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Leila Jul 2014
This weight on my brain is unforgiving
no matter my efforts or pleas
Something strange is in me living
with misfortune and unease
Reveling and feeding on my struggle
could be some strange disease  
In the process of reducing me to rubble
it's like a curse marching on me
But I try to find pleasure as I tread on
I battled my way over the seven seas
And the pleasure I found in pain still felt wrong
But I refuse to go out on my knees
Leila Oct 2013
It's not you I want.
It's nothing anybody could understand.
I'm just searching for my man.
Searching and waiting, hopelessly dating.
I don't know if he's anywhere to be found.
Bamboozlers and impostors abound.
Anxious and tired, all my bullets now fired.
I give up, from now on i'll be in my cup.
Leila Jun 2014
I can't find light in the darkness
Your smile seemed so harmless
But nothing in existence could satisfy
And no kind of persistence can pacify
This battle of hearts won't be won
You and I will never be one
Your soul must have stopped being
Maybe your eyes have stopped seeing
You asked for my trust and then betrayed it
Like you were making some kind of statement
Now there's no right thing to say
This is child's play
And I am finished
Any chance once had now diminished
So so long and good riddance
Leila Jun 2013
This house doesn't need ghosts to scare anyone
The walls take sanity for fun
They'll hex you with whispers in tongue
Arrive with confidence - leave with none
The longer you stay, the further undone
The air stifles, it thickens and numbs
It weighs down on you like tons
Constricting every cell, it stuns
Skeletons in these closets tote guns
Heat comes at you like fire from the mouth of dragons
I mean heat like blaze of a million suns
All the while, your mind weakens and maddens
This house kills souls like it's a soul assassin
A suffering only the wicked can fathom
second rewrite
Leila May 2013
This house doesn't need ghosts to scare anyone
These walls take sanity for fun
The longer you stay, the deeper undone
The air thickens and weighs down on you like a ton  
It will constrict every vain in you, one by one  
Arrive with confidence and leave with none
When you get the chance, you should run
You don't want to be here for the big guns
I'm talking heat like fire from dragons
All the glass in the windows blackens  
Your mind is weak and maddens
Thoughts haunt you and sadden
You'll never be able to forget what happens
Leila May 2013
My brain's a victim of my heart’s beating
It’s the only way that I can reason
Being blinded by all this red I’m seeing
It must be soul hunting season
My survival instincts go crazy
My pulse quickens its erratic pace
The howling wind blows ever more strangely
However the blood falling from my face
Makes my outlook kind of hazy
I'll never see the end of this chase
Many demons now plague me
Leila Jul 2014
The desire I felt was all along a lie
A fool, I was naive to even try
I didn’t see past the handsome disguise  
He now sows the seeds of my demise  
Taking advantage with any chance  
Divulging my soul with every glance  
He soils whatever I know to be mine  
A ******* turmoil from the dawn of time  
Even my thoughts are thoughts I don’t make
And it feels like I’m dreaming when I am awake  
He may look like a man but he’s no human  
He turns all he encounters to ruin
He slays truths into tiny remnants of nothing  
What was is now lost-lies are more becoming
Leila May 2013
I know God knows me
One way or another he shows me
Aspects of grace and the means
To happiness, to live my dreams
I know God guides me
Sharing without scripture beside me
Parts of life and of its end
Parts of truth and of pretend
I know God as God knows me
Words and walls can't set souls free
Leila Mar 2013
My soul's made of stone
From triumph to tragedy
A mountain has grown

This stature my own
Forever building higher
Til peaks fashion thrones

The angels have flown
To wherever, without doubt
Mountains stand alone
Leila Apr 2014
Why speak
when words become weak
and everything you want is in the darkness
and you are forever alone
Happiness will never meet you
and your prince will never seek you
You will die unknowing
from your heart with blood flowing  
Beating and pumping
all of your life into nothing
You'll be a stain on the soil
until dust in the face of turmoil
Leila Apr 2014
I don't want this anymore
I want to let it go
I'm not who I was before
I have to show you so you know
That I gave away what I fought to gain
That I learn this lesson slow
I longed but my longing was in vain
Cause I lost along time ago
I needed this but never realized the pain
I only saw illusions in shadow shows
And what I heard weighed on my brain
But I fought for this even so
My victory-now my ball and chain
All my happiness turned to woe
With thought I drove myself insane
So now I see my demons and say hello
Leila Apr 2013
If ever there is a light in the distance, the moment it begins to warm me the circuit overloads and explodes in the distance.  
