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 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
You warned me
It was close to the end
There is nothing left to mend
No, we will not be friends
Got to let it go
Thought our love was strong
I guess I was wrong
How long
No reason to prolong
Not lasting one more day
No more dues to pay
Going to miss our play
Be on your way
You will never find anyone that
makes love like me
You will see
I am sure you will agree
While your searching for someone like me
I am telling you
After you get through a few
You will want to come back to me
You say please
I will remind you
You told me
Now I am telling you
 Jun 2016 Loreana
 Jun 2016 Loreana
River river,
Sway way
Effortlessly elegant,
From far away,
What do you seek
To see a new day?
Keep on moving
Even when the sky is grey
I envy you river,
So cool and calm
Unlike my heart,
For it can't move on
What is left once he is gone
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
That I caused
No reason really
Maybe just because
I broke all the love laws
No heart for me from my visit to OZ
Now I have to take pause
To all the pain that I caused
I am sorry for that pain
Looking back, I can see how lame
For all, I was to blame
******* my middle name
Referring to you as nothing more than a dame
Now feeling so much shame
I never treated you as my equal
or the same
My M O and my game
A bad boy was my claim to fame
All that *******, I have overcame
Being a man is to lay claim
What a foolish man
No wonder her and everyone else has ran
Avoided jumping back into the frying pan

Now I have a different plan
 Jun 2016 Loreana
All the one-way tickets you bought
and kicked yourself on the journey back
you learned to be kind to yourself
accepting that many times you get it all wrong.
 Jun 2016 Loreana
And here I find peace
With the crazy in me
The shadows in my solitude
And those faces in my trees
Oh no!
No longer do such illusions of deception deceive
Upon the echoes of consciousness
  The crazy gradually flees...
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
It's been such a long time
It seems like, my whole life time
It's been a long time since everything was alright
And the sun shined bright  
Hell !!
No one ringing my bells
Not under anyone's spell

Hotel after hotel
Oh well !!
So many different girls
Fake blonds and died brunettes
Bad girls
You know the kind, that would never ware pearls  
Even some guys along the way
Please do not tell
Now do you understand my hell
Those **** pills
Waking up in landfills

I have changed my ways

Waking up in a ****** hotel
His picture was staring at me
It was meant to be
As I stared back at  him
I ask, where have you been
I have been asking for you, for a long time
I am at my end
I am worn thin

I started looking within
He promised me better days
I promised him I would change my ways
He whispered in my ear, " I am hear to stay"
The very next day
No more ****** hotels
No more pills
No more waking up in landfills
No more bad girls
Only the one's that ware pearls

That picture of our lord
Pulled me out of my

There has been so many brighter days
By me changing my bad ways
Thanks to that picture of our Lord
Him staring at me
And me staring back at him
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