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Keith W Fletcher Jun 2017
Far far away- they seek surrender
From those who know not the cause
Of  the anger that they are feeling
Subject to constant ******* - without pause
They see no difference - and no future
In the past or in the present state
Insidious conflict being all they know now
Without direction- hopelessness - time will create
         Hopelessness does create

So they strike out in all directions
What we choose to call their Insurrection
By setting fire to their own homeland
Do they somehow believe they make a stand
If they do destroy - the place that they live
To a point where they resent all we try to give
To a point where in peace- death  will cradle
And in death - nothing but the past will they relive

So as the tanks roll across the dusty desert
Where hidden bombs blast holes in the streets
Trying , sometimes succeeding , killing  those coming  to their aid
Adding victories to their own defeats
In this war - now fought deep inside themselves
They're seeking peace in a game of blind man's bluff
And it's so sad that feeling of constant apprehension
Should cause such saturation of dissension

That it should cause them to **** their own people
By lashing out in such unrelenting hate
Will they not then insult the GOD that they worship and pray to
Therein causing GOD to resent all those who destroy ....
            ...what their  own GOD did create
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
Sometimes the world moves on without me
And I try to pretend that I just don't care
Sometime I think that I move way too fast
And I'll burn myself out from the pace that I know can't last

And I know that there are things that I've been missing
And I feel like I may never know what they were
So when I found you and you seem to be able
To keep up and pull me back when my manic times do occur

Its so weird to know that you don't want to try to change me
Into some cookie-cutter version of a person that I should be
I don't feel that you now wonder if I'm worth all the confusion that I spread
As I paint with no regard for the numbers or the colors
In pursuit of the vision that I see going around and around in my head

I've never thought of myself as being normal
And I resigned myself to the fact
But the places that I've let myself wander
Led me to places from where I never ever came back
The gypsy road never took me down to memory lane
No such road even exists for the things that I missed
So now I look forward to looking back on us
And a memory as simple as just walking in the rain

I've never been as ready as I am at this moment
To create for myself a past
Where together we paint the paintings
Those memories that I never even saw
And to feel normal .....
..........For the first time....
                           ......At last!
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2016

I know that there are things that I've been missing
And I
found ywhen my manic times do occur

Its so weird to know that you don't want to try to change me
Into some cookie-cutter version of a person that I should be
I don't feel that you now wonder if I'm worth all the confusion that I spread
As I paint with no regard for the numbers or the colors
In pursuit of the vision that I see going around and around ibeing normal
And I resigned myself to the facts
**** I've let myself wander
Led me to places from where I never came back

But I dont undestand is how you ended up in colorado after al

And to feel normal .....
..........For the first time....
                           ......At last!
Keith W Fletcher Aug 2016
Overhanging words
Reinforced for stability
Gives no viability
No consolation

Overstating the reality
Will not create any more viability
Than what crystallizes like frost
On the blades of winter morning grass

Stare too long at the image
And you will never notice it's gone
Until it no longer exists

So turn that evil inner eye
From the portrait painted
By the inner vision

Still that will not contain
The ever escaping pain
When a need to prove
... Of self-evaluation

Only proves that you are the Creator
That held check...
... On open channels
Seeking the tunnel vision of self...
... WHAT ?

Not a good trade I don't believe
For the path you were denied
By the paint by number artist
You became...
... And the way you fell victim
To your own false pride!
Keith W Fletcher Jul 2021
All human Frailty
Becomes manifest by extension whenever obligation
turns aberration
By way of
" I guess I forgot to mention"
giving halt
to all
power sources
involved in the Ascension
whereas  before hand
they might stand
as some slight
unintended redactions
Now tosses doubts
into even
those best of intentions
where a simple word mistake
WIll often dictate
a change in course
A new Direction
simply by means of a tone or inflection

Although it's not
of something  one
Neglected to mention
but by the tack we take....
Or didn't take
By Tone or inflection
that turns
Some words
into that double edge blade
of apprehension
one can understand full well
what you read
With full apprehension and comprehension
Or you can be caught- arrested
By anxiety, misunderstandings
or fear
Simply by how you apply
according to each edge of the blade
and how you accord each one
a value
according to the power
granted to each

"According to some- to whom I have great Accord
The View ...
that the sunset affords
from the rooftop Terrace....
is something
that we cannot afford ..... miss"
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2016
Unable to finalize any purchase
For change in the last places that one searches
To the point I'm unable to ward off the throes of destitution
By devaluing those who have not made restitution
To the point of having to fight off the urge to curse
Disallowed by the prose that places value and give verse
Any credit accrued....maybe even unearned
With no accounting for the time you
Learning what you have learned
Depreciation or Appreciation
Cannot be quantified by the lack of someone.saying thanks
Interest will eventually be of value
Once accrued... but for now I must accept
That I'm simply overdrawn at my memory banks
Investment in my own value
Will allow me growth
In my own ...
Checking account
Helping me in balancing  the books
Keeping me payed up and happy
Always giving others their true valuation
  So that ego doesnt become a currency
That is subject to... such a devastating inflation
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
Hello weary travelers .
to my living room
for in words
I have found life ...and purpose
in thought provoking
and sometimes
ego stroking words
that can if we're lucky
can ...
paint a thousand pictures
to hang proudly
along the walls
of any open mind.
as long as you like
come and go you please
.  The door has no lock
and there is always
fresh sweet tea for all
in the ice box .
My hope ...
is that my LIVING room
is where some will find
living ROOM inside themselves.
So please ...wipe your feet
Wipe your feet
you go outside.   thanx.
...I have been waiting to post this as I conquered a few hurdles.  I have in the last week gotten wifi out in these woods and a 19.5 inch desktop computer and dragon a bluetooth headset and a printer . ..7 + days later I can now turn it on so soon I will not have to squint and get myself headaches and painful eyes to read this small smartphone and I will be able to sit back and read the screen as if I'm at a drive-in theater but all this is new to me never had it before and I'm sixty years old so bear with me and I will catch up with you all as soon as I can peace
Keith W Fletcher May 2017
There on the wrinkled landscape
Of  topographical coloration
I blast two staccato echoes
A subtle shrill arpeggio at fade out
So subtle a difference that I can't say I hear it
Though I am the director
Of that whistles orchestration

Far across the valley bottom camouflaged by pattern
They will appear somewhere among that sea of white
The receivers pop up in mirrored action
Tiny pinpoints of color among the sea of white
I don't need to be able to see them to know
The exchange of glances anticipation of coming attraction
This is what they live for.... that call to attention
As they await like teenagers or #45 for another tweet

Glancing now at each other and aware
Of that growing sense of  anxiety among their charges
My hesitation stemmed from viewing all the Majesty
But I am aware from way up here of the tension below
And with the valleys steeped in ever darkening shadow
The two miles trek to the awaiting gate and the holding pen
I blow a quick quip to start Sas  and Rocket to bring em in
Then as if of 1 mind they lead em home ...leading from behind

An  addiction to action where by  almost supernatural
Is their ability to move by nip and slip around the throng
Attentive to any wayfarers lost in transit
Encouraging less enthusiastic or lost youngster to move along
Sending the adolescents screaming in terrorized panic
As they are  absorbed into the mass of slow moving wool
And only after the last one of them passes thru
The pair allow themselves ...with the closing of the gate

That romp of triumphant joyfull play as they await their reward
They will receive for their day of working like a dog
That bowl of food that awaits them is secondary to the real prize
To that smile and well done pat on the head or belly scratch

From their beloved master for that is really what they live for!!!
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2016
I thought about this and around this for a long time, so I guess it's time to write it down.


