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  Sep 2015 Krusty Aranda
oh my stars
when was the last time
you felt someone else's warmth?
the closeness of someone's heartbeat
right next to yours?
when were you last held
by someone who cares so much?
how long since someone told you
that they love all of you?
whispered it in your ear
whilst caressing your hair?
when did you last feel
has it been so long that you
can't remember
the hope and the happiness
wrapped in someone's arms?
when was the last time you smiled
thinking of someone?
have you forgotten what it is to be loved?

i am so lonely
i have just realised that i haven't so much as hugged anyone in months.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
I kept looking for you,
but you kept hiding away.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
Further and further;
we're slowly drifting away.
Promise you'll come back.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
The stars are raining;
pouring over you and me.
Grab one. Make a wish.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
Llueven las estrellas sobre mi cama.
Danzan a mi lado y se postran ante ti.
Canta el ruiseñor despuntando el alba.
Veo tus lindos ojos y me olvido de mi.

Sigo en mi sueño de tenerte a mi lado.
En mi lecho bendecido yacemos los dos.
Un rayo de luz asoma por la ventana
e ilumina tu desnudez; pura tentación.

Admiro tu belleza con mis cinco sentidos
y me pierdo, distraído en cada paso que doy.
¿Cómo he de aburrirme de todos tus encantos
si ellos me transforman en el loco que soy?

Sueño despierto cuando estás conmigo.
Y me levanto dormido si no estás aquí.
Tímido el latir de mi corazón cuando te veo.
Frenético su ritmo al verte partir.

Frágil es la piel que mis dedos recorren.
Exótica figura que dibujan al pasar.
Suaves son los labios que me besan cada noche.
Hipnotizantes ojos no me dejan de mirar.

Llueven las estrellas sobre mi cama.
Danzan a mi lado y se postran ante ti.
Se abren las flores al llegar la mañana,
al igual que tus ojos que se fijan en mi.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
I could sing you a happy song.
I could hear you all day long.
I could get drunk on your smile.
I could for the longest time.

I could stare into your eyes;
cliché says they tell no lies,
but in them I would find you,
and this feeling all so new.

I'd get lost around your lips.
Draw you with my fingertips.
Whisper poems and your name.
Maybe you could do the same.

I could write you a fairy tale.
Rhyme in verses without fail.
I could make all pens run dry
trying hard to make you fly.

I can think of many things
I could say if you were here,
and I know I will one day
'cause I will meet you someday.
Krusty Aranda Sep 2015
Lay awake
Think of you
Close my eyes
See me too?
Hold your hand
Smile at me
Open heart
Do you see?
Silent kiss
Never comes
Still I wait
Hope not gone
Freezing wind
Warmth of home
In your arms
Not alone
Sit with me
Hear my song
Read my tale
Draw our love
One more time
Try again
On my lips
Yours remain
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