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When you want me to be great,
You overanalyze everything I say.
You want everything for me,
So I suffocate every insecurity of mine,
Until I force a fake smile.

When you want me to be happy everyday,
I feel numb and ashamed,
Of my skin, body and time,
But of my ****** up life.

You can't force me to grin,
When life has done nothing but,
Stab my skin repeatedly,
Ruthlessly and recklessly.

When you want me to be great,
Just look me in the eye and say,
You want me to be great in "your way",
Not the way that I will make for myself.
Jan 3 · 217
As It Is
I won't be everything you want,
I can't be everything you need.

As we grow our ideals change dear,
Can't you love me,
for what I can bring?
Dec 2024 · 47
Louisa Coller Dec 2024
People can say,
A thousand different words.
But my feelings remain,
The same and stronger than before.
You hold me closely,
Nibbling my neck.
You fell in love with me,
And I love you the same.

Burn marks covered my soul,
I was left an open wound.
But I'm grateful for everything,
Your healing waters do.

You wiped my tears when I cry,
You kiss my lips when you mean it.
You touch my body when you love,
And unconditionally crave it.

Everything keeps going wrong,
But you're always right.
Like a lighthouse in the dark,
You guide me through the night.

You want to burn brightly,
As your passion truly does.
You want to show your colours,
In a thousand and one ways.
Nov 2024 · 36
Louisa Coller Nov 2024
How many times,
can a girl burn her skin?
Playing with fire,
like it's nothing.

When trying to regrow,
I shed my skin.
But it became obvious,
this wasn't working.

I fell in love with a flame,
who captivated me.
Held my mind like a child,
reading their first story.

But, every ember I came to know,
Always let me go, burning slowly.
They took and took,
As quick as I came.

You'd think I'd learn this time,
Stay from the fire before I get hurt,
So I sat down by the water.

I put my arms in the blue sea,
Feeling the sharp pains you left me.
The lye visibly flowing,
The ease of pain slowly...
I thought it was over,
and my heart was broken,
But then I saw for the first time,
My arms begin to grow moss.

I gasped in shock,
I was so in love with the flame,
I forgot my water friends.
Holding me together,
Showing me it's not the end.

You held my hands,
as if they were new,
Like a complete daydream
I looked towards you.
You were gazing at me not letting go,
I think for once someone's fallen in love.

I thought it'd be me,
falling for another flame.
But you kissed my wounds better,
With every rainy day.
I held fear for the unknown,
But maybe I'll change just this once.

Here's to him,
Here's to us.
Sep 2024 · 248
Louisa Coller Sep 2024
Sometimes people paint you in ink,
Thick black layers of mind tricks.

Sometimes people try to paint,
Over your insecurities and mistakes.

My migraines are clouds,
Distorting my mind.

My emotions feel empty,
I'm numb to this life.

I played with fire,
So my skin was burnt.

I jumped in the ocean,
I felt my lungs fill up.

Depression and obsession,
I feel sick to the core.

Flat line my love,
My mind is abnormal.
Jun 2024 · 81
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
My brain is so overworked,
I'm short circuiting quite hard.

My heart is breaking pathetically,
Why am I this hurt?

I'm sick of pleasing others,
But everyone wants something for free.

I'm just exhausted when that something
Is me.
Jun 2024 · 64
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
I feel mischievous,
Like I should say no.

My heart was torn up,
Yet I yearn for you to hold.

Don't say I love you,
But pull me down under.

Your passion is strength,
Your eyes are wonders.
Jun 2024 · 74
Ripped Apart.
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
Why has love become so complex,
We'd rather chip or slash,
A work of art before,
We can even admire them.

When did love become so bitter,
Your love was miniscule but your,
Hatred overflowing like hurricanes,
Mixed with waterfalls.

I open my heart so carefully like a door,
A creak or chip could damage it more,
But you rip it open like a nut,
So violently merciless it makes me numb.

Where has the love of storybooks gone?
A knight was unrealistic, pretentious,
but our fathers were hardworking, learning,
Yet you choose to throw stones in glass homes.

No matter the words I speak to you,
My voice is silenced like I am nothing more,
Than a fun experience or life lesson,
While you can take what you want from me,
Until I'm dead.
Jun 2024 · 65
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
Wide eyed, your hope,
It filled lives with fluid dreams.

Your life felt like home,
Reminding us all to be grateful in time.

My time is a chokehold,
How can I live my life knowing yours has died.