There is a natural balance in Earths history and mankind's tentative balance along the scale.
  When humans began to band together and create communities, control of fire / light created a need for oil . Eventually settling on whale oil.
   So it was by the grace of whatever one might want to attribute it to,that let petroleum come into play at a time when whales are in danger of being annihilated and dead horses were clogging the streets of cities in the east, left dead or dying by the Cartmen who simply unstrapped the sick or dead animal and moved on.
  .Oil / petroleum led to the creation of the internal combustion engine.
   So again a hand stirred the ***.                
  Consider these improvements( if such they were )created rapid growth and burgeoning cities . Again Providence stepped in to create radio , telephone and airplanes, essentially at a time when growth of humanity was so great , that new ways of farming , new ways of seeing the world-  were  becoming more and more necessary to a shrinking world.
   Unfortunately, at a time when we, the American initiative creators of so many trends, ideas ,Innovations and inspirations around the world, were suddenly slammed a blow that at this point, 40 years later; it's very reverberations are still being felt.
   Consider if big oil and trickle-down had not ,for spiteful and greedy involution, taken down the solar panels from the White House roof, that Jimmy Carter had installed in 1977.
  How far ahead would we be now ,in clean energy and how much less damage to the ice cap and the atmosphere would have been done??  To date... my guess is that it is incomprehensible.
  So if nature does create a balance, it seems we are coming to a critical Junction.

Right now -metaphorically speaking- we are riding shotgun in a car with a driver ,who like us ,sees cars up ahead disappearing around the curve and all hitting  their brake lights. Now any reasonable driver at highway speeds is 65 - 80 miles an hour would at least take the foot off the gas in preparation of  tapping the brakes.
  So many politicians right now are refusing to accept the brake lights... see no reason to tap the brakes to interrupt cruise control, in all actuality, completely refusing to do anything except go around the curve at full speed.
   Around that curve we may find nothing but smooth sailing ,  or we may find a catastrophe in the making.
   Nature will accept the cruise Interruption now (maybe) brakes absolutely, but Full Speed Ahead will lead to the sickening crunch of seawater rising and  spilling salt water into the lands that are used for growing crops and food -  leading to millions , maybe billions of refugees with nowhere to go.

Or we will reach critical mass of sheer ignorant arrogance and nuke ourselves into a situation that does not have the technology or population to hammer at the planet so freaking hard.

Most likely the first scenario would instigate the 2nd and those of us who crawl up out of the ashes will start the evolution to revolution journey all over again.

Ain't nature Grand ???
Keith W Fletcher May 2016
Just had a long talk
With someone I can't really say
I always get along with
To be perfectly honest
I really didn't like what I heard
As some of my beliefs turned myth
I guess it goes both ways
As I'm sure I failed the test
As to just where arrogance really ends
So as  we rolled and punched
Dancing. around creating a show
Knowing a cut too deep is a wound that never mends

So I realized  That I am a chicken
The Cowardly Lion without a heart
as time after time I will fail
As  time and opportunity meet
A greeting card has more honor
Then the blank sheets of paper left along the trail
That I tried to fold into some amazing origami

I can picture but can't produce
Confident that I really am trying to
Become  as honest as I say I am
That was
Until the conversation I just had
I came away knowing
That  I'm a liar
The chicken-hearted
Cheater of the dear departed
Now back-stepping
As if to get back where it all started

But there's no do-overs
No wishing wishes would come true
No one to blame but the you
That you've unlisted
No one in the mirror except the you
That you've insisted
Isn't you
Saying that there are things in life you say
And there are things you never say
Those things you want to say.  
Or the things you need to say  
Then allowing ourselves to put them away
For another day
It's those things we have to say ...must say
That can take part of our humanity away.
So you see.....
..... I am a coward....
a chicken hearted
Soon to be discarded
Bag of desiccated skin and bones
Because I had time to do the right thing but instead I let it pass ... let it pass
So I wish I had never had that talk  
So I'm about to stop and move away
From this conversation
That I've been having with myself
I don't really care what I have to say
Okay I lied I do care ..
.And I was right when I said
I had things I need to share
Need to say ......and need to say....
Because if I wait.... if I.... hesitate
To tell those that I love
Exactly how I feel
At first the words may seem a bit unrealistic
But the pains would be just way too real way way way too real
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2016
I woke up in a different world today
A different state of mind
I gathered up my thoughts and didn't allow them to stray
I didn't have to go that far to find
What it is that I'm looking for
It was right there in front of me
all the time
I just had to recognize recognize recognize
That I only had to open up my eyes '
And watch the world change
Right there right there in front of me
So I want to take this time and say hello
To somebody that I knew but I didn't really know
So as a friend of mine
I know I know I let you down
But you were true and always hung around
As if you knew that everyone who gets lost
Is just around the corner waiting to be found
Willingly they pay the cost
As they wait to know that someone seeks to find
And the weight the weight the weight that that takes off their mind
Allows them to look in the mirror and see what they can find
I woke up in a different world today
A different state of mind
And I saw somebody that I hadn't seen
I have been trying so hard to find
I turn the tap and i washed my face
And in that mirror I saw no trace
Of all that weight that I carried on my back
The disguise was gone and it was me again
I smile at the image and I say hello
How are you
Its really nice to see you again
Really nice really
To see you again
Keith W Fletcher May 2017
( a gift was written this morning at the request of a friend ,for her sister - who puts her hopes in dreams.)

Life would be too perfect
Were it all just a dream
But does that mean it won't be
When all the past is seen

In so much hurry to grow up
Like all kids do I suppose
Now we have our own example
Each with a mini me and only Lord knows

*** all those times we had
All those vacations at Lake Wapapella we shared
LOL along with the owner's son who liked me best
And how we would wander off in our world of dreams
I love our lives together back then along with the rest

Our shared lives without the intrusion
Of petty lies alibis..well one intrusion did occur
When love was tossed into loss and pain, jealousy and confusion

But like I said life would be perfect were it a dream
That sad maddening time when life interferes
Were that a dream more nightmare I swear
I would wake myself by my screaming drowning in my tears

We sure seem to be sharing life again
In so many indescribable Ways and Means
Where someday soon  again we will share our physical beings
Where we will again be able to share those late-night talks of life and love and dreams

So Michelle never let your dreams Slide Away or be tossed
Time has a wicked sense of humorous abstraction
For nothing is ever forgotten or ever lost
Sometimes it seems they reappear by means of distraction
But in any dream....there is one thing I will never lose
Is that we still have each other and our shared commonality
And that is a dream wrapped up in a dream packed in a box for delivery called reality

And that has to be one of lifes most wonderful gifts.
And what dreams are made from .
Keith W Fletcher May 2017
Every so often as we move along the trail
We meet those who walk along beside us
Some for just a few steps before a direction change
Others a step and two - you start looking for a bus

So rare when out of nowhere a sojourner steps in
At least that's what it seems to be ...then after a time
You realize you really don't know who joined who
So rare is the honor given and recieved that sublime

Is the word that seems fitting due to.. its rarity of use ...
... height and breadth of its inclusionary valuation
Finding the courage to walk the highwire of conversation
Without a net and that is not the normal inclination

A breath of fresh air through a dusty dead air space
Conversation so often drags along creating a rut
But time harmonizing along the trail a foot or endless mile
Has a key to locked doors and  inspired need to open windows

That I as I'm sure ,like so many others,  have.....
                         at some sad impulse driven moment ...nailed shut !!
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2016
It's gotten to where I despise
That look I see in your eyes
It's not like it's any real big surprise
Been getting harder to even try to disguise
Did you expect me to really tell you lies
After all those failed and empty tries
Funny how new love can always tantalize
Just seems to take off and rise and rise
Flying like it owns the skies
Seems like nothing it wants the world denies
Then the universe seems to bring the world down to size
And it seems like the old rules no longer applies
When it seems like then not even money buys
Any kind of happiness or emotional ties
And as the minutes tick by they seem to hypnotize
As friends and family stand around watching as it falls and dies
Becoming pieces left only to memorize
Someday to pull out and look at when the mood applies
When the ghosts of better days  gone materialize
But it'll have no answers no matter how hard it tries
Then suddenly you find that you're old and gray
Looking in the same old mirror day after day
And then you say
I'm getting to the point where I just despise
That look I see in your eyes
But you're all alone... So you have no alibis
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
All I really wanted
Was someone who needs me
Thats all I really want
I play the game
With such precision
But I don't enjoy the hunt
You come around
With your fancy persuasions
And try to stay awhile
You try to be
The judge and jury
And put my life on trial

Do t try to cross ... burning bridges
Don't try to crosswire me
Don't try to cross.... open spaces
Don't cross examine me

I'll come to order
When I'm good and ready
Don't try to make me rush
You know the answers
That I'm gonna give you
Won't really tell you much

I 'll plead the fifth
If you really force it
And keep it locked inside
Take what you get
I'll give you that much
To keep you satisfied

I have no defence
When it comes to hurtin
The prosecution rests
You bound me over
As your own solution
Even though....I had confessed.

