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 Oct 2015 Marc Jackson
We talked

left inside the texts

Eyes were glancing at me
I looked away

This head wondering
why it's so heavy

      Hiding all
the questions

Closed my own

I never wanted you to
made me felt this way

You were gone
without a word

       You said
you miss me

But won't come back

Then you are
 Oct 2015 Marc Jackson

Come the death

Take my breath away

Leave me alone without a soul

I had killed by man with heart like stone

Came and crossed the line to take the bruised heart

Irresistible as Juliet Rose but dead

Love of mine

Taken away never touched

One day you will see
How beautiful the star in my hand
That star I once dreamed to touch
The one I want you to hold

In the darkness,
… empties silence.

… tap; … tap; … tap.

The tapping?  
The pendulum‘s grandeur;
A passive state… to time.

Low, slow,
… distant echoes

A bid
… to serenity’s seduction.

Sweeping circuits,
Lap …long,
Against a pebble filled beach.

The tide calls;

Such foreboding waves



Taste …
The salty- sweet
… water’s sway.

Ache for desire;

To expose
… forbidden love’s impoverished tears;

An enchanting lure,
… hearkens

Come; … far
Beneath the rocky cliff.

My heart;
Wanting … ;

But no… !
Sanity holds…

It’s…  not time.

A snare’s line rings;
Time moves…;
… tap;
… tap;
… tap.
Time, waives protest
… to this recital’s longing embrace.

Simply composed;

A love’s submerging refrain.

A door,
… stills, open.

A room;
The keep;

Through a corridor’s long shadow,
The silence speaks,

Pride’s measure
… ticks.

… tap;
… tap;
… tap.  

Old tatters
Curtains dance.
Soothing drifts
…cool salty air.

… tap;
… tap;
… tap.  

A calm state;


Relics of a heart;

Composing drama plays to shadows;
Cracks on old plaster walls.

Glimpses return
… where waning movements hide;

The essence of sound and silence

An old window-seat
… gives audience to the stars.

In eyes of youth;
A young girl‘s heart… lives

Once more.
Time falls
Moments recede.

Ah, my love;
I hear the Harp’s comb play

As gentle as a sigh,..

Rolling Home…; Rolling Home…;
Rolling Home  across the Sea

A vow, misspoken;

To wait…;

… tap;

… tap;

… tap.  

Golden hair;
Your fancy to heather’s yielding flow.

A hundred long strokes;
As… soft tenders weep.

An altering hue;
… fades of time.

Now, twists shimmer of soft white pearl.

Time combs these long old satin strands.

… tap;

… tap;

… tap.  

Youth now spent; To wear once more
Soft lavender, love-knots.

Ribbons flow…

Aging wrinkles where once
Plump lips reach desire;

Now, the gentlest breeze
… plays prey of a beating heart

Take to flight.

… tap;

… tap,  

Yesterday is almost here …;

Years abandon
… to the dew scent heather;

Eyes close
To such need

… to touch.



… tap;

… tap;

… tap.
Altered from the first posting; Love feedback of subject matter?
I beg you
don't leave the sky

when dark clouds billow in the south
the weary winged hurry home

overhead on the dead blue
jupiter and venus are born anew

the wind slows to silence
trees loom night's shadowy ghost

nocturnal birds sing on their new day
you feel your breath as they fall

the clouds spread across the sky
cracked by the lightning

a drop lands on your stretched palm
soothes all the burns in you

you melt in love
by the torrents falling from above.

don't leave for shelter
I beg you
when heaven arrives here.
 Oct 2015 Marc Jackson
Holly Owen
a touch
a look
a simple word
causes my whole body to freeze.
a shock wave sent through my body
unable to move
i am not afraid.
i invite this feeling inward and
i allow this emotion to swallow
my soul completely.
i see this light
and let my body accept this presence.
i never intend to let this go
i always to want to feel complete
and whole.
for once i feel enough
for once i feel comfortable in my own skin
for once, i have accepted my soul.
as this light fades from my head to my toes
i allow all tension and all fear to

dissolved into the dark abyss and yet
i do not regret surrending myself
i feel complete and like all the hurt
was worth it to get to this moment.
i do not need another
i do not crave another
i do not need another to tell me i am good enough.
i need me
my love
my heart
my soul
my acceptance.
for in the end,
once the last word has been said
the last breath has been taken
the only person who will be my side
is me
Loving yourself is more important than searching for that love from someone else.
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