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657 · Mar 2015
The Stranger In The Mirror
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
I don't know who I've become
It's been so long since I had a reflection...
655 · Jul 2014
Weeping Willow
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
If I die young
Bury me
Beneath the willow tree
Her tears will mourn me
To the end of time
Long after all those who cared
Are gone
646 · Aug 2014
The Fear of Nothing
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
From early dawns darkest hour
Piece by piece
I was devoured
By the nothingness awaiting me
For my biggest fear
Is not to be
Oblivion is inevitable
Thoughts of fading away
Many dread something
Or someone
But I am terrified
Of being undone
inspired by edgar allen poe's "Alone"
645 · Jan 2015
A New Dawn
LittleFreeBird Jan 2015
While I may still live in the night
The stars have finally come out
And I do not long for day
I am a child of the sleeping sun
But the difference is
I have learned not to trip
In the darkness
643 · Feb 2021
A little death
LittleFreeBird Feb 2021
Grayscale world and
Lifeless lifelines
There's a lack of color here

Where is the meaning?

If dying is an art
My soul is virtuoso
642 · Nov 2015
A Mask To Hide The Trenches
LittleFreeBird Nov 2015
What am I
But a memorization of
642 · Apr 2015
Stockholm Syndrome
LittleFreeBird Apr 2015
He captured her heart
She hasn't looked back.
637 · May 2015
LittleFreeBird May 2015
I exist
in stolen moments,
like spare change
in someone else's
636 · Oct 2014
LittleFreeBird Oct 2014
Some places in me
Are hollow
And if you press too hard
I'll cave in

I don't need empty reassurances
Of my wholeness
Just acceptance
Of my vacancy

But please know
That barrenness
Does not mean less
When it comes to loving you
634 · Sep 2014
My Hands
LittleFreeBird Sep 2014
pale and empty
they shake over
the smallest task
ink stained palms
black and white

Your hands
are steady
scarred but strong
and when they clasp mine
I feel capable
of anything
632 · Oct 2014
Our First Kiss In Ten Words
LittleFreeBird Oct 2014
And in that moment
We fell
Hopelessly, deeply in love
626 · Apr 2017
LittleFreeBird Apr 2017
Sometimes I
How wrapped up
How entangled I
With you
I forget that
When I hurt you I
Feel the pain too

It is a sharp reminder
616 · Jul 2014
Never Let Go
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Kiss me
Fully on
The mouth
Hold me
So tight it hurts
Until our bodies
Are no longer separate
But one
Please don't let me go
You are a part of me
I need you
Like I need my lungs
Or my heart
(You are my heart)
I lean on you
When everything else
Falls out from under me
When I can't see my feet
You carry me
I need you
More than oxygen
You are my
Life support
Never stop loving me
Because I couldn't
Even if I tried
607 · Dec 2014
LittleFreeBird Dec 2014
And I wonder
If I will ever stop bleeding
Or if maybe
That's what I was born to do
607 · May 2015
LittleFreeBird May 2015
There are nights
When I just want to give in
Let the world swallow me
And erase everything
I've fought to become

There are nights
When I'm lonlier than others
I drift along my bare conciousness
I see your eyes drawn out in stars
And hear you calling my name in the breeze

There are nights
When hope is nonexistant
A long forgotten memory of a dream
When I can't hold inside
Everything that threatens to spill out

There are the nights
Spent with you
And those are the kind of sleepless hours
I live for
601 · Jul 2014
Killing Me Softly
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
How is it
That I never run out of words?
They pour from me
Flooding my thoughts
Until I put them to rest
On the page

It is like a need
A deep desire
I cannot hold
It in
Cannot control
The ink spilling from my veins
Staining the pages
With the contents of my heart

I sometimes think
It is the only way
To preserve my sanity

If I can just
Release what is
From the inside out
I can breathe again
600 · Jul 2020
Falling in place
LittleFreeBird Jul 2020
Time is motion         always


I am seeking,                falling

Into place,                       never  

Going past myself,          
Slipping through      


LittleFreeBird Jul 2017
i want to scream out poetry
that feels like swallowing rocks
when you hear it
595 · Jul 2014
Of A Different Kind
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Love is a funny creature
Over time it
Until you find
It must have been this way
All along

Three years old
Love was tucked in sheets
And pillows that smell of Momma's hair

Eight years old
Love was the grip of locked pinkies
And hushed giggles

Eleven years old
Love was the flutter in my stomach
And the sweat on my palms

Fourteen years old
Love was the foreign feel of his lips
Chapped and uncertain

Heart break follows
Small fissures in my heart
This was the first time I begin to see
How the world works
And the true meaning of deceit

