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The EVIL spews hatred based on different prejudices
But the Good uses that hatred to evolve

Teaching of LOVE:
Every evil done to you
Can be converted to some good
I Am Loseing Myself In Your Words

I love your words.
I often find myself lost in them,
wandering around,
watching them floating
in crystalline, Spring like pools
their colors blazing
like a mid day sun,
yet tasting like honeysuckle
as they roll off my tongue.
I love your words.

I love your words.
Enticingly exotic
syllables of Blue Orchids
scenting the jungle
in dawn’s early light,
yet lingering and weaving
themselves into Summer’s breeze.
Gentle words, yet sultry with
the rage of passion’s fire.
I love your words.

I love your words.
Warm, welcoming,
they speak to each other,
laughing at the intricacies
of life while
playfully teasing reality
with fantasy’s mystique,
with their letters littering
and blowing in the wind.
I love your words.

I love your words.
They dance with me,
swirling in my mind,
holding me close
blowing whispers warmly in my ear
making me feel young, alive.
One day, we will die.
The sun will swallow the earth
into oblivion. The stars will disappear.
But, I am in love with your words. Okay!

Aztec Warrior 11.21.15
Note: the idea for the last 4 lines
in this poem came from the movie,
“The Fault In Our Stars”.
I Fell In Love With You**

I fell in love with you
syllable by syllable,
word by word,
poem by poem
imagining the moon’s
dancing affair with stars,
twinkle by twinkle.
And then
all at once
like the explosion
of a super nova
affecting distant galaxies
and down to my very soul.
I fell in love with you gently,
the way a dew drop
glistens in the morning sun,
the way a flower often opens
to a moonlit song.
But like all love worth holding,
it turns to fire-
wild and consuming;
you have become the flames
dancing across my skin,
smoldering brightly
within my heart
turning me into the sweet smell of ash.
I fell in love with you
then quickly,
the way a meteor flashes
as it skims across the night sky
or hearts melt
within an ******* sigh.
I fell in love with you.

Aztec Warrior 12.4.15
forgot to add the music.. enjoy
 Dec 2015 Louis Pest
Anna Vigue
No Money
No Toys
No Books
No Boys
No Fun
On the Run
Catch me if you can!

Door Open
Fly Out
Cops Chasing
All About
In the Car
Driving Far
Catch me if you can!

Turn Corner
Wheels Screeching
Heat On
Freedom Teasing
Made It Round
The Corner Bend
Let's do it again!
All of the work, none of the reward

I will take care of you
Love you endlessly
Understand all your flaws

I will help you reach your dreams
Support you in your passion
Will respect if you need a pause

You will never feel alone
For I am with you by heart
Your spirit is with me always

You will not feel uncomfortable
When you are with me
We will be happy, nights and days

When you are sad and tired
My smile will enlighten you
As my hugs and kisses will make you warm

There's no other place
That you can find this feeling
But here in my arms

I will do everything
I will give my all
For you are my only one

I will be yours forever
Body, soul and spirit
Because I love you, my precious man.

Happy hearts <3 <3
 Jul 2013 Louis Pest
my To-Do List fast becomes
my Should-Have-Done List
growing with awareness
of my insufficiency
and endless
need for
is beautifully
timeless - yes! I
thank you Father God
for seeing these - our timid tries
& loving still - our honest hearts.
Time outruns the sands of sanity
But eternity grounds a struggling heart
- For these light and momentary troubles -
Will  a w a k e n  the hope given us

— The End —