Through sunflower fields of hatred,
You were someone to me lost to time.
Jun 2024 · 61
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
Play with fire,
Let it charcoal your skin,
Brush off your sparks,
Let's regret the touch of hope.

Play with fire,
Curious yet dangerous,
You'd think burning fingertips,
would be enough.

Playing with fire,
Incineration when I thought,
I was going through creation,
Left my skin dry as bark.

Played with fire,
Left my burnt trunks hollow,
Increased my suffering for tomorrow,
As these burns will never heal.

Foolish nature,
Desired so much to be light,
We forgot that radiation,
Can **** us on sight.
Jun 2024 · 152
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
Light raised up so much,
It was a bewildering shadow,
To discover the rays of truth.

Procrastination of time,
I decided to leap through,
Waste not a breath more.

But I formed memories that,
Will die in time,
Twisting my mind.

I truly believed,
Thinking I had you,
Jun 2024 · 217
Sew My Lips Shut
Louisa Coller Jun 2024
Mutual respect,
Distinguished taste,
Distinct and directed.

Mysterious fate,
Promises made,
Laid beneath the bed posts.

Roaring heart,
Fueled with flames,
But the fire went out.

Pleasured faces,
Darkest temptress,
Tears in my eyes.

Lie through hope,
Plead and beg until,
The words are too much.

The flowers have fallen,
Summer is ending,
You sewed my lips shut.
May 2024 · 92
A Whisper To You
Louisa Coller May 2024
You wonder why
My words are little
In a world so large

Because I sing constellations
Universes, planets and solar systems
To even get a whisper to you.
May 2024 · 71
Louisa Coller May 2024
My heartbeat is ripping through my chest,
I just remove the day I won't forget,
For a future of a regrets,
Loving myself lesser and less.

I'm a fool of righteousness and pride,
I'm staying up crying at night,
Praying I'll see the northern lights,
But as usual I'm a shadow of right.

I keep fearing I'm going to regret,
Letting you move away from me,
I don't want to be here in this town,
I want to feel the sun on the beach.

I want to feel my pride fill up my soul,
I can't deal with tears anymore,
I want to feel special and in debt,
Of all the future love on yet to get.

Instead I am a fool in a hermit light,
Wondering why I'm so alone that I,
Feel my chest ripping through my soul,
I really never wanna let you go.

If I write this down for you,
Would you care that I even did it too?
For your smile and your warmth and brown eyes too,
I feel like I'm madly in love with you.

I hope one day I get that chance to say,
How deep you make the feeling stay,
But I'm horrified and scared in a way,
you would just take what I have as I lay.

My husband says have faith more in you,
You're not the reason I have that fear too,
I've been constantly used,
For gain, pleasure and dismissal.

Is the season worth the rain at all,
The fire burns my skin as usual,
I'm used to the charcoal I leave behind,
I'm going to burn myself and love you til I die.
Apr 2024 · 68
Loved by me.
Louisa Coller Apr 2024
People say his smile is wider,
His opportunities are growing,
He feels more lighter.

If people knew how beautiful,
This man can be when they don't see,
His eyes are chocolate dreams.

I worked so hard to be that one,
To stay aside and let you know,
It's safe to be loved by me.

Someone you love.
Apr 2024 · 138
Cowardly Gone.
Louisa Coller Apr 2024
I thought it would be,
You and I intertwined in sheets.

But because I'm modern,
You couldn't be traditional.

So soon enough you found yourself,
Modern with someone new.

Now the ironic part of it all,
It wasn't me, it was you.

Life's going to be strange,
When you realize what you've done.

For I want to give my love,
But like a coward I'm gone.
Apr 2024 · 71
A Golden Heart
Louisa Coller Apr 2024
How does it feel?
To have feelings strong as oak.

I cried raindrops of empathy,
You used my water to keep your strength.

How does it feel?
To have vision as clear as fog.

I worked effortlessly to fight your fears,
And you repaid me by holding someone new.

How does it feel?
To shatter my heart completely.

I'm a daffodil of multiple heads,
Yet you ripped my petals off vigorously.

Now, how does it feel?
To build my hopes up everyday.

To destroy my walls mercilessly,
For me to regret being this way.
Apr 2024 · 65
Burned Bark
Louisa Coller Apr 2024
There is charcoal on my arms,
Yet they used to be wood,
You'd think the moisture from my eyes,
Would make the bark feel good.

