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Madds Apr 2014
To you, To she, He and we.
To all whom I have met,
Thank you for teaching me
That I cannot make friends
And keep them, longer
Than 6 months.
Tonight is a bad night
Madds Mar 2014
It's been a while...
And time has become a ten-razor-clawed beast,
Ferociously dislocating the ball from it's chain.
Sharpening it's teeth on my ankles,
Ripping the false stability from under me...
There are not enough hours in a year
For you to fully comprehend how much I love you.
This was going to be about the amount of school work I have to do, but that takes away from the beauty of it now.
Madds Mar 2014
I am 26 letters more empty,
Than I was yesterday.
This world is the constant dripping of a tap,
Drilling into my skull one millimetre at a time.
This world is safely wrapped in bubble wrap,
Beautifully shattered from the inside.
We have thousands of bubbles to pop,
One god ****** pope at a time.
Interfering personal spaces,
Dancing wildly on the edges of dust.
We sit and rust on O2 particles
Kissing dreams of lust as our bones cuss.
Well, school homework turned into this. You're welcome.
Madds Mar 2014
Again, like a clogged drain filled with leopard fur,
The tantalising words of my next and newest mind burst
Seeped through and escaped.

Most nights I wish I could escape
From monsters I cannot see,
Hear or feel...
Are they even monsters at all?

I keep finding hell's butterflies,
but I don't think they're real any more.

Other minutes pass and I'm stuck on remembering
A single line that was never meant to enter my mind.

A whole day now has introduced a double cosmos
Swirling its nebula around my toes,
I'm still stuck here but it's cosy...
And I'm wholly overcome with mesmerising tastebuds.
1. I don't think hell butterflies ever existed.
2. The cosmos doesn't touch your feet, but if you stare at the stars long enough, you become them.
3. I'm tired
4. Welcome to my mind on an indifferent day
Madds Mar 2014
Sometimes I'm not home
But I remain sat, snug between it's walls.
Sometimes I'm home,
Existing only as a body,
A spent bullet shell...
Empty, warped and scratched gold.
All of the time I'm at home,
Yet, the wind traces it's fingers through my hair
Shivers down my spine,
My gaze to stars...
Peeking between cracks in the roof,
My heart to a parallel beat...
And I am not there.
My writings a mess of recent and it's ripping my brain to shreds.
Madds Mar 2014
We move by instinct,
Darling, move by instinct...
Shuffle past barriers,
Push through foggy eyes,
Hold me close...
Warm, together.
I'm crumbling darling,
Move by instinct,
Hold me in your arms.
Find a temporary repair,
My tourniquet.
I'm falling all over drenched eyes.
Faint screams ring,
Chiming louder and louder
The more you fade from view.
Move by instinct darling,
Move into me.
This is a mess, which I suppose is rather reflective.
Madds Mar 2014
I was going to write a poem today,
About love and loss,
Sin and gin,
But the motion was buried
By the question of how to drown myself
In the puddles outside my window.
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