All I really wanted
Was someone who needs me.
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2023
Sometimes when you feel
Like you're down in a hole
Lost in the darkness
Losing control
Don't feel like fighting
Ready to just give in
Don't know where you're going
Or care where you've been
Way past believing
That you'll ever rise up again
From feeling so hopeless
Feeling so low
Then a passing stranger
smiles at you
...and simply says "Hello"
....that's all...
that's all it takes.
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2016
Pessimism tells me
No need to even hope
So many knots exist now
Along the quarter mil rope
Stretched out full length
At one time it held such promise
Anchored to the foundation strong and straight
Passing through the Bushes damaged to where Obama's
Best efforts  to untangle and repair
No help from hate mongers lined up at the stump
One by one stepping up to make the same speech
Knot after knot was tied in our hope
Till that final knot and its *** not Trump.
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
It's never really easy
To put yourself out there
To let go the rung
Where for so long you've clung
But without the chances
Life has no dances
And who wants to live forever
With their feet on the ground

I've stood here waiting
For the bus to my future
I've stood here so long
That the grass no longer grows
In the shadow I'm casting
There only darkness and gravel
At this bus stop to nowhere
Where the buses no longer travel

I need to move on now
I have to get myself moving
Waiting was so much easier
When I had so much more time
Now-while I am still able
It may take some pacing
To find my way forward
Towards the dreams I'm chasing

How long now- have I been waiting
I just can't say for certain
It feels like the third act
Like they will soon pull the curtain
As my audience is waiting
To see what great way I'll be ending
So I must create one that'll be worth
All the time I've wasted and the money they're spending

Its never really ever been easy
To let me put myself out there
With all that time that I've spent
Unaware of all my hesitations
So now-without some chances
Life has no dances....
And who wants to live forever
With their feet on the ground.
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2017
Wednesday morning I woke up from my first night sleeping in the camper, and  I had that  disjointed feeling that comes from unfamiliarity.  I recognized  the interior of the camper, so that was not what was  triggering that closed in feeling that enveloped me, not claustrophobic really, it was more: comforting.  It is hard to put into words that kind of feeling, but as I am supposed to be an aspiring writer ......It would seem to be my responsibility to do so,,  or at least try.
    So as I lay there cradling the warm afterglow of a satisfying night of slumber and with pleasant dreams of…I’m hungry ! I suddenly thought to myself.  No! Actually I am starving, and just one look down at Stormy , lying on the floor and staring at me and  it was more than obvious that he too was hungry..
    “Okay, boy, I know.  I hear you..”
     “All we ate last night was those Fritos wasn’t it?”Stormy just stared at me with those big brown, expectant and hungry eyes..
   “ Sorry boy !  I am new at this.”  I said as I was just  realizing that I was fully clothed, This fact reminded me that I had come into the camper cruiser nine hours earlier, intending to fix me some food, had seen the bed laid out , done while setting up camp hours earlier, so I decided to see how comfortable it could possibly be .
    I remember laying down and  saying to myself, “  this ain’t too bad.”  Looking down at Stormy -closing my eyes- and well , here I am, nine hours later,  starving and being stared at by Stormy .
    .  6:30 AM Wednesday morning- and both of us starving  .   "Man!   Talk about exhaustion.!" I said to the world at large .
    “Just hang in there for a few minutes more  and we  will both have bacon and eggs today....  Okay?”
To which stormy happily  wagged  the whole rear half  of himself in undying gratitude.
     After breakfast I had a cup of coffee in my hands, and a buzz in my head as I sat down in the lawn lounge thingy ( It had even come with the camper) and watched the other people  go about their morning..
     Was this my story--the ever evolving story  of… Come on dude!  I chastised myself,  this is not your mission, to write about camping spots,  and the ever evolving state of one parking spot that                they are occupying.   .  But as I was beginning to slowly realize  ; my story , just might be more elusive than I  had taken time to consider.
      I glanced down at storm to see if he had any insight, an opinion of some great revelation for me,  but he was in his own world; lying there beside me and watching with rapt interest the antics of a pair of foraging gray squirrels as they skipped and be bopped among the branches of a huge white oak;   wherein  Stormy, unlike myself,  saw the big picture,,  all the story he needed was playing out in the branches of that tree.  This tree was his tree ……of life..!
    “Crazy little buggers   ain’t they boy?”  I remarked to him as I rubbed his head and neck , taking away a few precious seconds of his squirrel watching while he looked around me before returning his gaze back to the  acrobatics  of the little be boppers of the tree..  I went back to watching my new neighbors,  for in a sense-that is exactly what this is . Nt much  different from  the cul-de-sac.  I grew up on. ..  With one exception-vital as it is . I mean  that I only have  the imaginary view of these people , not  the  reality  that I had with… But then, I reassess my thought,,  reorganize my pattern as I remember that morning  .
     That crazy day with all the police  and ambulances suddenly appearing in the street..  All the neighbors  having  been bunched up  in curious knots to wonder what was happening at the Angleton’s.
   Like wind swept fire  to a field of tall grass, the rumors began spreading through  the street.
   “He killed her!”  Someone remarked abstractly..
    “Who?”  They all asked in comatose reality.
    “George Angleton” they said, “he killed his wife  and then he killed himself--I think”
    “Whyyyyy?”  They   bleated .
    “Do not know-I heard they had financial problems,  maybe that was it.”  They quoted equivocally.
    “There was always something funny about them.”  The little man said   fumbling the ball
   “Who?”  They all questioned again.
    “Angleton’s…  It was strange, I wouldn’t  let my kids go up there  on Halloween.. and that time he gave all comic books!”  The little man said with an air of superiority.
   “   Why is that?”  They argued in question.
     “You asked me he was trying to lure them kids in.”  He blundered and fell
    “You are nuts!  He was a sweet old man… It had to be… financial”  they persisted..
     “Say what you want-  but I know what I know-and he was weird.”  The little man overstated.
    “You did not even live around here.  That year he gave out comic books-did you?”   Somebody pointed out aggressively.
      “Well.... no,,” the little man sputtered,, “bububut I heard about it..”   The little man  beleaguered now     “So you never even met George!”   Someone accused  ..
     “Not personally; but all  the…” The little man started.
      “Get the hell away from me little man.” the whole crowd expressed in screaming silent looks .
ALONG WITH YOU INSTEAD! by Keith W Fletcher written on January 26th 2025.

If your world is turning circles
And the dizzier you get
don't try to stand in defiance
Of all those things you'll soon forget

The baggage that we come with
Doesn't dictate who We are
Unless you try to carry it forever
No matter how far…

…You want to go in that direction
You want to reach up and touch the star
Add it to your collection
Of Bright lights trapped in a jar

You can't turn a Grand illusion
Into a bygone memory
Without acknowledging the confusion
That surrounds you as far as you can see

Let It Go and slip from your hand
Dont look behind you and try to keep track
Of any footprints left in the sand
to help you find your way back

You won't need any signs to help you
To reach those lights ahead
Just leave your past in the rearview
And carry your future along with you…
…Along with you instead.
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2020
when I was a clock
you were too slow
to keep
up with me
when I was a wheel
I was always around
but you always seemed content just to  watch me roll on by
when I was a cloud..
... white or gray
It  never seemed
to matter much you
either way
when I was a question
you had no answers
when you had answers
I had no question
That when I was a nightmare
, You always remained a dream
When I was an open book
you made it easy
to always turn the page
and when I'd  fear
what I might find there
it seemed like you
would always skip ahead
making sure
my post is clear... making sure
that my ghosts weren't there !!