Just close enough for me to know something drastic has happened but far enough to be confused as to the specifics of what happened.
And I am left alone in the darkness.
Leila Feb 2014
Sometimes there just isn’t anything to say, anything to feel
Lines easily blur between what is fake and what is real
Some days there’s no control and actions are powerless
If progress is made in darkness reality then devours it
When will come the catalyst, when will come change
I try my hardest even though times are strange
Patiently I must wait for what’s to come – for a better life
Forever waiting and always – there’s no end in sight
I hope that, by and by, tonight will yield to the dawn
At that moment I’ll know my bearing’s never been wrong
And I’ll find myself exactly as I want to be
Peaceful yet dynamic like a wave in the sea
Leila Jun 2013
I can’t get loneliness off my mind
It’d feel better to rip out my spine
I fought all my battles on the frontline
Yet my victories meant nothing in time
Ever changing, like the rhythm of rhyme
Now i’m stuck dodging the land mines
All the sweat and the blood blind
Sowing and reaping, this fate divine
Leila May 2013
I want to experience freedom like borders don't exist
to experience life like time no longer persist
to live humbly and die gracefully
to accept who I am and be proud
to never cry aloud
Leila Apr 2013
Once you've lost love,
loving is never the same thereafter.
You'll cherish more your laughter.
You'll think differently when you see a man.
His looks will go through you like a bullet through your heart.
Leila May 2014
Once you've lost love,
loving is never the same thereafter.
You'll cherish more your laughter,
you'll think differently when you see a man,
his looks will go through you like a bullet through your heart.
Leila Oct 2013
How active the stars
How different the days
We’ve found what’s ours
In a universe ablaze
Basking at ***** of fire
Reveling under auroras
How the heavens inspire
We feel an aura
Wishing on burning rock
Praying to ancient light
Time ticks away on the clock
How glorious the night
Leila Apr 2013
I want this alone feeling to go away
So I can rule the day
I curse the day
I live to say
That I was always alone
Because I know
No man will ever condone
No man will ever be mine
I will be alone
Into the end of times.
Leila Jun 2013
Here comes the devil, breathing down my neck.
He makes life hard and he makes me sweat.
Taunts me all day, tortures me all night.
I can't live like this, I hate life.
I could be happy and I would smile.
If he'd just let me breathe, just for a little while.
But he wont, he'd rather just tear me apart.
Some creatures don't have hearts.
Happiness and love are now missing.
And if you be quiet you'll notice he's listening.
I've seen the devil and I believe
I was ****** on the day I was conceived.
Leila Apr 2013
Everything in me starts turning,
as this haze gently shrouds.
The blood within in me begins burning,
when I see it creeping in with the clouds.
What I feel is concerning,
all my fears are now awake.
The universe so clearly affirming,
this twilight is opaque.
My soul inside me churning,
as all my life's at stake.
Each move must be discerning,
every chance I must take.
Reads forward & backwards
Leila Apr 2013
I hope to get sick
And die soon someday
My death couldn't come soon enough
I'm tired of the delay
In the agony of meantime, I am submersed
I know i've long been cursed
Believe what you will, it carries no worth
I’ll speak my discord regardless, and in verse...
