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Kyle Dal Santo Sep 2021
Sometimes life just works
Like you meet this girl at a concert
Insanely beatuful, drop dead georgeous
Who keeps looking at you with intrigue
Who you cant stop looking back at
And you buy her an overpriced beer
And that starts a conversation
You find out you have alot in common
You dont even notice the concert as you dive deeper into each other's minds
As you echange numbers, you feel something different
As you drive home, you just want to see her again
Youre home and she calls you, and you talk for an hour
Your senses are all over the place, who is this this girl?
"I want to see you again," you say
"I want to see a scary movie," she says
I hate scary movies, but **** it
I can't believe she's real
Tuesday it is, its a date
Tuesday comes, and nothing happens
And then she blows you off
And its like you never existed
Stands you up for no rhyme or reason
Leaves you speechless, with so many unanswered questions
Sometimes life is stupid for no good reason
Kyle Dal Santo Apr 2021
The weather is nicer
I hear birds in the morning
The days getting longer and louder
But it doesnt feel like Spring
I'm not excited for Summer
The fear is not as potent
But its left a void, an uncertainty
Theres other poisons in the air
More potent and deadly
The streets feel like a battleground
The laughter is sarcastic, hurts my ears
The shouting is even more painful
Its meant to hurt, to sting and linger
I'm afraid, and its not just the usual
I'm exhausted, and I fear its not just age
Its almost contagious, I'm not the only one
Theres a change, somethings different
And I know its only the beginning
There is still hope, but will take strength
I don't think I can do this alone anymore
None of us should want to be alone anymore
National Poetry Month Day 5
Kyle Dal Santo Apr 2021
logon… password “Hello Friend”
K: Windows/system32> whoami
Description= reminder to update system
Exec start= bash(repeatedly) sleep-10; notify send “This Is Gonna Hurt”
K: Memories/ cd
Couldn’t load library “K: Memories/Hopeful/GoodTimes/v1997/launcher”
no such file or library
Invoked from within
Library path could not be found while executing
newtype.sendkeys {DELETE}
integrity check has failed
package requires ansinfo
(package ifneeded script)
def listen= {dummy}
ip configrelease
User interface "you’re
notlosingyour_mind!” not found
User daemon reload - update script
Are you sure you want to delete? Y/N
National Poetry Month Day 4
Kyle Dal Santo Apr 2021
The way you would storm into
A room of judgement, without a care
Never thinking about how they saw you
Though many thought you were
Which was most of their opinions anyway
They’d never understand you
What made you the way you are
The darkness between the suns,
You know it better than most
A victim of your own decency
Giving out too many chances
Trying too hard to understand their flaws
Something you’ve always lacked
Never understood the notion of giving up
Using your pain as a drug to drive you into the red
Running on empty, watching more of you break
You wear it like a bag that's too heavy
Never sharing the load, never asking for help
Refused to share the pain
Claimed it was the best for both of us
National Poetry Month Day 3
Kyle Dal Santo Apr 2021
You want me caged and collared, and I get it,
but such prisons work both ways
You see the wild animal in me?
Imagine it tearing you from the inside out
that’s every indecision, all of my mistakes
you call me dangerous, but there’s not much left
it’s more afraid of you - I’m more afraid of you
too busy attacking myself to bite you
you’re too busy hating yourself to blame anyone else
You have cycles? Well I have seasons
either way - who is the weak one, really?
Depression sessions in season, all sad Summer long!
(But you’re right - I am more dangerous)
I always was, you always knew it
I am broken/shattered/a thousand pieces,
broken pieces of a thousand broken mirrors
holding them so tight, blood leaking through my fingers
the sting, like all those times I bit my tongue
can’t trust my gut, because it always hurts
this sickness, for too long getting the best of me
clogging my arteries, raising the pressure
blogging my downfall, watching my balance crash
my mind getting slower, my memories fading
you can smell the desperate on my clothes
loneliness leaking, seeping out of my pores
my chest is burning up, head filled with pain
but just one more night, and I'll feel better
I’m fine, don’t look at me with those eyes
National Poetry Month Day 2
Kyle Dal Santo Mar 2021
A picture that haunts my heart,
traps me ten years ago, five years ago,
a lifetime since,
but that life is over,
and you cant move on from it.
It was far from the life you wanted anyway, but you miss it, its not getting any better,
it only gets harder from here, most people just up the dose and read to the last page, like they didnt already know,
how it was gonna end, why bother
they just stopped writing halfway through.
I feel like I'm still in the prologue, afraid thats all I'll ever write that makes sense.
Kyle Dal Santo Mar 2021
These are the events that occurred on October 2nd, 2015
these are the facts, the series of events from start to finish
sadly, it's my fault... she's just another excuse
love is meaningless without a hurt to give it life
without the pain of their absence, the sting of watching them go
she draws analogies to a virus I once had
she reopened the injuries of one before her
one that I blamed for too many of my disabilities
but let's stop there, another confession for another time
let's get back to this one
stay with me... I know it's a lot to take in

Well, it was my birthday, and I knew I'd be miserable
so I planned accordingly, what happened happened
I didn't know what to expect, so I expected the worst
something felt off that evening, we both felt it
sadly no one else did, they let us suffer
hell, they couldn't even remember my ******* birthday
what a moment, what a memory to share
when those whom you believe in most, stop believing in you
so I stumbled out without saying a word of goodbye
out into the night of my birth, wanting to die
then the phone rang, as it always did in my worst moments
but it wasn't them, it was you
seriously? did your ****-His-Life-Again radar just start pinging?
the most twisted thing, is she's not nearly as evil as she leads on
it's 70% *******, and I always knew it, its part of what I liked about her
she was covering up as much as I was, it was a secret that bonded and broke us
we were both ****** up, but for different reasons

Behind the scenes, the young damaged darling crept out
along came a spider, crawled up inside her, now her heart was a festering wound
try as I may I could never stop the bleeding
and the pain only numbs when she's hurting someone else
I was a closet *******, so we fit really well... at first
but I got tired of palming a blade in bed so, you know
I must've been pretty out of it for you to talk me into it
not the first time, not the last time either, just easier to forget
I had escaped you, I was free of your grasp
had moved on, found someone better for me
someone who didn't try to make me into something else
you never knew how to take no for an answer
once you smelled the blood on my tongue...
TRUST, you don't need to remind me of all the mistakes
I'm very aware of everyone you know about, and everyone you don't
but to taste you again, feel you again,
to feel what I once felt before
I was weak, and I wanted, I wanted to... Feel
we picked up right where we always left off, naked and angry
it was through you I learned the difference between *******, and making love
where I learned the difference between love and... whatever we were
I spent more time naked with you than any other person in my life
and not just the **** times
I shared everything with you, things I couldn't afford to give away
so EXCUSE ME if it's a little difficult to get over it
not that I'm not the guilty party here, but accessory much?
so once again you got the best of me
so good ******* riddance, pardon my bitterness
because I haven't found anyone better since
and it's starting to worry me that I never will
I guess that's the price of vengeance - a whole lot of anger, a whole lot of nothing
you were my most heartbreaking fourth quarter
and my heart breaks, because you won't say anything
I was a quick fix, an asset
and you'd just wipe away the blood, and walk away,
pretend it never happened
yet your name's still tattooed on my shoulder
I'll always love her, and I'll always hate her for that
and with that, another chapter closes, yet no end in sight.

you know what's ****** up? My mom reads these...
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