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6.8k · Jan 2018
what do you know?
laura-jessica Jan 2018
so happy
so happ
so hap
so ha
so h
edit: thank you for all your feedback, it is nice to hear support as well!
2.8k · Jan 2018
never to nothing
laura-jessica Jan 2018
never ending love
never ending lov
never ending lo
never ending l
never ending
never endin
never endi
never end
never en
never e
nothing l
nothing la
nothing las
nothing last
nothing lasts
nothing lasts f
nothing lasts fo
nothing lasts for
nothing lasts fore
nothing lasts forev
nothing lasts foreve
nothing lasts forever.
hi! this is my interruption of love. if you have a different idea i respect that! please respect mine **
2.0k · Dec 2018
pretty petty lies
laura-jessica Dec 2018
im so sad
im so sa
im so s
im so
im s
im s
im so
im so f
im so fi
im so fin
im so fine
laura-jessica Jul 2018
you know that little rush of adrenaline you get when you're about
to fall?

that's what it feels like to have anxiety.

to be on edge all the time,
thinking you're about to be pushed over

into a sea of people
drowning you

it feels like




inside yo
638 · Feb 2018
fille de la lune
laura-jessica Feb 2018
she was like the moon.

a bright light with imperfections
like the moon she had a dark side.
it was darker then black.

it was cold.
no one liked it there so they'd only stay when it was sunny.

she didn't want to be the moon,
the girl wanted to be the sun.

everyone loved the sun, bright, happy and vibrent.

she would give anything to the sun.

she was like the moon.
if you do not speak french, the title says "daughter of the moon"
531 · Dec 2018
The Heart Mends
laura-jessica Dec 2018
sometimes to fix a broken heart,

you have to hurt it even more than the last time

it was in pain.
529 · Jan 2018
skin exterior.
laura-jessica Jan 2018
sometimes i want to take off my skin.
and show everyone what lies i hid under my complexion.

there is no where to run, to lies to hide behind

just the painful truth

the agonizing honesty i've hidden behind a simple smile.
the words i wanted to speak but never had the courage to say.

our skin is just something we hid behind to shield our real selves and our true form and what we all have under our exterior is the

s a m e.

we are all identical.
499 · Mar 2018
wait until you're older.
laura-jessica Mar 2018
"you're too young, you don't need to know what love is yet,
you have a whole life time."

what if i took your advice?
what if i waited until i was older,
but only lived a day longer?

i waited,
i never got my first kiss,
i never experienced my first love,
i never felt tingly, funny of butterflies,
all because of your opinion.

what if my infinity is only 13 years?
what if i don't live to see a another sunset or sunrise?

and you didn't let me love,
or feel anything close to that because i was "too young"

but what if i died tomorrow,

and waited until i was older to love?
481 · Dec 2018
new life
laura-jessica Dec 2018

drug deals and parties,

drunk texting and ***,

condoms and bathroom make-outs,

diets and binges.

449 · Apr 2018
pressure weather
laura-jessica Apr 2018
when the clouds cry,
why doesn't anyone ask why its sad,
instead of pressuring it into

false sunshine?
hm, something to think about
447 · Nov 2018
she's better than.
laura-jessica Nov 2018
don't waste your time on a broken butterfly like me,

when you can have a blossoming caterpillar like her.
443 · May 2018
fright in a mind
laura-jessica May 2018
sometimes i scare myself so bad,

i want to runaway from my own mind.
laura-jessica Jan 2018
i want to see more bones on my body.
i want to see the way the make crevices and bump out of my skin.
i want to be able to pinch my collar bone.

i want skinner legs.
i want to have a thigh gap.
i want to fit into a 000 jeans.

i want you to be lower.
406 · Feb 2018
what happened?
laura-jessica Feb 2018
what happened?
what happened to the sun being bright and beautiful?
when it kissed my shoulders while i ran with my mates
around the playground.

what happened to the times where protection meant wearing a helment?
when i didn't need worry about being a female,
being catcalled or molested.

where my only care in the world was being first in a race to the
school line.