But I keep playing with the flames,
Running my fingers through the light,
Yet I always end up wondering,
Why burn marks get on my heart.

I've seen a few different flames,
Ones of various strength and colour,
But yours seemed so warm,
Like a campfire in the dark.

But I find myself again, with charcoal hands,
For my branches dry out quick,
And it's just too easy,
for you to come and burn down all of this.

I always think it'll change,
Like I'll be the final flower,
To bloom amongst the flames,
But the smoke just ends up suffocating me again.

My sunflower friends ask me if you didn't realise,
They thought maybe he plays too rough,
But I'm tired of being not enough,
Your obliviousness isn't my flaw.

Suppose that's what hurts in the end,
To know I'm not the flawed one,
But your strings of fake security,
Are what leaves permanent scarring on my face.
Mar 2024 · 91
Better Than This
Louisa Coller Mar 2024
Fiction helps keep a lot of us sane,
Making up stories almost day-to-day.
Though fiction seems rational,
reality is off the rails,
Absolute madness everyday.

Picture frames in a home are lucky,
When this is all temporary for us.
We are comfortable and happy,
But they'll take - It's a 'must'.

Overanalyze my medical history,
As you let me down for years.
I've screamed for help forever,
You just silenced the child beneath this.

I fall in love with victim's of war,
Becoming comfortable is temporary.
As others experience hellscapes the same,
You show little care for anybody.

Sick to the core, coughing my lungs,
I want to sing and be free but it isn't enough.
One day I'll succumb and what do I get?
Nothing. But I deserved,
Better than this.
Jan 2024 · 92
Wicker Man
Louisa Coller Jan 2024
Push me aside,
I'm an obstacle, right?
You need that goal so tempting, so rich,
So you push me aside.

A red flame, a blazing blitz,
A rich burn consuming my skin,
Your droplets of hopeful flames,
Dance my skin to remains.

How many times can the wicker man burn,
Before the glow within my lava flow,
Rips to bits pouring through.

A love with a mother of the unknown,
Treasured flowers and vanity growth,
All left as I'm pushed aside, placing duty above pride.

Thought I was a phoenix but maybe I'm dumb,
Each burn and cut left me further undone,
Screeches of serenity, mental abuse,
It wasn't just you.

How many times must I burn,
Before my flesh turns to bones.
It's very clear I'll take no more,
It's about time my hand shows.
Dec 2023 · 91
Alcoholic Confessions
Louisa Coller Dec 2023
You were drawing pictures with me,
I was sipping beer and see,
You downing another shot of whiskey.

I said I liked your rugged style,
I think saying that made you smile,
Because I compared it to an album in the 90s.

But as the desperation seeped in,
Our minds kept wandering and,
It left me with a sense of ambition.

You said the best painters were drunks,
I said the best musicians were on drugs,
You cackle at what I say...

We talked about life and death,
I confront the words you said,
You blame liquor and talk,
but I didn't believe you.

I said I know crave your touch,
But you mean something a lot,
Something I envy.

I asked "What's got you down?"
Wondering why you're hurting now,
You simply tell me then,
You fear you'll never reach the end.

I said it's the journey not the goal,
I've met my goals before,
I know I crave the journey more,
My heart pounding in my chest.

But as the desperation seeped in,
Our minds kept wandering and,
It left me with a sense of ambition.

You said the best painters were drunks,
I said the best musicians were on drugs,
You cackle at what I say...

We talked about being replaced,
I feared you leaving everyday but,
You began to say,
"Everyone literally could replace me."

I've never met anyone like you,
Your charming demeanor came through,
You mean everything to me,
It's a promise that I keep.

But as the desperation seeped in,
Our minds kept wandering and,
It left me with a sense of ambition...

That I love you.

I clearly love you.

I thought I would,
For the idea of us.

But as I get to know you,
I know it's clear as day,
This sense of sweet ambition is here to stay.
Dec 2023 · 81
A Brave Heart
Louisa Coller Dec 2023
Your life is the dreams mine tried to calculate,
Envy fills me up but never hate.

Inspired by your ways of speaking,
Infatuation made me fall through.

You try not to let me in,
But I want to see you again and again.

You see my eyes and your gaze weakens me,
With this constant desire to have you near me.

So many have left me breathless,
But gazing at you, I've become speechless.

Words keep failing but my mind keeps falling,
For this interesting love I cannot replace.

It has to be you, my body craves,
The scent of your hair and warmth of your face.

It has to be you, my heart aches,
Your creative wave drowns my sorrows away.

