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679 · May 2014
Turning tables.
Lola May 2014
Why are you invading this space in my mind? This place where my most intimate thoughts of you live, I can't close my eyes without seeing your face painted in my memory.. Your eyes piercing through my soul, your words in my head. I'm trying to escape you. I hate that can't live without the sweetest taste of you.. Echoes of silence of the words we shared.. Fearing the wanting of you... Someone else filled my shoes. Empty spaces in the places you've once layed in.. I ask that this soul bared to you is handled with delicate hands... Those hands that's once touch this flesh.. Kissing the lips of death of the love that has died inside of you. Crazy for all of you... Letting go of the hopeful beginnings I thought we could share... Misunderstanding these emotional turns... Upside down in this world we live in.. Why couldn't we just shun out those dishearten words told by those who couldn't understand.... Bare hands hold me in the mist of grief... I carry your heart with me... I won't let go until time allows me... Until time sets me free of the love we have shared.. Free of all things that surround you... Free of all of things that remind of..... You.
343 · May 2014
Lola May 2014
To journey to an unforgiving place, I seek forgiveness for arriving in wasted spaces that have stolen time for me, resurrect those lost dreams that swiftly crept away... Big eyes stare into the sky for questions... Why? I need completion... I've felt nothing but empty hopes weigh me down... Set the fire, free the flames that burn with in me.. Tasting the blood that runs through my veins.. constantly questions my existence... Are we really living ? Is the flesh of sinful skins good enough to encounter such great presence? Closing my fist in anger.. I have to know.. Why? Evil has brushed passed, avoiding the ultimate target. Tears streaming down the face of hope.. Frowning upon those beautiful nightmares.. Like vivid pictures painted from this... Understanding why I sink, why I fall so gracefully in front of my struggles.. I picks my monstrosities.. They created nothing but a beautiful chaos.. Come with me.. Well shall conclude this tragedy inhumane beings have created... We will find... Our saving grace.
288 · May 2014
The beginning.
Lola May 2014
premeditated thoughts to this, scriptures of love written  effortlessly from the heart.. My fingers tips trip from trembling of fear.. I gather my thoughts in confusion.. But clarity of this love is in it's purest state.. The beginning. Toasting to the endings of the past... Our positive vibes perfect this union. The curve that hits the corners of the face of beauty never looked so luminescent under the sky lights... Maybe we've met in another lifetime.. You hold the key to serenity within me.. You gave me liberated love... So free.

— The End —