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 Aug 2015 jennifer
 Aug 2015 jennifer
after I kissed you
brushing my teeth suddenly
became a sad chore
but I had to.

August 9, 2015
early morning hours
 Apr 2015 jennifer
wes parham
Fallen angels and pixies and such,
Look into Earth’s skies,
Remembering much,
Of their life as it was,
Time and energy fields,
From the young star above us,
To the way the wind feels...

Could it ever compare
To the home that once was?
Oh, I say to you, “yes…”,
Yes, it can,
And it does.
this was a super fast bit written in response to a friend's poem.
It's more whimsical than I tend to write, but it flows and I will own the optimistic mania that it seems to hold.
Read here by the author, with a brief commentary:
 Jul 2014 jennifer
Clara Oswin
I want to take the darkness away
My hands throb with the wish
To rest upon the ground and
Absorb the loneliness from this earth
The light still casts to many shadows
For my sensitive eyes to see
I wan't to cast out the darkness
And give unto you beauty
You are much to young
To feel such pain
But life is not a wish granting factory
And the tears still stream down your face
I want to take back the burns on your thighs
I want to scream until the wind returns your laugh
I made a wish on a dandelion today
That you could find happiness
And i blew as hard as i could
 Jul 2014 jennifer
 Jul 2014 jennifer
What I love in talking to
you are the subtexts. Constantly running
around all the words we speak, roads
support me when others fail, hold
when others will crumble, you stand.
Read once through, and then each line separately.

June 17, 2014
11:15 AM
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Winston Lee
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Winston Lee
We throw the word love around like a bad game of catch but I'm here to tell you that love is not a ball that we can toss around in the yard after dinner but rather a fragile glass sphere that more often than not hits the ground leaving us to clean up the shattered mess others have left behind.
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Only you, darling
could make me dance
that ancient, almost forgotten waltz
of self doubt and hatred.
Only you, love
could make me move
digging my fingernails into flesh, available
in a way I have not in months.
Only you, gorgeous
could make me speak
freeing my tongue and breaking down
long-hardened walls, and then shut me up again.
Only you, bird
could make me sing
songs I had stopped, of my love for you
and songs I had almost forgotten, of my abhorrence for myself.
Only you,
darling, love, gorgeous, bird,
May 21, 2014
12:45 AM

letters to my darlings I
 Jun 2014 jennifer
Though your love is a
truth, it remains one that I
need to hear from you.

When you are not here
to help me fight my fears, I
run from them- and you.

I am losing this
battle, the one to stay here
against my instincts.

You set off every
alarm bell I have ever
rigged up against pain.

Every alarm bell I
constructed against the world-
never intended
for you.

May 19, 2014
4:40 PM
haiku poem
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