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 Jul 2018 Makenzie Odom
I wonder what it’s going to take for you to believe me.

Another sleepless night?
Another cut?
A deep cut. So deep the room screams scarlet.
Or maybe some pills, perhaps a few too many.
Maybe I should die, then you’d definitely notice.
And you’d swear I was always so happy, the life of the party.

But I was broken.
UK Samaritans Number: 116 123
Beyond the passion of colour
the wind is crawling over trees
clawing at loose clothing
and things
not tethered or secure.
Beyond empathic words uttered
it sings hollow
and then a full
settling its breath
to a sigh as it dies
beyond the texture it brings.
With nothing to mark
its existance except thee.
Worthless lives
That are burden on earth,
Caught in the cycle
Of death and birth.

Made me wonder
How don't they die,
Realized later,
No different was I.

A beggar I saw,
Body full of disease,
Looking for alms
'give me some food, please'

Broken and shocked I
Thought what can I give,
Greatest thing he had
Was the 'Will to Live'.
So I'm technically certifiable,
And you're the type that I want to keep around.
I'm the kind of person
That holds onto letters and movie ticket stubs
And drawings with hearts on them.

I'm not great at letting go,
But I'm sure as you've noticed,
I'm fantastic
At getting attached.

And I'm the kind of girl
Who doesn't stick around very long,
Because losing people is unbearable,
But I'm also the kind of girl
That sticks to her word
No matter what.

And what if I made a promise,
To both you and myself,
That I'm going to be around
For as long as oxygen sifts through the breeze?
And what if I told you
That's the only promise I need?

I'm shivering
And wrapped up in your sweatshirt,
And you probably fell asleep
(Not like I blame you, you were tired)
But I can't seem to tell if I'm shivering out of being cold
(As per usual)
Or shivering because I'm so excited
To love you.

You promised me
You're not going anywhere,
And maybe I'm a little sentimental,
But listening to music that makes me think of you,
Helps me come to terms
With how much I trust in you and that promise.
Everything is telling me that this is right,
And safe,
And I don't normally place bets
Because I generally lose,
But I'll write it out now,
Because I bet we'll make it.

Give me something/anything to hold on to this moment/you.
Sentimentally mental or mentally sentimental?
 Jul 2016 Makenzie Odom
 Jul 2016 Makenzie Odom
It's 4.47am,
We promised each other we'd try to sleep at 3.08am,
But I'm consumed by thoughts of you,
And this happiness and affection that'***** us out of nowhere;
Scares me.
I fear not a change of your heart,
For I've been there before,
Walked on that shaky floor,
I fear inadequacy,
You meteor of a person,
I want you to have the best,
And with no intent of self deprecation,
No tolerance for being told I'm worth it,
I know I will fall short,
I love you more than any emotion I've ever known,
But I want to feel okay about you loving me too.
Good night
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