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And till this day
I still regret the chances I didn't take.
Don't ever take a good moment for granted friends. If you have a good chance of doing something great, go for it. It may not come to you again.
Bad Day
When things seem rough,
life getting way to tough.
Feel like giving up,
drinking from a Dixie cup.
No food on the table,
been awhile since cable.
No money to be found,
too shy to make a sound.
Already ate dogs and cats,
lowering down to only rats.
Lost the house, and the car,
no more cookies in the jar.
Living now with mom and dad,
roof overhead, just be glad.
Looking for any kind of job,
tired of being a lazy slob.
Not a dime in the bank,
Only yourself to thank.
Burned all the bridges,
never was very religious.
All this happened in a day,
hoping soon to find a way.
Things could get no worse,
drug overdose, put you in a hearse.
Just another lost soul,
who had no self control.
When the hopes
Are dead with the pallid leaves
And autumn hits on the back of mind
And eyes roll to find the remedy
For life needs some light to breathe
God sends spring, the survivor
Then white shawl It stretches out
And spills showers to cure paralyse
A new  birth on earth life takes
Where breeze plays on swinging strings
And raindrops dance on our floors
why do mornings blush
and sheath a secret deep
perhaps in ears of night
the stars must whisper sweet

on winds of buried years
from cracks in concrete street
it grows as garden rose
foliage of memory

painting love aloof
dancing with a dream
it bleeds a shade of prayer
in garb of destiny

an unlikely embrace
a drop of milky soul
in guise of poet's heart
meeting lights her core

which burns the lips of rock
and melts its citrus skin
a fruit of coral kiss
the orange has a twin
shores are stained by beams
embrace of waning moon
seeped in sight of hers
jaunty lyrics swoon

laden with the dust
brewing names apiece
stuttering waves tie
to her velvet feet

now that sky is ash
burnt a black by sun
frozen lucid rhymes
caught in tangles run

riding winds of night
on fields of moaning dew
sleeping poppies red
breathe a jasmine hue

scented airs of which
could sway a ****** soul
for taste of honeydew
surely abandon whole

steal me from the mute
pages of dry songs
from swirling aimless plight
thirstily forlorn

for words are blood on ink
each escape from heart
and rest in cozy pauses
in prayers laid apart

meant for you to love
chaos of stormy calm
as it turns its face
away from tranquil dawn

and while you carry me
to eyes of heavens loose
i shall be home in time
to kiss the lips of moon
I haven't quite came to an understanding with my 2 a.m. thoughts,
My whole day was filled with laughter and people I made jokes with,
But here I am staring at my ceiling trying to convince myself that things can only get better.
There are people in the world who aren't surviving and have it worse than me,
But I am in a battle with my own head that seizes to come to an ending,
I want to feel alive and I want to be able to feel pleasant things again,
I'm not quite sure how I got this way but I do know that my heavy rain cloud makes itself known when the lights go out.
I have tons of friends but I have no one I can trust enough to tell how my 2 a.m. thoughts **** me,
I'm not sure this is something I can blame on anyone else but myself for letting myself get this way.
I'm not alone in this world but at night it feels like I'm the only one awake in a battle for sanity.
I used to enjoy staying up late at night but now it's a reminder how much time I have to think,
When the thinking isn't lovely the night seems to last longer.
I never believed anyone could be completely happy but I've grown to realize some people can be completely unhappy.
I wish I could fall asleep to numb this pain and forget about the world watching me break each night,
But here I am laying on a twin sized bed in the corner of a four wall bedroom fighting my 2 a.m. thoughts.
 Apr 2014 elizabeth capital
A child with dreams,
A teen with habits,
A man with trials,
A father with battles,
A grandfather with love.
Have you ever felt lonely in a crowd?
I have
Believe me, it's not a nice feeling
Everyone is standing all around you
With joyful smiles pasted on their faces
And then, BOOM!
Suddenly, you're all alone
Now don't get me wrong
It's not like I fear solitude
Sometimes it feels wonderful
To be all alone
With only your thoughts and dreams
As faithful companions
But being alone doesn't translate
To being lonely
And when it does
You know you've got a problem
Tomorrow when the world is supposedly going to end
All those pseudo comrades
Will separate out into iron bound clusters
Unbreakable in their nature
But, there will be one person
Left without a place to stand
A hand to hold
An embrace to return
No prizes for guessing this one folks
May this is a temporary condition
May be my number just isn't up
In this country
Which is supposed to be my motherland
But seldom feels like it
May be God has so many wishes to grant
That he just forgot about mine
May be it's not my fault
And things will be different someday
May be there are people on this earth
Who feel just the same way
May be, just may be
Loneliness doesn't last forever
Written on the day before the world was supposed to end as we know it.....
 Apr 2014 elizabeth capital
How sad am I?
So lonely its frightening.
That the best part of my night
is the yellow bolt of lightning.
I am happy to find people who enjoy my words.
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