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 Nov 2014 Laura DeLuca
Ella Byrne
We are e(i)ther
On top of the world
Or pi(c)king up the pieces
There is no inbetween
No sh(a)des of grey
O(n)ly black or white
Only euphoric or broken
(T)hey say you should
Love deep(l)y
Or n(o)t at all
But i(s) it possible
To lov(e) someone too much?
I'm not sure of an(y)thing
All I kn(o)w is
I don't think I'll be able to
If my already fissured heart
Cracks clean in two(.)
Written in November 2014.
 Nov 2014 Laura DeLuca
Poetic T
Death has a voice, it whispers
From birth, a scratching
In the back of your head
Flutter by, but still that
Lost voice from birth, an echo
Getting louder as time passes by,
You are of the
But as all things it grows old,
"You hear it clearer now"
As it speaks not in whispers
But that moment you know
That life will cease
It has been telling you since birth
Till this day,
This is your last breath, it quietens
With those who understand,
Who know there is a time and place it must end
But those who scratch that itch
The voice becomes
All screaming, the end, the end,
As they scream
You scream, insanity takes hold,
The insane don't fear death, the voices
Speak through mixed tongue, an
Spoken, They all say the same thing
Even though not spoke
Tears of joy, tears of fear, tears for
The moment is near,
That voice you hear louder through age
Its been telling you the moment,
That moment it will take you away..
Here is your handyman, to fix your heart
And each and every feeling ,which is broken apart
Caused by desolation ,and intense amount of pain
Now I'll help you stop,thy tears of rain

You don't need to tell, how broken you are
I can feel your pain,without seeing thy scar
Just free away  your soul, and let it have a  say
The pain it dwelled inside,for someone to hay

Now I am here for you,to free you from the ails
To give you all my love,and extract your gloomy wails
So come cuddle with me,inside the blanket of safeness
So that I can kiss your forehead ,and take away thy stress...
 Nov 2014 Laura DeLuca
Savannah N
tonight when I got home
I pulled my hair into a ponytail.
I wished I could have kept pulling,
up and up until every little thing
and every last hair was off my shoulders.
I was running down my street tonight.
a meager glance down and I saw
another shadow chasing mine.
excitedly I braked
in time to realize both shadows belonged to me.
tonight I mapped the distance
from Salt Lake to Phoenix;
11 hours and 18 minutes.
should I stop through Vegas
or the Grand Canyon?
I fell asleep alone tonight
in a bed too spacious for my body.
through murky midnight eyes,
I thought I caught you turning over.
what I didn't realize
is that you are not sleeping here
not tonight
and not the night before.
as a mood swing was headed down. -The Avett Brothers
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