Sixteen years old
Love is the beat of his heart
As he sleeps
The sweet sigh of my name
And the endless fall into each other’s eyes
Love is just the beginning
A promise
Around my finger
For a happily ever after
Love is a dance
Clumsy, learning
Moving to the rhythm
Of life
Love is beating all the odds
None of it matters
It is still very new
And still growing

One day
Love will be
Nights spent wrapped in a lovers embrace
The coo of a newborn  
Early mornings
And soccer practice
Love will be
Bedtime stories
Russian lullabies
The Lord's Prayer  
And Irish ballads sung at bed side
Love will be
The hum of a toddler’s finger
Tapping the key of a piano
And the laugh of his sister
Who hangs on her mother’s apron
Love will be
Meeting 'the one'
And deciding he will never be good enough for her
Love will be
Worry as the key turns in the ignition for the first time
Prom dresses
And broken curfews
Love will be
Seeing him walk in his father’s foot steps
Watching her walk down the aisle
Watching their families grow
Love will be
Rocking chairs facing the rising sun
Brittle fingers still twined
And weary bodies swaying
Love will be
Standing tall
Before the golden gates
And together
Embracing eternity
593 · Mar 2021
Mariana's Trench
LittleFreeBird Mar 2021
Deep down in the darkness

I transform

I am hiding under the shadow of myself
591 · Jul 2014
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
The empty feeling was sweet relief
After all the months of pain
A hollow shell was better than
A whole person
Filled to the brim with aches and troubles
And submerged in misery
Release came from
The glint of the silver edge
And just a little sting
But too much
Too fast
Sent my head spinning
And though they have long since
All but faded from sight
If I could go back
If I could erase
These ugly scars
If I knew
I would never have let myself
Get lost like that
589 · Jul 2014
Five Senses
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
My ears crave
The music of your voice
My lips covet
The familiar taste of your mouth
My eyes search for
The beautiful contours
Of your face
I anticipate
The scent of your skin
My flesh aches
For the flame of yours on mine
I am needing
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
Dear little free bird,
Where have you gone?
It has been far too long
And we all miss your sweet little songs.

Dear little lost bird,
Your wings are clipped
Your feathers stripped
You've cut off the remainders of your wings
So sing, little bird, sing
And scream, little bird, scream
Feel free to bleed
If it's the only way you have left to dream.

Dear little caged bird,
You are weighed down
By the shackles on your feet
And these iron bars of the cage they keep you in
Have all but killed you
So write, little bird, write
It's all you have left.
581 · Nov 2014
The Weeping Tree
LittleFreeBird Nov 2014
This looks like a place
Where I could love you
577 · Jul 2014
Past Lives
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
My soul is an old one
I feel it running through my veins
The remnants of a thousand years past
Each life is a different piece
That makes me who I am
My soul sings
Time after time
The age old melody
Same song
Different tune
And their harmonies
Creat the symphony
That is
569 · Jan 2015
LittleFreeBird Jan 2015
With love as infinite
And boundless as the sea
He gave his last kiss to the shoreline
And drifted away from me

But the tide will do as the tide does
With serenity and calmness
In all that he was

Though his footprints have been washed from the sand
Do not cry, rest easy now
He's in Gods hands

He is in every rising wave
Every sea gulls cry
In every day we are brave
And in every breath the wind sighs

A wise father
A gentle brother
Returned again to the sand and water

Because what The Deep gives
It must one day take
But do not be afraid
Just know
When the currents pull
They are pulling you home
551 · Mar 2015
Like The Back Of My Hand
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
Surely by now my lips have memorized the heartbeat
In yours.
543 · Nov 2014
LittleFreeBird Nov 2014
In my hands
Love is left to bleed
536 · Feb 2015
The Inferno I Cannot Escape
LittleFreeBird Feb 2015
My lungs were not made of glass
But of mirrors
Reflecting the hollows they occupy
And my bones were not made of ashes
But if they had been
They would still be worth more than the dirt
Beating in your chest
That mine so desperately craves
530 · Mar 2018
The Bitch Is Back
LittleFreeBird Mar 2018
And to this day
I fit her like a pair of
Old sneakers
Favorite worn out jeans