When I was a clock
you were too slow
to keep up with me
now that I'm an old man
I walk slower much slower now While  you could run so far ahead but, you're always there
holding my hand ....holding
my hand instead !
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2016
Keith W Fletcher
Dec 1, 2016

An insatiable thirst
By the flickering flames of change
As constant darkness
Opens up
To expose
The smiling faces........ arranged
In a ragged circle
As transmutation will
Click a quick tick
Time sets forth a measurement
And right then
Measurement becomes relevant

And the wall
Still and silent now
As it settles into the new place
Having moved backward......
Giving human spirit
A little more space
Nobody knew it right then
But space
Just got bent ..for the very first time

---------And GOD smiled---------

Coal carried the flame forward
Far beyond
Its original role
Iron became harder to tame
As they blend and bend
Creating and celebrating
The birth
Of the very first tool
And the wall slid back
Exposing a gap
In the continuum
As well as a broken chain
So GOD stepped in
Taking a chain in each hand
As to cover the span

Linking the past to the present
Creating a future
Where history will be amassed
To be categorized
Sorted and filed
And GOD held it all together
-------And again GOD smiled-------

That smile
Must have been
As GOD watched the intrepid airmen
Sail off the dune and fly toward the ocean
Taking a leap and an unfathomable chance
GOD may have laughed
As the slapstick unfolded
The two brothers laughing and whooping
As each does their version
Of a happy dance
To a whole new future -- to be
That they alone
Had the ability to see

It did change... quite magically
Unfolding like a roadmap
Inspiring technology
With each turn of the page

No smile could have been present
As fat man lumbered in
And little boy followed
Not too long after
And that guaranteed
The absence of smiles
-------The suppression of laughter------


The wall slid backwards
By more than the QUOTA
The pattern expected
Considering the folly of man
Whose intelligence suddenly rapidly
That bit by bit
Humanity split


Using a crutch
Saying its all just...
...TOO much
"If GOD wanted man to fly
GOD would have given us wings"

As others decry
"You spit in the eye
of. GOD who gave us the gift
of creativity
Intelligence and tenacity---
--maybe a bit of bombastity

All fathers want their children
To excel
So shouldn't that be true
For GODS children as well?

That wall is not to be breached
Undermined or climbed
We will never realize
The height necessary
To rise above the lofty wall
To see the sacred sights
Where GOD delights
In teasing us
Bit by bit
Inch by inch
Allowing us
To push the wall forward

Encouraging us to learn as we grow
As you know
We would have never  moved forward
Beyond the doubts of those
Who say that we're playing GOD
Then... burying their heads in the sand
Dooming us to crawl
Instead of proudly walking tall

If GOD didn't encourage those  children
By stepping back
And smiling upon us
As we seek to find wisdom
Just as we need it

We take pride in pushing ahead
As if we..... somehow
Actually did it...
... On our own
Managing move that wall
----And that has to give...


The biggest laugh of all !!
Fatman and little were the first nuclear bombs dropped on the  Japanese cities  of Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 1945 just barely forty years after the Wright brothers  first airplane flight at   Kitty Hawk North Carolina
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2023
...Something so familiar
seemed to be hanging
just outside my periphery...
like an annoying honey bee
Suddenly I popped up
from a languid moment
of heat driven exhaustion....
knowing something
had to be done.
So I grabbed my official hat
out my office door I...hobbled along my left leg being asleep
"wake up you fool"
I muttered as I angled
past the front desk
that new deputy stood playing on some little box
"Is that an IPOD?"
No sir! what's an Ipod ?
never mind
just keep people off that bridge
till I return and tell you different! Is that clear?
Yes sir Danial...uhhh chief ...!
Good now get going.

I got to go talk to the D. A.
then out I went to the most oppressive sept heat seen in decades

"NO! No way! That's not possible!"
You think so...? the chief asked
well just look out there in the streets.
Where are the kids-
home studying for school when it's still 2 days away?
Raymond Frazer D.A. for Upton county + 2 more back in the hill country.
so you coming?
"Yeah chief...but just to prove you...
can't and won't
overstep your authority."
And who would determine that? Judge.... Willoughby?well let's go see what he has to say then.
If you can get him
to approve your overreach
I won't say another word!

Hello Judge my dispatcher call you?
"Yes. She did and ,I must say...lunch?sure ,but it sounds like a walk down memory land lane
We might as well! gonna get some good bbq and cold beer out on the hiway.
10 minutes.
We will pick you up
after you get done with Betty Lou

oh and write this on a sheet of of cardboard and post it. .*** the judge chuckled
be there to pick you up in a jif.

Who's Betty Lou? And where we going now?
Find that Deputy of mine give him a special assignment.

County ordinance or 2
So ....
we were trespassers
By all truth of right, wrong or law...but
No harm meant by the rules
we bent
Telling too many seemed the major flaw

That overbearing, solar flaring, heat streak
summer of desperation turned inspiration
When seeing people instead of watching people
Gave me different ways of creating separation

From what I see and what I'm shown
What I'm told and what it is
I actually hear
What I say and what I truly believe
And how somethings really are...just as they appear

Amazingly enough this cyber shift implosion
Crashed thru the outer me
careening around within my fragile core
While crouching down in a clump of bushes
Staring into caramel brown eyes of a girl...who was
Just as naked as me

It blew through town back then  like a hot dry wind on a July day
When people were melting like long stick candles   bowing
like an emissary to a King
In any window where the aftenoon sun shines bright
As it is the stupid cruel rumor

A rumor that a farmer broke a water main while plowing

Literally what else would it take to break
That fragil overbearingly irriatatingly ******* monotony
that held the midwest
American small towns dying summer that
a near-death grip
Except.... maybe...if
the rumor had
turned out to be phony

The trail of misfit cars, pickups, motorcycles rolling North
must have looked like the jailbreak/ carnival parade it was...that
seemed to gather stragglers like a magnet gathers iron filings
Soon on saddle bank road 120+ kids
Naked and as innocent in the fact...
That one might think that today was the day
they were born and in some ways...
they were! Fully fledged
in exodus
from the womb
of pure monotonous ladened
claustrophobic morality... have way to languished hedonistic daydreams

Static groups of slow-melting apparitions
Unaware uninspired unintended refugees
Of homes...
of family...
and abject boredom
of that sad summer of high petrol- low crude performance and
Summer jobs never blooming and now... add a drought.

As the final Saturday wilted on the absentee mind
Before the Monday rises to drag them back in... the ritualized killing of all who found
The looming tedium  of lessons and tests
unbearably cruel to have school begin its pull
Without ever even having a glimpse
Of the dying ghost
of a summer break that never was.

Until...that steady drone
rose from a distance
Those 90cc pistons
spitting hope as its frantic echo
to somehow announce
from 3 miles away
"help he's killing me!"

Razer was making that hybrid bike scream
then...right down main he came shouting thunderously
But to no avail... every word

"...daughter shake
common shop..." was the word that ppl heard....

...then it died
PISTON ROD took off over the barbershop
Headed for the moon

Razer stood over the smoking carcus
Spit on it ...kicked it... then saluted it ...
Before saying hey common nowz its flowing and growing
Quicker than quick ...
and that was how summer came to a glorious end.

with a ten acres puddle
Water spraying 30 ft high and by gawd we took to it like
butter to hot biscuits.
until that is
the cops arrived!

And we all run to hide.
.. so here's where
I started this tale

Shhh.. I said
to this *******
beside me
Flesh-colored and glistening ...
We better stay put
you know...
... till it calms down
Hey!  I don't believe I've ever seen you around...the town before...
do you live here... in Braeden  I mean?

We just moved here
she said.
Hi, I'm Joy-Ann Hope
And she surely was at that!
  forever  ...well
Until I changed her last name and she became Joy-Ann PAYNE.
9 MONTHS  later we
met a little girl
named Summer Dawn Payne!

