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2.1k · Feb 2018
my goddess
I Anonymous Feb 2018
Kneel before me at your white porcelain altar.
Sacrifice the bits of pieces you had stashed away inside,
Place them inside the holy not holy water.
Watch each piece and place where they were from.
Sacrifice to me
For I am your goddess.

Your martyrdom will be known throughout
For you died for the lives of animals, for their rights to live
By being staked- refusing steak
Not for the 679 other reasons you decided to say no.
Die a martyr for me
For I am your goddess.

Wear red rubies along your wrists.
No one will ask where they’re from or how long you’ve had them
But they will shake in fear for this rosary- your rosy cheeks
Is as holy as the blood I too have shed for you.
Bear my symbol
For I am your goddess

Do not fear the day I come to meet you at the gates.
Stand in your doorway arms outstretched.
Await me for I await- will weigh you.
Sleep at night and dream of my loving embrace
and my second coming,
For I am your goddess

Feel my not hands touch your not waist
And my not lips kiss your not face
For this is not me and this has never been you
Because you are a child
And I am a goddess
so its national eating disorder awareness week so i thought i'd publish this poem i wrote a while ago.
777 · May 2018
I Anonymous May 2018
i hear my love,
faint to judge.

i hear the young man’s heart through my ears
it is me.
and his mouth is pouring but i hear hers
it wrenches me
i am bitter
i lose my breath.

my death,
the puzzle of puzzles,
which we call being.
part of my blackout poetry exercise. inspired by the tale of hyacinth and apollo
545 · Oct 2017
afternoon in the sun
I Anonymous Oct 2017
i watched as you lay with me
on an afternoon in the sun
your hair danced in the last summer breath
your eyes were closed, a smile blessed
your soft warm lips.
the ones i longed to kiss.
345 · May 2018
I Anonymous May 2018
To be in any form, what is that?
Mine is no callous shell,
I merely am a new identity.
Flames and ether
My flesh and blood

They with no consideration enjoy to worry me
They all come to assist me
I am carried up by traitors
And the greatest traitor,
I myself
Carried me there.
we did blackout poetry in my poetry class and this came out of a walt whitman excerpt
329 · Oct 2017
love to a six year old
I Anonymous Oct 2017
love is giving them your last bite of food
   because you know it's their favorite
love is holding their hand when everyone crosses the street
   because they don't have a partner
love is hugging them goodbye before you leave
   even though you know you'll see them tomorrow
love is hiding in the castle (playground) during recess
   because you want to play for five more minutes
love is being the first person you say hello to when you get to school
   even before you say goodbye to your parents
love is that feeling you get in your stomach when you see them smile
   it feels like the way marshmallows and candy makes you feel
love is having somebody who can make you smile.
   even if you have a bad day
love is the stuff that people write poetry about
idk i saw something on pinterest about what a bunch of kids described love as and thought it was cute

— The End —