I am a place
To rest her weary bones

She is silent
The way she stretches me out
Filling the places
I had long forgotten about
529 · Jul 2014
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Ocean currents pull
But I refuse to conform
I? Why, I am free.
524 · Jul 2014
Taken Over
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
You have taken my mind
Stolen my heart
And collected my soul

You are pumping through my blood
Whittled into my bone
And inscribed on my skin

You haunt my waking hours
Ghosting among the numbers
Hidden within the harmonies
Tucked between the letters and rhymes

You occupy
My sleeping minutes
Though tonight I have none
LittleFreeBird Feb 2015
Same song Different Unbearable-


Clicking pieces
A Timeless Touching
Dreaming From early dawns
So my friend made this generator that takes in text and spits out random words from the text. He fed through a bunch of my poetry and then I took the words it gave and rearranged them into a stream of consciousness.
520 · Apr 2015
LittleFreeBird Apr 2015
                              TO A
                 ­                                       RHYTHM
                                   LEFT FOR
                                                    ME HERE
                                                            ­  ANYMORE

                       OF MY
                                                       I AM

515 · Jan 2017
LittleFreeBird Jan 2017
Time has a monstrous belly
And nothing I have
513 · Jul 2014
Falling Asleep
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Blackened skies  
Fold over us
Whispered fragments of hopes
And dreams
Drift across telephone lines
You watch the sun awaken
I watch as the stars come out to play
Tangled in cool sheets
And cooler pillows
I fed you bits of me
And swallowed you whole
The notes of your gentle breath
And quiet laughter
Were the  verses to my lullaby
And I
Fell in love
Falling asleep
506 · Nov 2014
Skin Walker
LittleFreeBird Nov 2014
Sometimes I feel like there is someone inside of me and she's scratching at the walls of my mind and struggling against all the knots I've tied her in. Sometimes I can't fight anymore and she walks around wearing my skin and my clothes and talking like me and laughing like me and breathing like me. Sometimes I know she will do things that I would never do- she screams and cries and cuts us apart and says things just to hurt you and pushes everyone who's trying to help us away and gets angry at nothing and breaks everything. Sometimes I hate everything about her especially how she hates everyone she's ever known and how well she knows how much the lines of love and hate intersect. Sometimes she blurs us together until we can no longer recognize ourselves as separate. Sometimes I am her. Sometimes she is me. And sometimes,
We are us.
LittleFreeBird May 2015
He swallowed her words
Too desperate for salvation
To see he was
Choking down razors.
502 · Sep 2015
A Temple Fallen
LittleFreeBird Sep 2015
My body is a house
holding dead things inside

My sanctuary desecrated.
499 · May 2015
The Marionette
LittleFreeBird May 2015
There is strength in the way I

Under pressure I

But at my will I

No one has cut my strings
491 · Jul 2014
The Hunger
LittleFreeBird Jul 2014
Feel the heat from your skin
Brushing but never touching
Inhaling the air from your lungs
Sweet as nectar on my tongue
My entire being
Hungers for just a taste
Just a little
Of what you are
488 · Dec 2014
The Last Goodbye
LittleFreeBird Dec 2014
I remember just how you tasted; like morphine and regret.
487 · Mar 2015
LittleFreeBird Mar 2015
I’ve torn myself to shreds
And there is nothing left under this skin
Worth loving
482 · Apr 2016
The Oceans In You
LittleFreeBird Apr 2016
Wipe those waves from your eyes sweetie
There's no reason to make your cheeks a shoreline
477 · Aug 2014
Melting Point
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
My heart was iron
Impossible to break
And unmovable
But then you came along
2750 degrees
Of pure fire
You melted me down
And worked your way in
To my molten core
473 · Apr 2015
LittleFreeBird Apr 2015
There is something alluring
about the danger of falling in love-
handing over the most vunerable part of yourself,
your beating heart ,
and praying that they handle it with care.
468 · Nov 2015
No Refills Left
LittleFreeBird Nov 2015
when its empty
and lonesome
so am
when theyre gone
faded into yesterday
so am
when they disappear
so do

since when did i become
a prescription?
465 · Aug 2014
The Fire
LittleFreeBird Aug 2014
Deep in my core
A yearning
As old as time its self
To be bared
Stripped down to
He takes me in
My skin is
For his eyes only
The fire burns
His touch
His mouth
Leaves me
I am
A blaze
Of want
And need
464 · Sep 2015
Internal Rain
LittleFreeBird Sep 2015
In gentle winds
birds sing until they break evil bones
but it just takes looking past the storms.
Despite snow, my bones rage and scald

and your warmth is at bay

from here.
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