We know all that Daniel...but you cannot expect us...the DA and Chief judge ..not to mention members of the school board and...
Shut that up Judge Willoughby...
and be Mickey Willoughby and Ray Ray ...not D.A.Frazier for a second so you can remember.
Think back 38 yrs and how that line of dried out ,dusty, forlorn kids suddenly came alive that day ...the horns honking, bicycle tires spinning and Ol Joey P his soul on that horse of his as it clattered along the concrete and clopped by the lead car by galloping along the grass shoulder.
Beat us all to the puddle and I will never forget what we saw when we got close
Him and the mare neck deep ...ha haha ha Yes. Joey P and Nantucket Grey were good people. Rest in peace old friends.

Okay ...the heck with it say the judge mickey to the sad moment of revered silence ...I'm about ready to retire and as I recall that day now I realize 1 thing
Crystal effen clear now
I saw Mary Hortons ...uhh Who that day..and that I somehow got old.
I'm sold Chief ...Sorry, Daniel what do we do?
Well Ray Ray County DA what do you not have to say now?

Just Question guys...shall we go get a tractor or sledge hammers?

Oh come on guys this is the 21 century and I am chief of police with ... well army surplus courtesy
of the fed gov and everything we said we would fix when we got "growed up"
Maybe today we help the next gen or two know what freedom really feels like.
Ray .. call the sheriff " little Bobbie Jones " and tell him
- and them-
to stay the f away.
Judges order.  
Hope wins again.
Keith W Fletcher Aug 2022
You once had some free time
so you threw it away
don't need another second when the blue skies
are turning to Gray

the crystal ball said it would be all right
all your old friends are doing fine
no need to worry ,
about anyone you can go to sleep
when your day is done
without a worry without a care
without a bit of wisdom
that you can share
just wear your blinders
and they'll keep out the light
to live in total darkness
will be all right

it's not as easy as it may seem to turn a nightmare
into a dream you could do it if you had some help
at least that's what you keep telling yourself while sitting on that rainbow colored mushroom
and talking to that orwellian elf
nobody has any reason these days
to catch the pieces of the old realities
so they seek out new ones
in their Stead and keep them in boxes
underneath their bed

someday when it rains
or who knows maybe when it snows
you'll have some time
to pull  it
and maybe see what life was all about
that is if you have any extra time
in order to check it out

check it out check it out

check out
how often
you always have time

to give a **** or give a thought
or a kind deed

never costs you much
but it can buy a lot

you may realize that truth someday
when the box beneath your  bed is empty .
..gone away what'you find
is there instead
are page of
the daily news
to keep you warm
to keep you dry
and to be your bed

sleep on the sidewalk

sleep out in the cold
thats where  you'll  find ...plenty of spare time
to try turning
that  nightmare into a dream like the one
that you were once sold
even though
its getting old'
its getting old
it's getting old
just like sleeping out
in the cold
watching  as time keeps passing by
it's getting old its getting so old.....and so am I.
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2016
Rance is eating in a restaurant when he sees a girl ,obviously hitchhiking, get out of the car, carrying a guitar case and then coming to the restaurant. As he's leaving he tells the waitress to buy her  a hamburger because all she asked for was water . Then he goes out to his van
            ---------      ++ -------- ++     ----------    
The guy with the large helium balloon floating over his head was saying something as he closed the distance between us on this crowded bustling Street. The people, for some reason, kept raising their faces to stare at me with lonely ,beseeching  eyes as they scurried by ,then instantly dropping their gaze back to the ground as they quickly continued on.
    " State of my..... state of my ....state of my head....".said the balloon man as he drew near me and I couldn't help wondering why the words weren't appearing in the balloon that bounded along ,dancing chaotically, in lock-step to the dance-like movement of his pace "state of my head ."  
    Unlike the other people who passed by, he never looked at me -in fact- he didn't seem to notice anything except the zone right in front of his next step .  
       "You're legs on fire!"
     "I could still hear the echo of his chant as it, and him, bebopped into the obscurity of the distance, suddenly becoming aware of the barren and empty street , and the fire that was burning my right thigh.
    "Your leg's on fire"  now these words did appear in symbolic cartoon measure across the face of the balloon. "Hey!"I  cried out and then heard the echo of the words as they came sailing back.
    "Finally waking up I see" continued the echo as it became a soft laughter-filled sound to my ears.
     Slowly I was  becoming aware that my vision was filling in with the world outside the windshield of my van. The last stanza of Shinedowns state of my head was just fading from the radio as.....
    "Thanks for the burger"
My leg WAS on fire. Okay , it wasnt really,but it was burning above the knee of my right leg from the sunlight streaming through the windshield.      
  I was busy patting out the fire and rubbing the sleep from my eyes when I heard the voice again "Hello?"
     Now though, it was a real voice ,as it came sailing through the window of my van. A female voice.
     A bit slow maybe, but I was finally beginning to catch up, so I knew before I even looked, that it was the girl with the guitar case.
    It was. As I peered over the door frame I saw that she was sitting three feet from the van, on a patch of grass and leaning back against the big oak that grew at the edge of the parking lot and had provided a nice shade for storm ....okay and for my nap.        
     Surely the crooked -and haltingly, embarrassment driven - smile that I managed to conjure up ,as I looked out the window and down at her, was totally inadequate.  I was attempting to move past it , so with great confidence ,and sua da vi I heard my words as I said.
   "Huh? "  oh god !My brain said to my inner voice "really smooth" --- my inner voice took the fifth.  
     "That's a heck of a watch dog you've  got " she said.  Somehow breaking the ice  and allowing me space and time to regroup. " He told me he was there , aware and in charge as I approached your window,but he did it by just raising his eyes and the slightest rumbling growl. It was obvious he was serious but he was so cool about it"      
   I reached ,almost ,unconsciously, to stroke Storms muzzle and the furrow between his ears. "Yeah, " I said " He's got style alright." as more than a bit of pride tinged my words.
    Her laughter was sudden and as free as a wild bird being released from the confines of a cage as it rose up into the air.It was one of those beautiful,,natural
voices of those rare people who are not embarrassed by their own spontaneity.
   "Style " she managed to exclaim among the peals of joy " I love that"
     " Hi" I told her " I'm Rance and my stylin friend is Stormy"
      Her movements were quick, agile and graceful as she bounded to her feet , quickly wiping any perceived dust from her right palm across the hip area of her jeans before reaching out to shake hands.  "I'm Penelope Woods , but everyone back home just called me Piney"
     Now it was my time to laugh. A slight chuckle accompanied my hand as  I reached out to collect hers . " Piney Woods that funny. "
    " Why ,thank you kind sir " she exclaimed with the exaggerated imitation of southern gentellity " I've always thought so"  then that freebird laughter , again came rising up ,to float over and then slide all the way down into the hollow,unused places of my heart . Settling there as though it were home......Maybe it was.
Keith W Fletcher Feb 2017
I didn't believe in love at first sight
So I had to take another look
She was all my eyes could stand
And that look was all it took

She came across like a line from a song
The kind that makes you feel so good
I had to tell her just how I felt
If I didn't then I never would

You're the woman I've needed
You're the woman I need
You're the reason that I'm all alone
There's a child in me... That nobody can see
A part of me that never has grown

I didn't think I could ever be free
Of this feeling that I've known so long
Something inside that I've long denied
Kept telling me that something was wrong

Looking at you I can see that it's true
There's more to living than just life
I want you now and I want you forever
So baby won't you be my wife

You're the woman I've needed
You're the woman I need
You're the reason that I'm all alone
There's a child in me ... That nobody can see
A part of me that never has grown

I never believed in love at first sight
But baby you're a sight to see
You came along and something went wrong
To the strong silent side of me

