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 Apr 2014 Liza Peachey
Gigi Tiji
My perception of you
is a reflection of me
of all I once knew
and all that I see

Your reception of me
is a reflection of you
of all that you see
and all you once knew

Nothing we see
Is entirely true
If both you and me
Set our mirrors askew

Eye to eye
Heart to Heart
We realize we
Are all a part

Heart to heart
Eye to eye
We realize love
Will never die

See into
each other's minds
With all our mirrors
now aligned

Through each other
We can see
We reflect forever
to infinity
 Apr 2014 Liza Peachey
Gigi Tiji
What if,
instead of shooting
people into space,
we grew our way there?
What if,
we built tree forts in trees,
so that we could plant trees
in the tree forts,
and when they grow,
build more forts
in those trees and
continue that process
while adding gardens
all along the way
along with more tree forts
for everyone to live in
and everything would be connected
to form a living structure
that continually grew around us
as we continually grew within it
and our atmosphere would
to encompass an amount of space
that we could have never imagined,
and we would grow with the trees
stronger, sturdier, and healthier
rather than continually
and thin by thickening the pollution
in the space within our atmosphere
as we die with the trees
weak, withered, and dis-eased?
 Mar 2014 Liza Peachey
Gigi Tiji
In Time,
there is Death, but
In Death,
there's no Time
In Time,
there is Death, but
Out of Time,
there is Life
 Mar 2014 Liza Peachey
Gigi Tiji
do you reminisce,
as you spread your wings?
of a quiescent chrysalis,
that sits and swings?
or is it all bliss
your freedom brings?

beautiful butterfly,
when did you know?
did y'know why?
or did you just let it flow?
was it a solemn goodbye?
or a happy hello?
 Mar 2014 Liza Peachey
Gigi Tiji
Our eyes are near
and my heart is hot
but your stare is cold
a thousand miles away
Your words are clear
and time has stopped
there's nowhere to go
my thoughts are broken and blurred
Sweet lips, your sweet lips
Carry such a bitter sound
 Mar 2014 Liza Peachey
Gigi Tiji
my pages are shaking like
timid dry leaves on
a brisk Autumn morning
I am a book heavy
with unspoken words
piled beneath countless others
a couple stains and a weak spine
it's hard to hold all the stories together
sometimes I'll find a page out of order
that someone's ripped out and
The stories are getting shorter and shorter
losing pages throughout and

— The End —