There are no words to accurately describe
My nightmares coming alive
No soul bearing being could possibly contrive
It is a punishment that I survive
Broken is my fate
Even my shadow leaves ruin in its wake
All I touch I violate
Into pieces my core apart breaks
The remains haphazardly surround
Every clump mixed into the dirt on the ground
Only distinguishable is my heart as it pounds
And pounds...forever, as pain has no bounds
Leila May 2013
I know the true meaning of autonomy
It isn’t written in any colonialist’s decree
I’m not my farther, i'm no refugee
You’ll never see this girl living without liberty
You're more likely to find a fish in the Dead Sea
To see Palestinians get human rights like Israelis
**** with my freedom and i'll send you to eternity
I can handle anything-werewolf, banshee, or zombie
no human or his fetters can rob my soul of being free
Don’t believe it-try me
Leila Apr 2013
God, I don't think im ready
my confidence is drowning like a Louisiana levee
I don't feel prepared
and all that comes won't be shared

I don't posses what I feel is mine
I feel like i've forgotten how to rhyme
I'm hungry like im poor
and I keep meeting up with closed doors
But when I go where I go, sometimes I get lost
I get led on and I get forgot
So I approach life anxiously
because I know more pain waits for me
Leila Nov 2013
God, I don't think im ready
my confidence is drowning like a Louisiana levee
I don't feel prepared
and all that comes won't be shared
I don't posses what I feel is mine
I feel like i've forgotten how to rhyme
I'm hungry like im poor
and I keep meeting up with closed doors
But when I go where I go, sometimes I get lost
I get led on and I get forgot
So I approach life anxiously
because I know more pain waits for me
Leila Mar 2014
I wish I had sent you that message
I’ll never have the chance again
I thought you’d always be there
I never thought til when
No one lives forever
But how do I know when it’s time
I still feel you - see, and hear you
As distinctly as I can see the sun shines
Leila Apr 2014
I underestimated the search
and came out a fool.
I looked for answers everywhere
and everywhere found ghouls.
I journeyed through the lowest valleys
and with shadows as my fuel.
I searched for this thing you call love
And the love I found was cruel.
So I took pilgrimage to Mecca
and there I learned a golden rule.
I can trek forever-i'll never find what i'm looking for
because you can't make a pilgrim out of a mule
Leila Apr 2014
I apologize for relying so heavily on you  
I’m sorry for the times I put on or withdrew  
I never meant to confuse or push you away
But I heard people talk-who were they  
Nobody could know what I’m worthy of  
I just wanted to feel some love  
As if a form of it actually existed  
All I get is conditional or twisted
But words, poems-they pale in comparison to pain  
And those who drown aren't troubled with rain
Leila Jun 2014
Red breasted robin, sing me your songs
Sing like your signing for the caged bird who longs
Many times I've listened to you up there in the tree
I don’t know you say but I couldn't disagree
You must flew here from some forgotten fable
Anytime you need an ear I’m willing and able
Leila Oct 2015
My fate’s a fortress as tall as the sky
I wonder its walls like some lowly wall fly
Here I exist and here I die
As days and stones personify
Who I am and reasons why
That it is their world I occupy
Apparently there's no need to clarify
Why everything I know is but a lie
And all i can do is say goodbye
Cause this barrier is too high
And I'm clearly no dragonfly
Leila May 2013
This house doesn't need ghosts to scare anyone
The walls here take sanity for fun
They'll hex you with whispers in tongue
Arrive with confidence and leave with none
The longer you stay, the further undone
The air stifles, it thickens and numbs
It weighs down on you like tons
Constricting every cell, it stuns
Skeletons in these closets tote guns
Heat coming at you like the breath of dragons
I mean heat like fire from a thousand suns
All the while, your mind weakens and maddens
This house kills souls like it's a soul assassin
A suffering only the wicked can fathom
Leila Oct 2015
don't tell me what you think i already know
**** what you heard
I need you to give me your word
I need you to show respect
to forget that person you play on fb
spare me the weakass gobbledygook
i mean, I know its hard for you, havin to keep up with what you've said
tho ur perspectives never wrong..being a ******* angel and all with the heavens to dwell upon
but u still look down on me, on my mere morality to make u feel strong
oh beatified one, ur deeds maybe malicious but it's not ur fault
these things can't be helped when your the Earth's salt
and when im the godforsaken idiot who didn't highly enough exalt
your very presence, your every word
no wonder you had to talk all that ****
singing on cue like some sorta mocking bird
for production value - people love the script
a tragic comedy about how cruel it was and still is
that you had to even once suffer such a crisis
to suffer my love..all those weeks and with all depths of my heart and soul poured into my actions'd u not die? I see  now the sight of me begs for ur lies
the agonious torture of my unworthy flesh, my blood
of my existence, my name you drug thru the mud..where soon, unsoiled, a lotus will bud
however ur seemingly 'necessary' truth manufacturing to avoid drama
was unnessacry since ur sorry *** coulda saved us both some trauma
i mean i don't know, maybe you are a divine genius
cause we're both here on earth yet somehow u found nirvana
but I think ur thinking of the light of Venus
any heaven, like hell, is what u make if it
infinity has no tolerance for hubris
the highly evolved spirits, the Athenas, Pegasus', Ramas
Jesus', Mohamads, all the angels and prophets
are without being, no space or time can hold
yet ur convinced ur entitled to b idolized in gold
and theres nothing u can say u haven't already heard told
you know everything except for your own soul
which reflects badly on ur momma
Cause that ***** birthed your *******..como te llama?
