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Poetry by MAN Feb 2016
What does it take? It doesn't matter I'll do
Famous last words spoken by a fool
Quest never ending for what is true
Match my wit it's on let's duel
Do you want it nasty?Well I can be
Bend you a new reality
Play with you..Play with me
Create my imagination so you can see
World premiere like a movie feature
Release inhibitions my sensuous creature
Adults play rough I wont beat you
Tickle your treasure hmm I might eat you
I'll be the teacher..time for schooling
Spank ***** red is my ruling
No expectations..stop assuming
Hunger for each other has us drooling
Bag of tricks long or thick
Lay them all out make your pick
Set explosion light your wick
Focus vibrate till insides spit
So tell me what does it take to earn
Passage to your passion feel its burn
In mind..In body..key I turn
Open up, let me in, I want to learn...
Poetry by M.A.N 2-5-16  This poem has been sitting in my drafts for a while it's got a **** vibe I wrote it for my **** Scorpio blog.
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Knock,Knock at your door
I'm here today to give you more
Hard I come to the core
My in and out may leave you sore
Words I pile to make you smile
Magic moments we keep on file
Expression of thought done with style
Write poetry that rhymes I go that extra mile
Good vibrations sent out every day
Many are the reasons why I walk this way
Inner child comes out to play
Can't see the wind yet still the trees sway
Knock,Knock please let me in
In eye of the beholder lives the sin
Justice blind create the spin
On foundation of loss we build the win
No more doors..No more halls
Eliminate doubt bring down the walls
Take a stand pick up those who fall
Tap into greatness within us all.
Poetry by M.A.N 12-22-15 I'm going through drafts doing edits and posting before new year..
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Spell is broken
Magic words were spoken
Gone is the hoping
Transformation in coping
Witchy eyes mesmerize
Truth spoken in lies
Undercover like spies
Today delusion dies
Now I must be mad
To want what's sad
Experiment with the bad
Sparks talent that I have
Who's the spell caster?
What makes one a master?
Some fail faster
Document moment of disaster
Love me cruelly
Intoxicated truly
Cursed..I long foolishly
Venus energy unruly
None can ever have me
Many want me badly
Love I give madly
Doesn't have to end sadly
Must've been broken
Before spell was spoken
Art wide open
Commence with scoping
Its all an understanding
Of what we are commanding
May crash before landing
Done with delicate planning
I'm a vibrational hub
Radiate unconditional love
Same below as above
Wrap souls with this hug
These words of magic blows all away
Deflect Spells of hate every day
Enter the game if you choose to play
We all live our lives in our own way
So light me up..Take this token
Potent I become when I'm smoking
Dive inside my love is open
This Phoenix shall rise when spell is broken
M.A.N 2-1-15 I performed this at a poetry slam earlier this year..It scored okay I've done a few edits on it since here's final version..
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Spark Me! Match my flame
Be warned when we burn up I will remain
Scars create patterns unique the stain
Suffering from pleasure transforming pain
Spontaneously combust exposing trust
Create a new definition of touch
All fantasies we can discuss
Tickle imagination till you gush
Harmonize sing ride emotional swing
Sparked no limit to what I bring
Bell goes ding watch me do my thing
Take flight fly high without wings
Extend beyond flesh personalities mesh
Pass every test with answers I am blessed
Been on many quests battled to the next
Phoenix heart explodes from my chest
Spark me! Don't get burned by ego's fire
Start with tongue..taste lips..vocal tone you admire
Stoke my flames..soul's dance in pyre
Set mark provide spark lets take it higher..
Poetry by M.A.N 12-16-15
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
I'm drawn into the darkness in your eyes
I feel at home I don't know why
Tap into energy you supply
Magic explodes there is no more try
Inside you I want to become
A warrior for your heart under each passing sun
Battle like a gladiator till it's won
Satisfaction in action you're sure to come
Never been holy a Devil I am
Don't have to speak words vibes you understand
Scorpio mystic powers I command
Practice creates the master who makes the plan
You can check the clock there is no time
Same way there's no limit to our minds
Words born from emotions that cannot be defined
Translated by a poet patterns become design
Keep love flowing infinite always growing
Not what I say it's about what I'm showing
Drink from the river of ever knowing
Fine tune inner light till its glowing
Did you put me under your spell?
Drunk with love my defenses fell
Detached from heaven I walk through Hell
Listen to demons and stories they tell
I write them all down chapters for this book
Analyze recognize path they took
Cast out heart meat on the hook
Appeals to third eyes many take a look
Dare touch caress don't mangle
If I Expose my wick will you light my candle?
Release tension heart strings untangle
Charmer of my snake all yours to handle...
Poetry by M.A.N 12-10-15 I wrote this one a while back it's a bit naughty but I assure all my readers I am nice..;)
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Venus cursed but well rehearsed
My Phoenix heart destined to burst
Through cleansing flames love remains
Venus Scorpio energy never drains
Love forever none can sever
Will pattern complete?..Um oh never
It's magic I've come to understand
Longing oozes from every gland
Once upon a jealous mind
Self doubt insecurities began to climb
Detective of truth delusion of crime
Search for dirt that's what you will find
Cast I am to play the fool
Angel..Devil face off in duel
Both lay dead in a pool
Manipulate become the rule
Inevitable the self destruction
Creative thoughts flow from every eruption
Buddha plans re construction
Shaman executes magic function
Oh my gawd I feel a change
With every phase I rearrange
Venus venom spreads like mange
Cursed my heart with love that's strange
Poetry by M.A.N 12-9-15 In honor of Venus currently being in Scorpio..♏️
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
It's not fair..nor do I care
Emotions breathe without air
No more power shall I grant
My heart blooms flowers like a plant
Refuse to follow will not swallow
Immersed in thought where I wallow
Thus I ramble a poet's gamble
******* soul here is a sample
Write it short or write it long
Write a song for all to sing along
Edit mind that's when I find
Insanity speaks in rhyme
A traveller will always go
On the path to their soul
Destination peace of mind
Activate it anytime
Leave a map all can see
Choose to elevate humanity
Simple is the truth
Hardened by a gangsta youth
Drama goes on everyday
Participate or refuse to play
Doesn't matter you are in the book
Captured by my writing hook
A character we all become
First you walk now you run
To the end or finish line
A blip we are in space and time
Identity do I own?
Reap what I've sewn?
Life springs forth from thee
In our children we can see
Evolution we all wear
Nor does it care if it's not fair...
Poetry by M.A.N 12-1-15
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