I had to tell her just how I felt
If I didn't then I never would
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2016
Rance looked at the speedometer. Set  at 65 and on cruise control ,which he was fully aware of - at least he should have been. He kept looking anyway.
   Every time he glanced at the speedometer , he had to lift the fingers of his right hand to see, as it was draped across the 12 to 1 o'clock Zone of the steering wheel in the most casual way ,causing his fingers, in drooping repose- to resemble an enormous back scratcher.
   His left arm rested on the window sill at the elbow as he was experiencing a slightly manic episode  of nerves,  therefore he was doing his best to stretch his left ear lobe  all the way down to his shoulder . Okay, maybe not that radical, but he was firmly  in danger of removing the inner layer of skin from his earlobe with his rubbing thumb.
    Quick glances to his right with darting eyes confirmed his fear .  He  also saw the absence of Largo's large grey head., so a quick backward glance into the rear of the camper- unintentional but habitual -allowed him to see that Largo was asleep beside stormy in the approximate territory each  had staked out
  It was as he was pulling his head back forward , that Piney glanced up from The Notebook to smile.  There in the co-pilot seat , she sat gracing him with a  warm smile , and as far as Rance could tell , those lips that  smiled at him- so friendly -/were totally natural and uncolored, and if she were wearing any makeup at all ,it wasn't enough to cover the four or five little freckles just above the tip of her nose.  The natural look  gave her face that timeless look.   She could have been anywhere from 18 to 25 or 30 he didn't really know and....he really didn't care .
    It was noticing  those walnut colored flecks, just outside the iris of her light ,hazel colored eyes that  started causing him such personal turmoil.  As it seemed - to his astonishment- that he seemed unable to detatch  his own vision from  those eyes.,  Until she looked back - that is.
    First happening to him when she had  accepted his offered ride and as she wss climbing into the copilot's seat. If it hadn't been for largo, who had instantly attached his chin onto her  thigh ,she might have noticed how he was staring .  Fortunately  he was able to break it off but he was still self conscious of that effect she was having on him.
   After he'd done the initial stumble in the parking lot , he had actually carried on with - amazingly enough  -surprising clarity. It was in those 10 minutes that he had learned of her hometown and  all of the time she had been on the road up to now. Which had been all of 30 miles.
    It was that nagging voice that  kept repeating - in the back of Rances mind- the thing that she had said. " I wasn't really planning to be stopping at that restaurant , but I had to get out of that car.   Although the rest of what she said mattered , it was that part that kept resonating .
  " Oh that guy ! "/She grumbled "was just getting creepier and creepier.  The farther we went down the road , the bolder he got ,as he began to get handsy.
First , puting his hand on my knee and then a little bit later a little higher up my thigh." She shuttered  as she spoke  , in a pantomime inspired gesture before continuing. "It was after he pulled out that bottle and then started taking swigs that things got really bad.   When we started coming around that long curve, just before we got to the restaurant he was unable to bother me and ,adjust  for the curve,  so he kept driving over into the other lanes. Then he over-corrected ,almost getting  us killed  by a semi that came barreling through in the slow lane.   Laying on the horn as it swerved away to miss us, and then I knew I had to get the hell out of that car. Anyway possible.
  " So right then I saw the restaurant sign and I tried to get the best lilt into my voice and the most calm that I could muster as I said  "Hey! there's the place  I'm supposed to play tonight. Pull over ..right here! RIGHT HERE!!!"
    But in his slow, befuddled ,drunk and almost run over  brain he stopped right in the middle of the slow lane . " Where we at?"
  "We're at the place I'm playing guitar music tonight " She said -that she told him this - to keep his attention so she could wrestle the guitar case out of the back seat ,over the seat back and out the doorway of the car.  Then just as she had it ready to pull through the open doorway she reluctantly said " Thanks for the ride." Then with a little thought and ****** attitude " yeah ...I'll be playing here tonight at 8 o'clock , so why don't you come by and listen" she lied
  A bit perturbed and confused but he was still able to find his inner creep as he spoke.... muttered .....gutterally.... whatever  "Yeah I'll do that and then me and you can have a drink and I got a little Coke " then he did that drunken kind of wink where they end up opening their mouth in  such a crooked fashion that it looks like a stroke victims Visage
  " Where is a fly when you need one ". Piney  said that then she pulled  the guitar case on through  the doorway , wrestling it the 10 feet over to the grassy apron of the road . Returning to close the door as  he asked "what did ja say?
   "Oh . I said I've always wanted to give Coke a try " and with that she closed the door -/just short of a slam.
 " You got it ba " he pointed his right forefinger like a pistol, but if it went off Piney never heard as she trundled her case across the grass area  in the most direct route towards the building and the safety of people.
  At this moment she was still in the process of confirming the abject fear that had Rances heart doing flip-flops, as he was aware that she was still sitting there ,reading his poetry.
    As soon as she had settled into the copilots seat, allowed Storm and Largo to introduce themselves and as they happily filed her smells away. Storm returned to his spot after just a half of a minute while Largo, on the other hand gently lay his head on her leg and for all appearances seemed to go into a trance.
     She confidently rubbed his head as she spoke in a slight cooing sound then looking up at Rance as he was guiding them out the parking lot and did the cruelist thing possible . As polite as a butterfly landing on the petal of a flower she asked if she might read some.
  To which Rance had said "Sure , go ahead " and then began trying to do damage to his left earlobe. After 30 miles he was beginning to catch up with his runaway thoughts.
   Any remnants of sua da vi that he had mustered up in the parking lot , now long gone -evaporated. Unfortunately now it was being  replaced by a carrousel of thoughts in poor Rances mind that spun to the cacophony of music from the most  sinister sounding Calliope.
   Though the music blasted a torrential sound wave throughout his mind it was not enough to silence the voice that kept repeating " oh man oh man oh man" - with annoying and echoing  persistance - from an obscure region--, somewhere beyond the Swirling carrousel.
   Then suddenly the crazy carnival and the voice came to a sudden mind shuttering piney's soft velvety voice interceded. " you wrote these...i mean ...all of them ?"
  A quick glance towards Piney was enough to.see this fresh faced girl with those magnetic eyes- now filled to overflowing  with tears -  was looking at him in a wonderfilled  way as she held the open notebook in right hand and with the other she stroked largos head.,Which had rematerialized.on her lap , just as soon as her voice had broken the relative silence.
    " He really likes you" remarked the reemerging Rance ,as he indicated Largo with his head. 'And yes I did ...write .....yeah all of them." Not really smooth he said to himself ..but okay.
    " This one " Piney pointed to a page that Rance could not take time to recognize " Somber Sunset. Its killing grandmother just went ...and went through Alzheimer's before she passed. "
    Rance was still staring out the windshield, in silent astonishment - at her perception- when Piney gathered herself to the point of unbroken speech. " that is what its about ...right ?"
      Rance turned a full face ..straight on and confident gaze into her tear glissening eyes ( sua DA vi having returned full force) "Yes " he softly acknowledged her perceptivity" as I read it ...yes"
      Thats  when that annoying voice decided to reassert itself . "  There is always something about a damsel in distress that always brings  out even the most quivering coward ...." SHUT THE HELL UP!! Lance barked out at the voice as he stared out the windshield while making a slight adjustment to avoid.a small box in the road.
   At that very moment the sleeping Storm opened his eyes to stare forward with both ears and eyes , as if he had heard his masters voice call out in angry distress. With no danger detected as he scanned the area, he was about to resume his squirrel watching -which had just gotten good before the interruption -/Storm let his eyes scan around and land on Largo ." Humans "he spoke to himself " good thing they're smart enough to befriend dogs. Now that Largo...that's a dog that poor Rance could learn a thing or two from." Then he closed down his eyes and calling out "squorrely come on squirrel where'd ya go"  as his slight snore began and his right rear leg began twitching.
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
First day of Rance s and stormys New Life.
After the first night of sleeping in the camper .
First  realization that he's  on his own ,for the first time in his life. First opportunity for Rance to find ,what will eventually become a great novel so to say hi and meet the neighbors.
An hour later,  back from walking the campsite not have found any great stories, a couple of people nodded back as we passed , and one returned how you ? To my How are you doing today?

. No Epiphanies and no happy mood  as he  cooked up some hamburgers, for himself and for stormy .
   As it came time to eat,   and Rance  does something else for the first time ever, and that is deciding to say a prayer- for the journey and for the meal.

