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May 2014 · 559
The Wall Flower
Kristyn Childers May 2014
I’m the wall flower.
You’re the sun.

I’m dull and near lifeless.
You gleam bright from afar and adored by all.

I’m forever stuck here.
You turn and evolve.

I’m always reaching for you,
But you’ll forever be too far;
Because I’m tucked in a corner,
And you’re the golden star.
Apr 2014 · 509
These People, These Faces
Kristyn Childers Apr 2014
These people, these faces I cannot see.
These faces swarm together and vanish.
Faces I knew no longer spoke sweetly.
Once welcome, I am next to be banished.
Should I accept these people, these faces  
With the knowledge of my fate ticking by?
These people acknowledge the ticking pace,
And they decide to force feed me with lies.
For so long, I gorged; avoiding the truth.
After time, the lies became hard and stale.
I lost my appetite, but gained some couth.
Though my heart has hardened, it is still frail.
These people, these faces tried to break me.
These people, these faces released me free.

— The End —