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 Mar 2014 lina S
Self hate
 Mar 2014 lina S
When you find yourself drowning in self-hate, you have to remind yourself that you weren’t born feeling this way. That at some point in your journey, some person or experience sent you the message that there was something wrong with who you are, and you internalized those messages and took them on as your truth. But that hate isn’t yours to carry, and those judgments aren’t about you. And in the same way that you learned to think badly of yourself, you can learn to think new, self-loving and accepting thoughts. You can learn to challenge those beliefs, take away their power, and reclaim your own. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen over night. But it is possible. And it starts when you decide that there has to be more to life than this pain you feel. It starts when you decide that you deserve to discover it
 Mar 2014 lina S
I'm afraid to fall asleep
Because if I sleep
I'll dream
And if I dream
I'll dream only of you
Not of the way
That your smile is beautiful
Or the way that your laughter is contagious
No -
Instead, I'll dream
Fatal accidents
Yes -
The way you'll jump for your escape
By leaping from your chains
Or the way you'll jump for your life
By leaping to your death

Off a heightened building;

Or the way in which
You'll drag me down along with you

*Because I can't live without you.
And I hate the fact that I hurt you and that you'll never forgive me, and that's why I'm tearing myself apart...

Written 10/3/14.  21:27
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 lina S
Daniel Magner
 Mar 2014 lina S
Daniel Magner
I apologize
for the hoops I've
made you leap through,
the chemicals I've
put into you,
and the burns you've
at my
Daniel Magner 2014

 Mar 2014 lina S
 Mar 2014 lina S
The venom in my veins made me go numb
and your face became something
like a colorless canvas
watching me as
i slowly but
surely withered
 Mar 2014 lina S
 Mar 2014 lina S
you were always more of a moon
than a sun.
that is, the sun is constant
a false sense of happiness
to get others through the day
probably wishing she could disappear
but you,
you were the least constant
yet most consistent thing
to me at least
like the moon you went through stages
but you decided it was time for a new moon
so you disappeared
just enough to start
a new life
 Mar 2014 lina S
Lappel du vide
watch the fire flash in my eyes
razorblades bearing down on metal
scratching off
silver skin.

the rolling of my naked hips brings more
than just
dynamite lust,
it brings a dragon alive in men,
fire-breathing dragon warriors
ready to fight the wars waging
on my
glowing skin,
eager to be called the winner of my limbs.

with tornadoes in my fingernails
as i scratch their backs,
bringing earthly disasters in my
ethereal touch
as i sweat on top of them
with their hands wrapped like curling vines
around my dancing waist.

look into my eyes and you'll see
the sugar cane in my irises
the pleasure waiting,
the juice waiting to crunch like bones
and run through your teeth
if i only hand you the key.

normal girls wont kiss you
like i will,
and that's why when men look,
they see my curves like a gift from heaven
they want to hear what i have to say,
and at the same time devour me.
be confident.
you are wanted,
you are beautiful.
believe in it.
 Mar 2014 lina S
James Jarrett
I wander through
the days now
I am becoming
All of the other things
are slowly
dropping away
Surreal machinations
move things closer
Inching day by day
In the meantime
Life speeds by
without me
Blinding lights
speeding traffic
and all I can do
is wait
Until I can wait no more
 Mar 2014 lina S
Genevieve Wakutz
Are they horses racing upon an infinite horizon,
Gods and goddesses thrusting lightning bolts towards one another,
Fishes jumping up high from a misty embrace,
Or just white and grey clouds rumbling through the evening sky?

Sunlight trails along the fluffy white giants, outlining the puffs in a golden mist.
Darker cloud fronts drifting away, sulking down into the shadows,
Silhouettes of distant hawks soar against the shades of blue that paint the sky.
The sun illuminates low hanging thinner clouds with a faint pink glow.

The fiery sun goddess bows nearly beneath the cloudy horizon,
Darkening the sky and setting the pink clouds dancing with the colour of flames.
Soon the blues are overwhelmed with darkness and the clouds fade with the sun.
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