eyes, my soul is lost in her
She tells me that's okay, baby just do what you can
You are the drive in my dreams, you are the wetness it brings
You are the pleasure I want, you are the life that I seek.

I am not your love, I am the darkness inside
I am the fight for your life, I am the truth you despise
I am the crackle that breaks, I am the scars on your face
I am the anger that seethes, I am the secrets you keep.

She shuts my eyes, her soul is lost in me
She tells me thats okay, baby do as you please
You are the love that I need,  You are the weakness in me
You are the past without pain, You are the curse in my veins.
Nov 2013 · 791
Love and Me LOLing
Marco Batista Nov 2013

Myriad amounts of thoughts, feelings, attitudes come from the four letter word. Love isn’t a word to me anymore. It’s a rare gem entrenched in dirt and not a lot of people get to experience it, the pure and exact form at least. Love is a confusing word, trust me I’m not the only one who feels this way. Maybe not a confusing word, its definition is available to comprehend and interpret, but an abstruse action to execute. I think it’s the only word that signifies emotion but also has it. I know it sounds confusing, but you get it.  As painful as it might be, you get it. And those of you searching, she’ll find you, you’ll never find her.  What I’m trying to elicit here is you have to be careful with love.


It doesn’t sound to awful. At least to the people who claim they have it; to them, enjoy it. But to those people who’ve lost it. From it, those people who have been fooled in the pursuit. For those people who’ve had the taste of it on the tip of their tongue, the people who wanted to swallow it but never got it passed the state of digestion. I feel for you. You can’t get obsessive with it, let’s all agree on that. Love will cut you up if you smother her. People have this infatuation of asking: “Who’s the coldest ***** out there?” I’ll respond semi-charismatically: “That ***** love, she’s the coldest. She gets me so close, exposes me so open, by the time I realize her effects. I’m gone.” I’m being objective I swear. But you have to admit; the ******* is duplicitous.

— The End —