There are so many more people better than us,
But why would I care when I have us?

You're perfect standing there,
My heart becomes brave.
Nov 2023 · 86
Louisa Coller Nov 2023
You said this love was temporary,
Until you found a new one.

Why should I be left,
Because I'm not traditional.

Your cheeky ways blow my mind,
I'm thinking of you all the time.

My heart pounds loud,
Especially without you.

But I can't live,
Without saying I love you.

Maybe you'd hoped for a different time,
But I had to do this for us to find...

The beauty that is known as us,
For every memory I'm grateful of.

A part of me hopes you never fall in love again,
Just so I can keep you in my arms forever.
Nov 2023 · 110
They Don't Want Us.
Louisa Coller Nov 2023
The world I live in,
Loves to take and not give.

They'll take my time and half it,
Being paid for less than this.

Take my love and critique it,
While they pay to let it slip.

Working five jobs between us,
While they make ten times the amount.

I don't even hold envy,
I just want to keep my love here.

Yet here I am, fighting every stage,
Of a country who doesn't love us.
Nov 2023 · 120
Lovesick Wonderland
Louisa Coller Nov 2023
When you're so far away,
I begin to let my mind rotate.
My anxiety grips me ferociously,
But my heart is beating desperately.

Chase him, give him space,
These guides of love make no sense.
Laugh with him, don't let him slide,
Are we talking about the same guy?

You can repair this don't hold back,
But you'll look desperate if you type back.
My mind is churning, my brain is swirling,
I just want him to love me back.

I know you could, you're afraid,
But trust me like a friend.

I know there's so much I don't know,
But let's open this up and see where it goes.

I know you're not saying no,
Your face and eyes showed my heart

You're thinking of me,
and it's plucking my strings.

Is this correct? Who the hell knows,
Just take me where you want to go.

Up and down, round and round,
Make me your Alice in Wonderland.
Nov 2023 · 90
Louisa Coller Nov 2023
The whishing of a morning wind,
Rustling within my brain.

Warmth brewing beneath my lips,
Pulsating heart of dark rain.

The more greed my heart forms,
The disgust in myself is held strong.

I'm prideful with the fluid of love,
Yet nobody, cares for my waterfall ride.
Nov 2023 · 189
A hui hou kākou
Louisa Coller Nov 2023
White dress shimmer in the sun,
Black hair filled with stars.

A skin of history feels so old,
Mapping out journey forevermore.

A stiff upper lip to hold pride,
For not only me and who I am.

Feel my toes within the seashore,
Aloha Oe.

A hui hou kākou,
Are words a younger me once meant.

As my fruit withers,
To renew the soils again.

A hui hou kākou,
Are words I mean again.
Nov 2023 · 92
Louisa Coller Nov 2023
The flame of our world is beautiful,
Creation of warm atmospheric euphoria.

To feel an emotional caress of my cheek,
Followed by a gasp of sun kisses on my head.

He came for raindrops falling on rear mirrors,
I never intended to see the ocean so blue.

She came here to remind herself more of you,
But it isn't what I feel she wants to do.

For a life so bright to come into mine,
Like a candle flame dimming away.

Do you really want this life I give?
I'm shocked you never stayed.
Oct 2023 · 134
You've made mistakes.
Louisa Coller Oct 2023
I heard life has been rough for you,
Is it bad I assumed a self-inflicted wound?

I was told to be kind but is it bad,
I felt hurt by the fact you
tried to rip me apart too.

I cared deeply for where I am,
I did this all for my family, the love that I hold,
You tried to take it from me.

Don't you realize how cruel,
You really have been?

You nearly ripped my world apart over jealousy.

Like it didn't hurt for me to walk away,
You've made mistakes.
Oct 2023 · 222
It Breaks Me Everyday.
Louisa Coller Oct 2023
Crisp senses, a sensation I crave,
I feel I still sense your face.

Your eyes, bright and blue,
A pair so beautifully unique to you.

The winter is approaching my cold heart,
I know you're not here but my heart begs.

A man of my mind, a curse of my making,
Strings attached to my weak eyes.

The tears are falling, what can I say?
I let the boy inside you run away.

It breaks me everyday.
Sep 2023 · 86
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I've tempted my rebellious mind,
But I lost my sense of wrong and right.
That can be abused in a world,
of white/black thinking.
Learning to be an adult,
Not a kid innit.