Made some hamburger patties , fixed stormy some food in his bowl turned on some Aerosmith Circa 1982 and waited for what would be next. As it turned out it was just hamburgers. No Revelations , no approaching strangers/ Neighbors to regale with the most amazing story ever to be heard..
   So I grill the burgers, set out the condiments, fill the plate with chips ,open the can of dr. Pepper then did something I had rarely if ever done in my life I made up a prayer'.
    Dear God in heaven
Jesus and the holy Spirit
Thank you for this meal
Both mine and Stormys
And for the opportunity
To see...
..... Beyond my horizons

Lift Me Up
And I will look farther
Open my heart
That I may feel deeper
Fill me up that I may have
Something to give back

I don't know what
My sites should be set on
Or the path
That I should be taking
So I will put it in your hands
To guide me- to show me
Where to look and help me
See what I might otherwise miss

I asked myself a little while ago
If I would do anything different
Than the people who. are camped around me .
I don't know the answer
I would like to believe.... that
The answer is inside me
Where only time and your good graces
Will help me if ....
... .  Understanding is mine to possess.

In Jesus name amen

Then for some reason I decided , instead of spending the day and night - as planned -at 12:30 in the afternoon- I packed up ,checked  the map,  picked  what I believe would be a pleasant four our trip, then I shook the dust of campsite 12C modern from my clothes and waved hartily at all the strangers  camping down the lane- as I went past.
    One little boy of about 10 waved enthusiastically back at me as I roll by.
     An hour later I found myself traveling a. switchback mountain pass highway when I came around a blind curve to come face-to-face with large backpack -a very large backpack - in the road.
    The backpack - upon reflection - was on the narrow shoulder of the road and rode on the the narrow shoulders of a red headed guy;  walking with a  dog on a string and ,going in the same direction that I was traveling.
      As I passed by, slowly. as  the surprise from  coming around the corner and seeing the sudden backpacks appearance ,along with the steady uphill climb of the road had slowed me considerably anyway.
    It was the dog that nearly brought me to a complete stop , not the - enthusiastic hitchhiker's - thumb sticking out to his side.
      The dog was bone-thin with  ribs showing like Fingers through the flesh and the protruding hip bones that stuck out like golf ***** under the skin just above each hind leg.  A silver and black dog that stood about 26 inches at the shoulders and should have weighed 80 pounds....would probably  tip the scales at 45 or 50.
      I passed by this pair with cuss words on my breath and anger in my heart to suddenly see a pull off/ view area to my right.
    I pulled in with a sudden and violent yank of the wheel that earned me a hard look from Storm .
    I was probably a quarter mile past The Hitch-Hiker when I pulled in and it was large enough to move back away from the road to a point I could no longer see the guy or the dog.
    " Good God" I said to Storm " Did you see .... and then it hit me with the spirit , as sudden  as a bug hitting the windshield would do;  so I looked up to the heavens" REALLY ?" I said "This is my answer?"
   Then I knew right then and there that I had judged, I had assumed , "I saw a starving dog and never thought... maybe he was attached to a  starving human.
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2016
On those days when it feels
As though life has pummeled you
Beatin down in the center of the ring
Confused as to where to turn to
All you want is a neutral corner
A respite from the jeering crowd
To stand in the showers healing waters
And wash away life's painful shroud
To just lie back in benumbed reflection
Of how to entertain anothet round
As entering the ring is no longer viable
My mind is weak my heart is absent
The spring  gone on legs no longer reliable
But I eat my supper and gorge on media
Until sleep leads me to what dreams sleep brings
Then on wobbly legs I arise to meet the foe
Once the hands of time align and the hated bell rings.
Put em up
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2018
Sometime long ago I cast my lot
On to that spot where I no longer exist
But I couldn't resist because
Though I be not an existing entity
Occupying there ...where
I once stood long
Long enough to realize
It wasn't where I belong

It was my spot until that thought
Crept up like a silent non tail wagging
Non growl bragging... Watchdog
to bite me on my *** and send me scurrying on my way

With a pain to remember what never existed
Except for maybe those fleeting moments when I resisted change
How comfortable can become
That place you never were
Able to say you came from

Somehow it feels better
Than to speak truth to letter
And to spell out the words
I don't belong
Anywhere along
That road where I had become so weak
As I Stumble down and all around
Revisions... Decisions
Where I hum the tune
That has become my song
That place I didn't belong
That place I didn't belong that made me strong!
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
I been livin-- upside down
For so long I've just been hangin around
I don't even know what keeps me bound
To these places -- where just traces
Of her....linger -- before time
Reaches up and erases
From my mind
I need some kind of
Emotional remote control
That I can use anytime I choose
To push the button
And to myself Be kind
Never forgetting to rewind
But I can't seem to find rewind
Can't seem to stop  losing all the traces
My memories of  her that
Just keep slipping away
Faces places smells and sounds
Like they come by just to tease me
Then suddenly
We're off to the races
Where I run so hard
Through the backrooms of my mind
Losing ground with each and every go round
Please ...can't you help me somebody
To help my mind and memory rewind
I'm begging you ...please
Please please please
Please rewind
Please rewind
Please rewind
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2020
few things exist
in man-made terms
that cannot be rebuilt
yet , with deep regret
I believe I am witnessing
what very well may be..
.. the slow demise
right before my eyes
that most critical one ...
..of the few!

Then: ..when! ...what?
how do we reestablish?
any excavation of...
...without means to recognize
or understand any remnants found
..for what they really are?

Without the tools to reassemble
what our collective ancestry
by sticks and stones
pain and perseverance
add- ons and detractions
Acceptance , Needs, Failure
When once not wants
flies fowl of foul
those lies left of rites
when wrongs became
the claim of rights
by might of might

Kings and Knights
as darkness dons
the errant plights
that the light of dawns
healing rays
again and again
allows mankind to raise
what man(un)kind
manages to raze

Yet easily we can now see
through histories window pains
all that is lost
all that it cost
the forward progress ...
..through understanding
naught wrought by force
or one voice demanding

As cities rise from ashes
again and again
settlements become cities
civilizations become nations
while ancient mysteries fade
into histories...
...darkest abyss
some we still honor for value
to fan flame the light upon those
we happily dismiss

Few are those things
Built by the hands of mankind
that cannot  be reconstructed
by the tools man had in mind to design

And  yet I sit
in adamant descent
through fervent lament
by all decimation seen
wondering how we will find
any way to reset
when we've bent and rent
every rule,  tool and...
school of thought
if no one cares to be ...
...or not to be ...a Rose

For that is the answer
soon to be lost...
..beyond questions.!
Keith W Fletcher Aug 2020
Stopping by the grammer store
I  bought a few pronoun bars to strengthen up my descriptabilities
A variety of verbs
To alter the activities
My proclivities .... danger
of being denounced
renounced by pronounced
Excommunication exultation
Forming on the vestigages of
The voice once possessed
Now seemingly at rest
Unsuitably impressed by
The nothingness of
any redressed grievance
When sentenced to question
Ones own viability ...
reliability or inspirability
Without pardon ...
I left with a full bag
of prepositions as i wandered and wound my way  home  ...
Never knowing of the hole
Where in my wake
i left a trail behind me during
before and after ,up against
Over and through ,near ,for among and between here and there i lost them all but one
Hanging half out without knowing where at
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2017
I guess you could say
I had to get away
From the way words
Had began to grate...
......of late
For we seem to have entered
A season without reason
Where simple lies
Revealing just how unfeeling
People can be
So much so so much
Total insanity seems...
... To have slipped in, ripped in
To the very core of who...
... I used to think we were
And it never did occur
to the me I used to be
Before I had to look... Into the eyes
And accept this new reality
So I took myself out
And closed the door after...
... I locked myself in
Where i decided to start
A season of art
Climbed out of the web
And then ...when
I have the blues
Its somethig i can use
To make lakes or skies
Or lovely eyes
And for a little while
Pretend ....i put an end
To all the ugly hate and bitter  vile
Because i got so tired
And being uninspired
by those who seek
new lower lows
While shooting holes
In their very  own Souls
Keith W Fletcher Sep 2016
My eyes are beyond polluted
By the overflowing inanities
That paint wordless post-mortems
On yesterday's lost fantasies

Rolling over lifeless as dead certains
When obligations fall into disrepair
And the king of all invocations
Awaits power sitting in an electric chair

