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Kitty Lam Nov 2014
Sometimes I wish that I wasn’t born with a tall, magnificent, towering horn
Because I might be killed soon while my horn were torn.
Every 8 hours, one of us is dreadfully killed,
Only to make their dream fulfilled?

If I were to say we’re nothing special, we’re just like you it’s just not fair.
And if I say our horns are made like your nails and your hair.
Would people still **** us or let us be free?
Maybe they’ll laugh, as you can see.

We’re neither for sale, nor for medicine or as your house souvenirs.
I don’t want to be a display and stay there for years!
How can it be a work that they’re so proud of?
Then does that mean we’re just “stuff”?

There are not many of us now, only 5 species left and yes it is true.
White, Black, Greater one- horned, Sumatran and Javan too.
However, I’m afraid that one day we’ll be gone,
And by then whom will they look upon?

I know by far that many of you had protected us, and gave us support.
Though is it not enough to reach the hunter’s heart?
Don’t you think that we’ve had enough?
We have to stay strong and tough.

This is why we need your help, to spread the word and show us you care.
Help us make a difference, since we are considered as rare.
I want us to all get together and to be a part of this.
For a happy future that you’ll never miss!
this is actually an entry for the wild rhino competition! what do you think?
2.9k · Apr 2014
Kitty Lam Apr 2014
My whole life, I’ve wasted,
Or at least 45 years of my life,
I’ve wasted.
I suppose that I deserve a life
That is now not what
I’d expected.
My child, for I’d come from a
Wealthy family.
I used to have everything,
But now it’s different
I didn’t respect for what I have,
Instead I wasted it.
I dropped off school at the age of 12,
Just for Party.
Until, the future is all dark,
And that’s when I realized
That I have nothing left.
My friends,
Or I should say:
“My money friends”
Left me and even said
That I’m not good enough,
I’m not worth to be their friends.
Now, I only have you left as
My company.
You showed me new things,
The universe and life.
Then I remembered one time you asked me
A question, but I can’t answer
Ashamed of what a foolish parent
Am I.
My dear, I’d decided to change.
To be a better person in society,
To be a better father
For you.
I will make my own money,
Not by the base of my wealthy family,
But with my own hand
And the inspiration by you.
i'd taken my inspiration to a different point of view.
2.1k · Apr 2014
Panda' s life
Kitty Lam Apr 2014
Imagine life as a panda, what would it be like?
We would eat, sleep and sit
Who knew, we’re so alike?
A sparkly fresh black paint and white, so different, you got to admit
That we’re so calm and we’re so perfectly sweet
Flute, is what we are, it fit
Our personality, so comfy that you will take a seat,
And listen to the music of nature.
However, we have another personality,
A brother that is: nosy and major!
But we are very protective,
We’re like a fluffy warm coat or a big fuzzy boot,
Wrapping around our love, and it’s very affective!
If you ask us, what panda smells like? Perfume or a fruit?
We’d say, we smell just like bamboo,
The smell of nature and our favorites!
And did you know that Oreo is our relative too?
Crunchy; tasty and creamy flavor!
We are different from the other bears
And that’s what made us unique!
This is my first poem ever on this site. I Hope you all enjoy it!
2.0k · May 2014
First Broken Heart
Kitty Lam May 2014
I walked alone on the icy road,
And let my emotion take over me.
Crystal teardrops rolling down my face
Never seemed to stop.

So cold, so isolated.
He left me. Alone, alone.
They say: “first love is always the deepest”
And I guess that is true.
maybe we can all relate?
777 · May 2014
Never Gone
Kitty Lam May 2014
I never expect you to go away,
Time flies by so fast but why can’t you stay?
I remember when I visited you,
It was funny because I’m only three.
Then you welcomed me in America,
With your warm smile, your hugs, and your kisses.
Who knew, three years then would turn out like this?
You were gone when my parents came over.
I’m sorry that I wasn’t there with you,
But I am now after four years later.
In front of your grave, unstoppable tears.
With my sister, the one you haven’t met.
I know that you are in a better place.
Safe in God’s hand, with us, I miss your face.
A sonnet poem about my grandma...
653 · Apr 2014
The last
Kitty Lam Apr 2014
For once I realized,
That I’m not worth it,
That I don’t belong
To a world full of hatred
And pain.

My passion is now gone,
And I’d lost my hope
I have nothing:
No friends,
No love, Nothing.

I see now that:
I’ve been wasting my time
Asking questions,
That will never be answered.
Yes, I’ve wasted my valuable time.

The wound in my heart,
Will never be fixed
For it is too late,
To even try
To even breathe

Wouldn’t it be nice?
To let go of every anger
And fear?
And just leave everything behind?
Literally everything?

I don’t see how I can continue
The path of my life.
All my memories,
Will be gone
It will be fine then.

Who else will help me here?
So I guess, this is a
Good Bye.
Do you think you can relate? if so... HELP STOP BULLYING!

— The End —