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  Aug 2016 Aeerdna
Akira Chinen
She was made out of ribbons and butterflies
She floated with a tragic grace and a melancholy smile painted on her face
She only existed by the magic and wonder of lost yesterdays
There was a quite storm of rage and sorrow trapped in her eyes
She found comfort in the fingertips of deaths cold grip
Though she could no more die than she could sleep or dream
And she could not sleep or dream for she was made of dreams
She lived in streches of hours and days
And inbetween seconds and flashes
She was neither here or there
But always everywhere
The ocean crashed and rolled within the threads of her hair
Tidal waves of mist hid her ever flowing tears
In moments of secrecy she prayed for the extinction of ribbons
And of a burning blaze to consume the last wing of all butterflies
  Aug 2016 Aeerdna
It's been far too long
Since I heard your smile
Or felt beautiful reflected in your eyes

The warmth of your skin
Is a vibrant memory
That tucks me in at night

It's the only reason
I bother trying to sleep

Memories taste sour
When waking
From the reality of dreams

The universe is cruel
While love is kind,
Or perhaps that's backwards

It's just been far too long
Since I heard your smile
Aeerdna Aug 2016
All the full moons are buried
under the pavements ***** feet are walking on,
and all the stars above are crying
but you can't hear them, can you?

Your tears are louder than the noise of the clouds breaking above your head
and children with no mothers are smashing benches in the parks
at 11 o'clock in the night,
but we both know that at that hour it's only your loneliness you care about.

People in the streets are haunting virtual monsters using their phones
while the real ones are eating the skin off their spines.
We are talking about wars and guns and all the **** going around
We want change, but, really, how much have you changed in the last three months?

Is it just me, or the world is really ****** up?

The cigarette is burning your fingers
and your lungs can't breath
because the air around you doesn't smell like the one you love.
Drown again your brain in alcohol,
hide all the lies in your pockets
and leave your hopes under the same pillow
your head will sleep on
seeing all the nightmares eating you alive.

One more glass of wine and you'll be fine
one more tear to spill on the regrets
another day is awaiting
the sun will rise again
and in the red clouds smiling in the morning
you'll only see the moon crying from beneath your feet.

At least you're alive,
I guess that's the only thing to be happy about.

Or is it?
  Aug 2016 Aeerdna

I touched the field of amber pleadings
with eyes only sure enough to find that hidden light
Long lost in the sea of forgotten grasses,
brown from the sun, parched by a drought,
exhaling diversions as I stand facing time,
expecting faces to appear but hands caught the sorrow,
passing it down to an earth that is baked and sore,
thirsting for more, a longer plain in this universe

Weeping cocoons snug in the brambles
oblivious to what the outside wears,
blend in with the endings slowly creeping
awaiting metamorphosis
as a tree falls, no noise, no energy for that
Rooted in dismay, clogged by last season’s air,
pausing only to capture one final view
of the smoke stacks, brick faced commandos,
circular spewing pillars
where beneath wealth is created
but eternity is shortened at wholesale prices

Grey skies, a constant color
pressing doom and gloom
into the landscape, fitted like wedges
force fed in spoonfuls of ignorance
Gathering place settings at my feet,
stirring up dust, blurring the wishers
wondering where the water went,
dry beds, serpentine emptiness,
spilling into garbage piles where lakes once
reflected the ripples as they slowly left,
as not even mud stands a fighting chance

When on a hill I see them, the youth,
our future, backpacks and bubblegum,
ear buds and sunglasses, well meaning,
looking for the next iphone, not being taught
that an apple is actually a fruit
Reading comic books about heroes,
caped crusaders who will save the planet
(that must be what the S stands for)
one colored page at a time

And I sit in the dirt, leaving my impression
for that is all I have left, no answers that
have not been asked, no solutions
that remain passed over, just a wild hair
out of place in this take all world
as highways trickle across farm lands
and corn fields are as barren as my stare

But there is hope…there is always hope...

I hope
Note: I meant no offense to children, I believe they are our future and I have great hopes for each and every one of them. I was just trying to make a point kind of metaphorically or something like that.
Aeerdna Aug 2016
Trying to fill the empty spaces
with coffee stained pages
and the memory of a kiss on a windy night
when you were both drunk and under your closed eyes
there was only the illusion
of a different tomorrow
where birds would sing the music of your mind
where planes would take you
to a place where the roses never die.
You  fall asleep every night picturing yourself
wearing a nice shirt and a pretty **** smile
and in your dreams
her white dress dances around your body
in the shadow of a ****** red sky.

Is it hope or is it just a lie?

Eating crumbs of happiness from the pavement
won't turn you into a pigeon,
you're still a fish
swimming in a bowl of pain
surrounded by the smoke of the cigarette left burning in the heart serving as an ashtray.

And in the end you realize
that life is just a space between hellos and goodbyes.
  Aug 2016 Aeerdna
Akira Chinen
She sat at the edge of where the ocean ends
Saving starfish from thoughts of suicide
Catching them as they try to jump
Throwing them up to shine in moonless sky
Her tears unnoticed did always flow
With heartaches salty bitter taste
A serene smile she forever kept
Saving starfish at oceans end
Still she dreams of long lost shores
Of days before her heart did break
Of the memory of a simple touch
That lead to the night
Of loves long passions kiss
The life she once had
Before she found herself at oceans end
By following the starfish in her eyes
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