te llamo un ****, just another ***, no ******* Romeos
so form now on I call you mi amigo perdido
cause if you ever come round my way again
ima squash you like I do a ***** **** blood ******* mosquito.
Leila May 2013
Never once has he stayed  
Too many times delayed  
Here then gone  
Games prolonged  
Every time misleading  
My heart deceiving  
They come to me like an apocalypse  
Every moment the catalyst  
Reveling and toying  
In my security destroying  
Every time the same  
His words cannot explain  
Loneliness grows stronger  
Time seems longer  
And I cannot adjust  
There's no man I can trust
Leila Jun 2014
I thought about doing something today
Anything after this is just a delay
I dont want to exist
I dont know how to resist
Why do my thoughts burden me with this
Why cant I be hit by a bus, shot, struck by lightening etc
When it comes to ways of dying, there are a plethora
But I must wait for all this to play out
Been waiting a long time to live with no doubts
Why should innocent people die if I wanna be the one
Stop killing kids, i'd gladly take a stray bullet from a gun  
But I know that day won't ever come
Because I will live forever alone loved by none
Leila Nov 2013
Time is all I have and all I do is waste it
I'm stepping on minutes like pavement
For me, there’s no living in the moment
I can’t turn time into a quotient
Because every second is the same
It's like I was here before I came
There is no such thing as death
Even when I take my last breath
I will forever live on
In blood, words, and photons
Leila Jan 2014
I apologize for relying so heavily on you
I’m sorry for the times I put on or withdrew
I don't like being confused about what to say
I heard people talk, but whatever, who were they
Nobody could tell me what we we're worthy of
I don't get it, I was just trying to feel the love
Like there was a form of it that really existed
Affection is either conditional or twisted
I'm hurt but I know our time together wasn't in vain
Out of the blackest earth grows the finest grain
I hope you remember me in the years that come
And think of me sometimes when you drink your ***
Leila Jan 2014
A parables lesson is sometimes haunting
In a life lived solitary lonely and wanting
But this is what I get for trying to trap a star
An emotional scar, any effort fools and mars
You see the balance was just too upset
And the other stargazers couldn't forget
The pressure quickly became unstable
I was searching for truth in a fable
You may think you know who a person is
But blinding is the star that you burdened like this
It's bound to become an illusion of what you wish it could be
When you do good you should throw it in the sea
Morally, sad men ought to try and be more well versed
You must never drink poison to quench a thirst
Leila Jan 2014
Parables learned the hard way can be haunting
In a life lived solitary lonely and wanting
But this is what I get for trying to trap a star
An emotional scar, smothering radiance mars
The balance of things was too upset
And the other stargazers couldn't forget
The pressure quickly became unstable
It’s like I was searching for truth in a fable
You may think you know who a person is
But blinding is the star that's burdened like this
It's bound to become an illusion of what you wish it could be
When you do good you should throw it in the sea
Don't drink poison to quench a thirst
In morals the sad man must become well versed
Leila Oct 2013
I move unsatisfied
I rest with pain
My heart will never be whole
My soul will never be free
I live in tragedy
Every second agonizes me
And I don’t know how to change it
Or if I even can
God grant me serenity
Leila Sep 2015
I hate everyone, including you
I hate the world and the universe too
There's nothing worth liking
The sun insults me with its shining
As do the stars and the moon
The dawn that forever looms
Mocking me among the gods
As I try to fight against the odds
Against all odds, they get a good a laugh
Laughing it up on my behalf
My hatred lives in their sense of humor
And peace comes later rather than sooner
Which in my present state, it can't be
Cause hates become a part of me
So many lessons it has taught
Now occupying my every thought
Is the value of knowing love
Against the value of a lack there of
Even when the moment seems peaceful
Still, there underlies some deep rooted evil
Leading me to dislike all
Taking me down paths that lead to my fall
But I really only have one concern
The truth, being a challenge to learn,
Is that no matter how much I despise other people
It's my self hatred that thrives without equal
Leila Oct 2013
My pretty little window pane looks so perfect.
