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Isabelle H Graye Apr 2014
To My Lover,

I do not need you to live
As you do not need me
You are my friend
Someone that I can lean
But know that I will not give up on who I am
Please stay true to who you are
There is only one of you
I am the moon to your Earth's closet star
We push eachother to be great
But not to lose who we are
We never put each other down
We keep each other up to par
In this crazy game that we call love
You did just fine without me
And I was okay before you
But there is something about you that I seen
As you saw inside me
You are my friend
My lover
And in the end
I know I will that I will be okay witout you
But I grateful that I do have you here with me
To teach me this lesson
Setting my mind free
Because you did this for me
You did more than anyone that could do
For me
This is why I love you
Isabelle H Graye Apr 2014
Where did it go?
  ~I don't know
Is it lost?
  ~I am not sure
Can we get it back?
  ~I don't think we can
What do we do?
What you mean nothing?
  ~We do nothing
What should I do?

   ~Nothing, just enjoy the time that we do have
Isabelle H Graye Feb 2014
You cannot see me
Because you choose not to
To you, I am no one
You know it is true
Not being seen
It is all the same
I am not here
The one without a name
You have know clue about me
That I will achieve my endeavor
To be successful
This is me forever more
Calling you out
If I be ****
Now you see me
This is what I am
Isabelle H Graye Feb 2014
I am anew

No secrets
No lies
No hiding
Nothing more than the truth

Moved on
Moved forward
Moved up
It is all about me

Living this life that is new
Growth change new
Isabelle H Graye Nov 2013
I'm weak and sore, but I need to move on
It is hard to keep going, but I'm almost done
I breathe to fill my lungs with air
This journey is mine and mine to bear
I am sick and feeling faint
Colors start to form and I reach out as I can paint
With them, the world is my canvas and I
Keep going, and soon I will realize
That I can keep going
I must keep going
Isabelle H Graye Oct 2013
The Lies are sweet
And I don't want to face the truth
It is to awful
Please Sing me a song
I want to live in the dark
I want to live in this land of fantasy
The truth is too dull
Please Sing me a song
The life in my head is so much better
I don't want the obligations
I want to run away to neverland
Please Sing me a song
Lies are sweet
The truth hurts
I want to live in the dark
Please Sing me a song
Isabelle H Graye Oct 2013
The craziness, the panic
But I enjoy every moment
Hardships, Heartbreaks, Rewards, Disappointment
I wouldn't give it up for lent

The Ups and Downs, the loopy loops
This is a crazy roller coaster that we call life
Spinning and turning, You have no idea where
And it is an incredible high

Quick Tempo or a Slow Waltz
Movement in the room, on the street near a fence
Take my hand
Let me have this last dance

This thing called life
It is crazy and wild and amazing
It is to make your own
It is yours for the taking

You do live once
So make the best of it
Live a good long life
and don't do stupid ****
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