what happened to the times where i could eat and not worry about the calories i'm eating?
what happened to not caring about still being able to fit a fist between my thigh gap.

why did i have to grow up?
i've lost my child-likeness.
my innocence left after i hit puberty.

society says you can't be sad.
s a d.

what happened to being able to cry and not judged.

what happened to the times where i actually wanted to live?
see to world.

what happened to me?
399 · Feb 2018
wild fun
laura-jessica Feb 2018
we're pretending that we're so cool,
with our terrible dancing and music

but we keep doing what we do.

we were ballistic until the sun rose.

jumping around to the same five lyric-less songs
not dancing, jumping.

our society is messed up,
but for that moment,
that night,

we were okay.

we lived with nothing but our hearts upon our sleeves.
our smiles weren't fake that night,

just 68 thirteen year olds having the time of their life with out their parents for 4 days.

there was no drinking or ****,
we were high off of each others energy.
we were feeding off it.

i felt alive.

i saw the world in colour.
this was about the time were my whole grade went on a trip and we had a huge party and it was great, i was so happy.

i've had this written for a while and i haven't gotten the courage to publish it, well here it is. i thought it was the right time because my poems are so depressing and this poem makes me smile so yeah.
what do you guys think?
372 · Jan 2018
bubblegum heart
laura-jessica Jan 2018
you popped my bubble gum heart,
with five simple words.

"i don't love you anymore."

now all that remained,
what i've left unsaid,

"but i still love you."
is what i feel for you.

like chewed up gum,
worn-out and colourless,
is how i feel without you.
357 · Mar 2018
star sky
laura-jessica Mar 2018
what happens when one star dies, in the sky of one million?

does the whole sky seem dimmer?

or does it stay the same?
338 · Feb 2018
play pretend heart
laura-jessica Feb 2018
have you ever gotten your heart broken?

i have,
it was terrible.

it was so unbearable that i shut it off.

i turned my emotions off.
i gave up happiness to not feel pain.

i couldn't handle feeling.

so i thought,

the best way not to get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.
326 · Feb 2018
a human, not an object
laura-jessica Feb 2018
h   o n l y    h
     u                       u    
m                   m
a                   a
n      i      n
         h u m a n   a   p  e r s o n    
  n    o
o          b
t                j
a                  e
n                     c
what do you think of this?
315 · Apr 2018
um what?
laura-jessica Apr 2018
14 year old girls in my high school are out here getting pregnant, mean while i cant even get a boy to text me back?
308 · Apr 2018
The Kids are Not innocent.
laura-jessica Apr 2018
his lips are soft like a sweet child's blanket,
but his tongue likes to naughty dance with mine.

i can feel his passion on me and we both got combusted into it.

his hands gripped on my petite waist like he was riding a bicycle.

he tastes just like vanilla,
he's just as sweet as buttercream.

his cheeks are like an oven,
burning up around me.

he's anything but innocent,
but he's more than just a 14 year old boy.
306 · Feb 2018
wrist paintings in red.
laura-jessica Feb 2018
little girls don't play with dolls.
they paint.

deep paintings and the thin.

a blade, her brush.

her wrist, the canvas.

the little girl only used red when she painted,

and her paintings would never leave her body.

they would stay there, reminding her of every emotion she
illustrated on her pale body.

the girl was a painter,
a true artist.

never had she wanted to become one,
but she did.

little girls don't play with dolls.
they paint.
enjoy **
302 · Feb 2018
bullet wound band-aid
laura-jessica Feb 2018
you shot in the heart
with four simple words,

"i don't love you"

you tried fix it with a "sorry"

but that was like putting a band-aid over a bullet wound.
300 · Jan 2018
laura-jessica Jan 2018
yes i am young,
i am a child,
i have yet to experience the world.

maybe i don't know what love is quite yet.

but i do know what i feel
or felt
for someone i held dearly.

i may be an adolescent, but when i first turned 13

i knew i have experienced love.
not true love, but love,

do not tell me how i feel and how i don't
or how i should or how i shouldn't.

i met someone i loved at a juvenile age.

yes i am young
i am a child,
i have yet to experience the world.

maybe i don't know what love is quite yet.

but i know how i feel.
laura-jessica Dec 2018
"I'm not hungry, mother. I will get something at school."
No, I'm starving, but I cannot eat breakfast because I have to thin.