I don't want to be the right and wrong,
I'm a deep grey mush trying to grow up.
Your poison filled me, like a sadistic goodbye,
I'm sick and tired of wasting my own time.

Hold them closer, people ask me,
But I ain't here to suffocate nobody.
Try to analyse my life with checklists,
But I'm managing fine, just let me.

Not everything can be written down,
I just wanted to learn to let it all out.
I feel like a fool living in this game,
I wonder how much my palms will take.
Sep 2023 · 94
I Wasn't.
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I thought I was strange for smelling the flowers, but now I understand your bitter taste.

Hope, love and grief swam by with the sound of memories in my brain, yet the scent of your words felt sour and cold.

I hope you found your sunflower amongst the sky, but I hope you know I won't let you water mine.
Sep 2023 · 225
Why Speak?
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I give my heart the best I can,
Fluttering my feathers inside with glee,
Yet when I speak it is met with me - Silence.

A long everlasting love affair,
Working hard each day with a new pain,
Yet when I speak it is met with me - Silence.

A family tree extended consistently,
A new face along with a name,
Yet when I speak it is met with me - Silence.

You want me to express myself?
I'm sorry, your light and heart is important,
Yet when I speak, I've just learned not to,
I'm giving up not on myself, but you.
Sep 2023 · 185
No Matter What
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
No matter what,
The thousands of words,
The millions of poems,
I will always fall in love,
With love itself.
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I got red lipstick, dedicated to my old ways of a diva,
your there, with a cheek full of blush, darkened eyes.
It's like magic, feeling this intoxicated love, wow.

Your kisses are all over my mind, I just want them,
I want to feel your chest like, let me linger, let me touch your heart,
kiss me until I'm dead, poison me violently tonight.

I feel like I just turn this all on like streetlights,
or a blaze among this wind, rip my life into an inferno,
drinking isn't fun without a friend, I just want you here again,
I can't remember the clock tower's chimes when my mind is in awe.

Church bells ring, they must sound like needles within your heart,
for me it's something new, a fun experience and an adventure,
I want to kiss you as well, my mind is in a daze but I don't care,
it's okay if it's a mistake, I'll enjoy it, it's a part of the fun.

I just want to know the boy laying within this man,
I feel if life was different we could, find a new little secret talk,
something that could take over this world, but you won't let me turn it up.

I understand I can be wrong, my decisions are terrible,
but my taste, it's a fine watery Merlot, coated in sicking fun,
I know I can be wrong, but the fun it remains and I want you there.

Drinking isn't fun without a friend.
Sep 2023 · 266
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
She tells me,
"You're not a toy to be played with".
But for him,
I really am.

To be stretched thin,
Thrown and screamed for and most of all
Broken and left for the wolves.
Sep 2023 · 150
My Love
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I breathe, resting my head,
The peace and tranquility.

My heart is beating,
My mind is chasing away.

For someone like me rarely runs,
Towards someone shiny and new.

You were an exception my heart made,
Even when others questioned me why.

So many people asked,
Why I wanted to stay?

It's because they don't see you,
The same way that I do.

Bright, bubbly and full of bliss,
I wish and hope for more of this...
Sep 2023 · 83
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I'll get to sleep and stay strong.
Sep 2023 · 94
I can't sleep.
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I couldn't sleep,
So why don't I write?

I could write over,
A million little times.

But these moments are special,
Because these moments are mine.
Sep 2023 · 116
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
There's a reason I love these flowers,
Each one has a different memory locked.

The yellow roses of my grandmother's garden, the pink ones found on my aunt's side,
The red one's thorns of a rebellious woman,
The coats of colours of a dead cousin.

The rose garden of above,
Each colour holding someone I loved,
But some other flowers made the cut too,
Sep 2023 · 101
Good Morning
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
I don't want morning to come.

My day has been grey, filled with haze,
I thought I felt something special,
But as usual those things fade.

I don't want morning to come.

My night is dragging on,
Like nails on a chalkboard,
Crossing my eyes out.

I don't want morning to come.

To remind me of why I try,
To fall, to break, love and regret,
Every single time.

I don't want morning to come.

To be understood why I,
Come second everytime,
In someone else's life.

I don't want morning to come.

I'll have to explain myself,
My habits, my tears, my regrets and fears,
Like I'm a child I can't say a word.

I don't want morning to come.

But I'm struggling through this night,
There's no stars, no light,
Just a dark empty void.

I don't want morning to come.

I might actually understand,
My actions are better than I am,
Because the immaturity is handled in the dark.

