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See the moon in all its glory
Underneath unfolds this story
Milky thighs mane of red
Aroused only word needs to be said
See the wise in devilish eyes
Touch me..feel this demon rise
Tasting lips twisting tongues
Between your legs a river runs
Nature brings out the beast
Adventure when our bodies feast
Tribal drum creates the beat
Sacred ancient ritual complete
Hold my hand enter my mind
Energy increases as we climb
What we become can't be defined
I am yours you are mine...
Unconditional union within an illusion
In each others presence we are the solution
Spells unleashed motion is magic
Collide connect chemistry *******
Transmit love vibes from the static
Tantra poses muscles spastic
More than a dream is our scene
Share with you my primal scream
Words I write to make you swoon
Waxing..Waning like the moon
In your presence hear me croon
From my heart this melodic tune...
Cleaning out my drafts folder..
Feel me open
Bodies smoking
Highs in hoping
Keeps us toking
Ego stroking
Mental chicken choking
Limit broken
Receive a token
Attention paid
Moments played
Too long we stayed
Cherish memories made
In daily churn
Through work we earn
Time will turn
What did we learn?
Ask yourself..What is true?
Birth..Death we all go through
Break out cocoon become anew
Feel the open connect to you
I'm open...
Poetry by MAN May 2021
Wizard of word
My style absurd
Cross the line
The one that's blurred
What is written
May never be spoken
Feed the minds
Till they open
What is my magic?
Let me define
It's the rhythm
Laced with rhyme
Reach beyond
Transcend time
Work together
Humanity will climb
Ego power
Wilt like a flower
Without praise or constant shower
Needs a stroke every hour
All for fun
My words will run
Till the magic I become
Some may think an awful fate
An endless palette to create
Splash of love dab of hate
Master balance become great
For those who speak but are never heard
Living with sickness that can be cured
Every emotion must be stirred
You are too Wizard of word
Some freestyle I wrote awhile ago..
Poetry by MAN Dec 2020
Once in a Blue Moon I think of you
That isn't true every Moon I do
In the stars I see your face
I close my eyes share your space
Never far always here
In my dreams you appear
Become a man discover love
Search for truth hovers above
On a journey far within
We find each other begin again
Midnight kisses caught in memories swoon
Souls waltz forever under Blue Moon..
I finally took time to edit this one..
Poetry by MAN Dec 2020
I live
Much more I have to give
I write
To set imagination aflight
I feel
A hunger but not for meal
I need
Failures to succeed
I'm still around love y'all!!!
Poetry by MAN May 2016
Today I had a writer's dream
Challenged to create a scene
Shall I write some poetry
Release let it flow from me
If I had a **** to turn
All the way I'd let it burn
Molding letters with my tools
A creator doesn't follow rules
Definitions all in the mind
Meaning some will never find
A story that is born from me
Stolen moments of reality
As a writer I do the work
Reporter of the daily dirt
Putting soul into the lines
Insanity speaks in rhyme
Makes no sense so it seems
Waking from a writer's dream...
Poetry by M.A.N 5-11-16
Poetry by MAN Mar 2016
A poet is not perfect* although some claim to be
Scribblers of thought watchers of humanity
Pen every emotion fill it with devotion
Ride waves of passion chaotic like the ocean
A poet is not perfect with more than eyes we see
What's hidden what lies between prophecy
Future unfolding the past we keep holding
Now keeps rolling do you remember where you're going?
A poet is not perfect hmm what does this mean?
From life experience write a scene
Words forever blending combinations never ending
Translation of thought keeps the message sending
A poet is not perfect neither is humanity
Speakers of truth live on edge of sanity
Recognize what's broken book wide open
Read between lines multiply the hoping
A poet is not perfect many strive to be
Most fall victim to vanity
Born reactive to what's attractive
Division of emotions leave most subtracted
A poet is not perfect or what you might think
One universal mind flowing in sync
Discovering depth waking from sleep
Breaking silence with words perfect poetry we speak
Poetry By M.A.N 3-1-16
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