"Oh, why am I not eating? I just had a big breakfast, friend."
No, I skipped breakfast because I have to be thin. I will not eat lunch because I  want to a have a skinny waist.

"Oh, Mother, Im not hungry mother. I had a big lunch!"
No, I skipped breakfast, I skipped lunch. I am starving, but I cannot eat because I have to little thighs
laura-jessica Feb 2018
Russian dance,
Russian dancer.

perfect movement,
timing jointly along with your group.

charming steps,
do not fall.

long red dresses,
nylon tights under.

impress the elders with your complicated,
yet beautiful dance.

dance like a beautiful Russian doll.
i'm not sure why i wrote this, but i was inspired for some reason)
290 · Apr 2018
don't shoot
laura-jessica Apr 2018
when did my safety,
become victimized by a gun?

what made you want to s
                                                   t   a gun at our future?
what made you want to h
                   ­                      r
                                       t  us?

when did my safety become the 2nd priority?
290 · Jan 2018
drowning in myself
laura-jessica Jan 2018
i'm lost in an ocean,
sinking in quick sand thats not so quick.

slowly i'm sinking deeper and deeper each day.
and you're just watching from the side lines.
you wont throw me a rope
or help me.

you just silently watch me.

when i finally drown you say you didn't see the signs.

but darling.

you drowned me.
i wrote this a month after i turned 12!!! i was just a baby! i just wanted to share this haha
290 · Jan 2018
hi im --
laura-jessica Jan 2018
my illness is something that is apart of me.
it is solely not me.

it is not the only thing i focus on.

whenever i tell someone i suffer from a mental illness, they have more questions then i can count. also including some accusations and negative comments.

but if i tell them about me, they reply with a "cool" or a "nice." and don't seem interested at all.

everyone seems more interested in MY mental illness, not ME.

i am not my illness.

i don't say "hi, i'm depression"


i do say "hi, i'm laura"

yes i have an illness, it is a part of me.

but not me
laura-jessica Feb 2018
the broken girl was a puddle of depression,
everyone stepped on her or tried to avoid her.

she tried to clean it up,
but it just rained.

it rained for days.

it seems as so she was drenched it the wet rain of depression.

no one handed her yellow rain-boots or a raincoat
or a umbrella.

she just stood in her soaked blue clothes.
she was not dressed for the weather,

she wore shortties and a tank because she thought she would
be playing in the sunshine with the other boys and girls.

but she just watched, far way from them

in her puddle of depression.
i'm thinking of starting a poetry series called "tales of the broken girl" what do you guys think?

i would love to hear feedback on this poem, i'm real proud of ir.
285 · Jan 2018
i am fake.
laura-jessica Jan 2018
i do not write poetry.
i do not write poetry, my soul touches the blank paper and blurts out some truth.

i am not a poet, i do not write poetry.
i am not a poet. my heart spills the ink onto the page and lets me take credit. i do not write poetry, my soul touches the blank paper and blurts out some truth.

i am not original, i am not a poet, i do not write poetry.
i am not original. i copy a poem that my mind already wrote and then i plagiarize it. i am not a poet. my heart spills the ink onto the page and lets me take credit. i do not write poetry, my soul touches the blank paper and blurts out some truth.

i am not original, i am not a poet, i do not write poetry.
281 · Sep 2018
same old ending.
laura-jessica Sep 2018
when the cold tears arrive,

and the warm love rots.

the black darkness of hate,

stays the same.
oh hey, it has been a while!
277 · Jun 2018
me not my
laura-jessica Jun 2018
you don't love me

you just love being between my thighs.
hey, i'm back
271 · Mar 2018
laura-jessica Mar 2018
i am trying to cut myself out of this body.
268 · Jan 2018
dead ends
laura-jessica Jan 2018
when its at the end of your road, where do you hide?
where do you seek?