I don't want morning to come.

Because I want to learn you,
Read you, uncover you, like lost pages,
Of a forbidden yet tempting book.

I don't want morning to come.

For you to see me like a mess,
Filled with sociable regrets,
You might learn when read.

Morning will come though...

And I'd understand,
I'll smile and wave,
It's the best I can do.

Because nobody deserves to deal with this.
Sep 2023 · 309
Blissfully Aware.
Louisa Coller Sep 2023
All you need is a lingering touch,
Suffocating breath,
Lasting eyes locked.

Sometimes you need a charming smile,
A ***** mind,
Breaths intertwined.

A gentle hug, worth more than a million kisses,
A physical touch, begging for more than this,
An illicit affair coated in bliss.
Aug 2023 · 204
Louisa Coller Aug 2023
Static filled vision,
Rips my little ears to shreds.
My heart is stuck with cello tape,
Plastic touch to my fingertips.

Your name reminds me of her,
Which reminds me of summer days.

Your actions remind me of pain,
Stuck in my eyes for all days.
Jul 2023 · 244
Louisa Coller Jul 2023
How will my Christmas be this year,
When the one I was excited to see,
Won't be under my tree.
Louisa Coller Jul 2023
Intoxication leads to internationalisation,
Yet when I thought I saw your face,
It was just a hallucination.

Bar crawling can make you feel so small,
Even when I'm going a steady pace,
I feel I'm barely near a crawl.

I want to feel young and free,
Yet I feel I'm pushing my body to win a race,
All of this is just because I missed you with me.

Instead you're gone without a trace.
May 2023 · 1.3k
I'm Not Over It
Louisa Coller May 2023
I thought time healed most wounds,
Yet my blood is red and pouring still.
My heart is being forced with staples,
To keep the smile I'm known for.

I'd wish for any scenario,
That involves our eyes locking.
Whether loving, suffering, burning or screaming,
I just want to see your face.

I'd wish you said no,
Then I could suffer easier.
Instead I'm left with tears
And consequences of our love.
Mar 2023 · 126
Why Leave This?
Louisa Coller Mar 2023
Freeze my outer shell with raindrops,
Rip my arms off with the droplets.

Burn my eyes, covered in salt and fear,
Kiss my lips like poison ivy.

Chop my toes from my core,
Peeling away like bread buns turned to crumbs.

Leave my heart, but I wish you took it,
It's disgusting me.
Mar 2023 · 119
Louisa Coller Mar 2023
I built confidence on a false hope,
this is where the seasons change.
I felt myself grow to be hacked down,
by the neighborhood lumberjacks.

As they burn my wooden soul,
They tease and joke.

"I can't believe they'd do this to you",
But you were the one who set fire to me.
Feb 2023 · 123
We'll Speak Again
Louisa Coller Feb 2023
I'll try to be good,
It's a struggle of mine.
I've been in danger,
Millions of times.

You lit a blush, inside a flame,
Wooden hearts filled with gold.
Maybe I was rude or perhaps too *****,
I dare not remind us of this bitter past.

I never hated you,
I just always lie.
I really loved you,
That was my only crime.

I hate myself,
I can't stand this girl.
I thought of us as heaven,
While hell was born.

Please forget me,
If it makes the pain drain.
Don't forget me,
If you felt the same.

I didn't deserve you,
You deserved everything.

Instead my heart was left to die,
In a fire I was blinded to.

She held up the matches right in front of you.
Feb 2023 · 146
The Family Garden
Louisa Coller Feb 2023
I nurtured this garden, the animals roam free.
Held high with respect for the flowers around me.

I would water the lillies,
I sent them away.
I would keep one with me,
holding tight everyday.

The daisies kept growing,
creating fields of youth,
We giggled amongst them sipping lemon juice.

I lit a fire, forming a phoenix of wood,
I watched it fly away towards the sky.

I had wondered for hours why he didn't stay,
Caring for raspberries, blackberries in hay.
The water I used, was no longer pure.
It was full of toxins, crippling them all.

The flowers started wilting,
they turned to my face.
This isn't like you,
Perhaps I changed.

Soon amongst the deserted lands,
The smallest flower's head began to pop out.
It showed me the truth amongst the lies,
I almost felt myself begin to cry.

I nurtured this garden, the animals are gone.
Hanging my head, as shame has come.
Holding onto my lily, never giving her away.
For she's the only one, who truly stayed.
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