Anytime I look out it, it’s worth it.
I wonder at night what it is you contemplate.
Does the sun shine through your window while you wake?
Leila Sep 2014
you can't touch the things that matter most
anything we physically grasp is meaningless
because love and family is all
no higher, more precious asset exists
yet we neglect all that can truly be ours
for futile claims of something that never was
Leila Dec 2013
It's always been a lie
I was naive to even try
He's a beast in disguise
Sowing seeds of my demise
He can peer into my soul with a glance
And he takes advantage of every chance
He may be a man but he's no human
He walks like a king walkin over ruins
Everything is his that was once mine
God willing, all we have is time
There are no moves I can make
I think I am dreaming when I am awake
Everything that once was means nothing
When lies are more becoming
Leila Jun 2015
thank you god for this blunt
and for making me fend for my own
praise the prophets for the hunt
and all that they wrote in stone
I'm grateful to bear the brunt
of the pains and things unknown
thanks be to the universe-I live in want
and we all reap what we've sewn
I thank existence and face blunts
cause i never burn alone
Leila Aug 2015
It feels like times stopped since that moment
Like I haven't been alive since then
Memories are all I know
What is presently happening
Isn't real to me
I'm just acting like I exist
But the truth is I died
The day u left with  
All my love and my pride
I should be dehydrated
Cause all I do is cry
The time I spend in tears
Is more than the time i spend drinkin water
I relive my fears
and then relive them again
look at me now
and you wouldn't recognize a thing
here i am though I don't know how
i got stuck in this nightmare, this dream
I dont feel like a human being
but people expect me to act like one
but im sick of acting
and now i'm done
Leila Jun 2015
It feels like times stopped since that moment
Like I haven't been alive since then
Memories are all I know
What is presently happening
Isn't real to me
I'm just acting like I exist
But the truth is I died
The day u left with  
All my love and my pride
I should be dehydrated
Cause all I do is cry
The time I spend in tears
Is more than the time i spend drinkin water
I relive my fears
and then relive them again
look at me now
and you wouldn't recognize a thing
here i am though I don't know how
i got stuck in this nightmare, this dream
I dont feel like a human being
but people expect me to act like one
but im sick of acting
and now i'm done
Leila Apr 2013
There is no moment that is mine.
God willing, all I have is time.
There are no moves for me to make.
I think I am dreaming when I am awake.
Everything I am means nothing.
Lies are more becoming.
Leila Jun 2015
tryin to keep my thoughts straight
tryin to remember whats true
but why all this hate
why so much anger poured into
all our words and the screaming
beyond tears, sweat, and blood
lies the things that are seeming
to have sunk down in the mud
in the filth with dirt on my knees
this stain wont wash away
this hunger wont be appease
I can do you like you did me, but better
regardless of what you believe
cause pain has become my pleasure
and i'm no tease
Leila May 2015
thank god for this spring
I thought the cold had laid claim
to everything seasons bring
to who it is i became..
when I look back on things
what i see isn't the same
as I remember it seeming then
back when you knew my first name
that which you'll never know again
thank god the sun finally came
now-i only speak of you with amens
cause i wont let my sun shine in vain
down on ghosts and deadmen
who speak without having brains
and never know when
to take a break from the games
this truth feels like rays on my skin
so enjoy assigning blame
and talkin that same **** you've been
cause i'm on a whole nother plane
that you can't even see or comprehend
just know the truth will never change
no matter how hard you pretend
Leila Sep 2015
what is written in the stars and expanses
is reiterated in your eyes
in the brilliance and wonder of your glances
i can see the dawn rise,
the refracting light reflecting from your gaze
is a sight that glorifies
us, our connection in this universe ablaze
and i have come realize
that the moments i will always remember
are the ones that symbolize
the past, the present, the future-and forever
cause whats real never dies
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