whats the point if your at a dead end?
its a long painful road.
like walking on hot charcoal without shoes.

whats the point in this?
i don't know the right road.

this is the only pathway i've known.
i think i was 11 when i wrote this! x
267 · Jul 2018
laura-jessica Jul 2018
you inflicted your broken problems onto me,
you should've known better than to cry on my shoulder
i was too young,
too innocent,
now breakdown in the middle of the night,

the way you did.
261 · May 2018
can you?
laura-jessica May 2018
can you hear my screaming silence
from where you're sitting?

can you hear my bleeding depression that seldom
slips out of my pale moon lips?

can you see my suffocating pain thats written in my eyes? its in fine print, but it is there.

can you see me? i am dying.
257 · Jul 2018
living to survive
laura-jessica Jul 2018
there is a difference between




255 · Mar 2019
what a relapse feels like
laura-jessica Mar 2019
have you ever ate so much much that you started to feel sick?

you're full but they just keep feeding you and feeding you.

you get so fed up until you just *****.

and then after you *****.

you feel empty

and shaky.


that's what my relapse felt like.
252 · Apr 2018
daily eating habits
laura-jessica Apr 2018
get angry,
stick my fingers down my throat,
make myself sick until i ***** blood and bile,
252 · Jul 2018
laura-jessica Jul 2018
my trust can't be broken
if i never gave it
out to begin with.
251 · Jun 2018
laura-jessica Jun 2018
i had a boy,
my boy.

he promised to love me,
but put a strain on my heart.

he didn't love me like he promised to me.

his lies are disgusting,
i even think his truths are fake.

it was bad enough you cheated,
but to lie to my face was even worse.

i had a little bitxh as a boyfriend.
248 · Apr 2018
remedy for a sad girl
laura-jessica Apr 2018



247 · Jun 2018
laura-jessica Jun 2018
i can't do this.

i'm done fighting.

i'm done crying.

i'm done breathing.

i'm just-


245 · May 2018
no pay
laura-jessica May 2018
my brain is working overtime

until it eventually

244 · Jan 2018
bright darkness'
laura-jessica Jan 2018
as a child i used to have to bright, succulent, emerald eyes.
behind the lids of my eyes there was an over powering light that never blew out.

now as a just-turned-teen, i have dull, grey, eyes that lost their sparkle.
now, behind my eyes lids is something worse then pandora box's contents.

then there was the light i owned.

it's is dull and black and i wouldn't call a light anymore, it was more of a

bright darkness.
laura-jessica Mar 2018
has it ever rained blue so long you started to get used to it?

i've gotten caught in a blue flood and right then and there i had to learn to swim.
on my own.
i pulled my self to shore.

has it ever sun shined yellow and you didn't know how to think or act because you've been stuck in the blue rain for years?

i think thats when it becomes frighting,
when you feel more comfertable in the pouring rain
than do you in the yellow sunshine.

maybe thats when it floods black tar,
******* you deeper in the sadness,

but, it is not sadness, it's almost a sad numbness

and tar slowly takes over my body leaving a black thick layer over top of my porcelain exteroir.

it slowly takes over my whole body,

it's slowly getting worse.

it hurts.
do you understand my metaphors?
242 · Mar 2018
would you?
laura-jessica Mar 2018
"Just cheer up! you ungrateful brāt!"

would you tell a cancer patient to just get better?
242 · Jan 2018
zero pounds
laura-jessica Jan 2018
tears ran down my pale dead-like face like an Olympic track race.
standing on the scale with noting but my bare flesh.
no clothes no hide behind.
just me.

at that young moment, i suspensefully realized that i wouldn't be happy until i was down to zero pounds.

at that oppressing second i wanted to get better.

but if i get better i wont be beautiful and thin.

i will not be happy until i get to zero pounds.
239 · May 2019
what is good?
laura-jessica May 2019
his dark hair,
his olive complexion,
his mysterious eyes,

drew me in like a moth fleeing to a fire.

but like the moth, going into what seemed good, ended with me getting burned.
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