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 Mar 2016 Kim
Maple Mathers
Full Head**

More often than not, words have failed me. I fill the gaps I create with stutters and stammers, even when I know that silence says so much more.

I’d rather be alone than with anyone else in the world.

I always wanted to fit in, but I simply did not know how.
An old suicide note excerpt
 Mar 2016 Kim
Charles Bukowski
small cheap rooms where you walk
down the hall to the
bathroom can seem romantic to
a young writer.
even the rejection slips are
amusing because you are sure that
you are
one of the best.

but while sitting there
looking across the room
at the portable typer
waiting for you on the table
you are really
in a sense

as you wait for
one more night to arrive to sit and
type Immortal Words--but now you
just sit and think about it
on your first afternoon in a strange city.

looking over at the door you
expect a beautiful woman to walk in.

being young
helps get you through
many senseless and terrible

being old
 Feb 2016 Kim
phil roberts
I have this friend across the pond
As bright as clear-night stars
Intelligent and talented
And faster than souped up cars

But she has her flaws, alas
As all the best poets do
I know this to be a fact, of course
Who hasn't got one or two?

After all, it has to be said
Perfection is lack of character to me
So I'm keeping my eye on my talented friend
And watch as her mind flies free

                                                By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2016 Kim
Mike Essig
by Trista Mateer*

After my father
part of me
to always do the leaving

and I have
to let it down.
 Feb 2016 Kim
Busbar Dancer
I see two fire trucks pass each other
going opposite directions.
As I’m trying to think of a clever metaphor
for poor planning
I remind myself that at least one family
is standing in a thigh high pile of fine ash
that was their home
just an hour ago.
Maybe two families.
These thoughts and others haunt me when I’m pulled from my duck footed sidewalk reverie
by a lottery ticket stuck in the riff-raff that separates
Gateway Ave from the parking lot of the Nervous Hospital.
It is laid bare like a mugging victim;
crumpled up and inches from the gutter.
That was someone’s dream
just a day ago.
Think I’ll cross the street-
give that homeless vet a dollar.
It’s my last one.
My house has fleas, but
it ain’t on fire.
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