As darkness shrouds the uninspired
In  triumphant ticker tape parades
While the bewildered beast becomes the feast
A million glasses in toast are raised

To the jesters unequivocally blasphemous proposal
To the queen of all frustrated converts
Who Once Upon a Time willingly surrendered
To the impresario pretender
Who fooled the world by laying siege on the empty house of cards

And with all the power granted
By the grace of obscenities triumphant screams
Separating me from reality by infiltrating my failing vision
With the polluted overflowing inanities of these cellophane dreams
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
With obsolescent clarity
Amid moribund metaphysical
As the iridium ball rolls
From eponym to epitaph
Engeneering an epoch diarama
In surfeit metronomic hysteria
While time chases time into infinity
Episodic vagaries celebrate
The metaphoric metamorphosis rising to
Metaphysical majesty as vacuous
As any minutiae will
When abstract vagaries
Become the vagrant epitome
Of a mordant mosaic
Made entirely of the lost causes
Torn from the very core
I surmise
As being the virulent....
.....Tragic and irridescent pieces
Left along the allegorical antipathy
Where those that are left behind
By the stigmatation
Of any irascible involutions
Mired in the mesh
Of scribbles and scribes
After the iridium ball rolls By
Leaving vacuous irridescent
Symbols of epigraphical
Stymied by
The obsolescent clarity
Amid moribund metaphysical  mutations.
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2016

mixed now
l aweTo realize
the day.
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
As the sun
Begins to set
I know my day
Is not over yet
So much to see
So much to do
So much to share
Now that I've found you

The time that's gone
Beyond the bridge
Does not effect the colors
Now forming upon the ridge

As abstract as what
We now have
Should I have tried....
......To see
Any vision
Any future
Any thought
That I would have
With whome
To share
The setting of the sun

Now I realize I was
All mixed up
And am just now realizing
I am not viewing the setting sun
I'm in total awe....To realize
We're sharing a brand new sun
And glory
To the making....
.....of a brand new day
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2017
I'm at a loss to explain
Or even understand
The way we got to this point
350 million strangers in a strange land
No joy comes from the methods I deploy
To exclude the thoughtless ,rude or crude.
Who neglect respect thinking a few words will fix
For me Apologies are not words... they're an attitude.

Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
I tried to imagine
My life without you close to me
And all I can ever do
His wipe away the tears
That cloud up every single thought
Of any life past being
By my side
Amazing me as you do
And so many wonderous ways
Making my life so pleasant
So  pleasant of a ride

And in the morning I wake... see you sleeping
I fight the urge to wake you...
..... to shake you
Just to see you smile......
.......your smile at me
Go a thousand miles with me  
On that wonderous ride
Where my thoughts can glide

Anywhere...anytime ...anyplace
When you my love....
When you...... are on my mind
Keith W Fletcher Sep 2021
I wouldn't take it so hard

If the Atm kept my card

I've never stood in suspense

Wondering if it would dispense

Some cash needed at 3 am

In fear that makes you shiver

That's so stupid to not know

Someone who will front and deliver

No i never have had an atm problem

And to you that may sound funny

But i would never do that on account

Of my account ain't never got no money.

Not since i quit being a nice guy , a giver

Who came by at 3 am to front and deliver!
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
If you're just walking
When you should have run
Then you'll have lost the race
Before it even has begun
If you're still talking
When the time for that is done
I you really want to know?
Or was it all just for fun

Are you......
....just going through the motions
Of trying to join the race?
Trying to convince the world
That you fit in someplace
Always crying that you never had a chance
All the while - up your sleeve is an ace
Are you ever going to measure up
To the you you're trying to trace

Are you ...
....just a carbon copy?
Of someone you try to be?
Or are you just the opposing picture
Of what it is that you see?
Keith W Fletcher Sep 2016
How brave must one be
To open up
And to really see

The maladies
And fallacies
And accept them all
With almost joyous abandon

As being old friends
Never met... and yet
We know them as intimately
As we know
The pains that we carry
Along the pathways of our lives

Some will take the easy way
Putting the pains out on open display
Carried aloft like a victory flag

While others keep it hidden
Wrapped in ***** rags
Buried deep in the sand
As if then...
... It loses its power to control

Oh! but it does
As it always will
For no one can long deny
No matter the depth
To which they will try

So as a wordsmith artist
Painting what it is that we find
Relishing any stimulation or tribulation
In the deep recesses of the mind

Where we always keep going
Willingly knowing
... that we walk alone

Yet... We persevere
  Willingly going   places... where ...
....others simply fear

There we will root around
The dusty dark corners
Of those spirit laden rooms
We find down those long haunted hallways
With beseeching heart reaching
Echoes of pasts... lost or seeking            .....redemption

We are the bravest people ever known  yet we are overlooked
We still pursue
Still proceed
Opening those doors
Of  long past deeds

Brave... Oh yes
We must be -  we have to be
We always go alone!
Keith W Fletcher Feb 2017
Everything seems to be so complicated
Understated or overrated
Out of bounds or poorly created
Faded Kings with shining crowns... peddling mattresses on sale after the prices have been inflated

Promises are nothing more
Than an eight letter combination lock
That seem to crumble to dust with just one click of the clock

So we stand in line and await our time... to be sheared
And then we will be able to join a sympathetic flock

But at some point....

The truth became a spare tire for that car we keep up on blocks

Instead we walk with a limp down the road... our shoes full of lies like tiny rocks

Thinking that we will get a pass from all the heartless haters that

Rely on those stumbling, painful, non gainful... Ghost like images of a rat

No one will trust you to be just another fortune teller that's   always drunk on cheap wine

Yet they say it's okay... because all you want when you're drunk is just another sip
And then ... without a price to pay or gold to gain
The truth is the truth this time

But still things just seem to be so **** complicated, understated or completely overrated.
Keith W Fletcher Jul 2019
I saw the guys quick darting eyes
That slight jaw drop and look of surprise
I've seen It often as we walk along the park trails
And come to accept It for the truths that it details
I was 25 and she was 21 when we first met
A friends wife set me up on a blind date
That I did my best to politely refuse and...
Well you know friends wives and that debate

I rang the bell  and said Hello I'm... Here to...
The door buzzed loud and the intercom replied
Come on up left out the elevator the doors open
Here we go I muttered as I stepped inside the lift
3rd floor tile , wall hangings , plant urns and blind dates
Actually I really liked the decor that was on display
Not bright and glaring and not subdued shades of grey
I knocked on number 7 my lucky number " or was once.."
Open an inch so I started to push when it opened wide..And a beautiful smile on a beautiful face said Hi to a lucky dunce

That was almost 10 years ago now and we've been...
Let's see Married in June so in 2 months it will be 8
Sometimes life just rolls out the red carpet for those
Lucky enough to have friends with wives that
And funny thing is the looks she gets have increased
As the years go by she has just gotten more stunning
You know that saying..idk..oh.. something about fine wine
Anyway todays  Saturday walk through the
Now different from all those hundreds we've taken before
Where I've walked so proud and watched guys from 10 to......aint dead yet
Try not to show too much reaction as we pass on by , but I see
I understand the reaction , and I've known how stunning she is...and yet...
As we walked beside the duck pond where we would always stop
So she could  feed the breadcrumbs that we always bring along
When I turned to hand them to her I saw that something was wrong
She turned from me and cautiously approached an old woman
Sitting alone on a bench and staring into some far away place upon closer look I could see the tears silently running down her face
So I sat down about 10  feet away   as I watched her take  a seat
Are you okay I heard her say then I felt the sun and could smell spring
To take it all in , the sounds and smells and everything I closed my eyes
It was then , without the distractions to draw my eyes , my attention
I could hear them talking as the woman sputtered a bit, but then got started  
I don't know what to do , my granddaughter lives with us and she just ten she said
This morning after I watced her off to school I accidently let her dog out
He saw a squirrel as I was entering and...and was hit by a car! He's dead
She will never forgive me she sobbed And I'll never forgive myself Never never
She will forgive you , and you will both cry together , and she will hurt
But if she lives with you she probably had other pains to deal with..yes?
Couldn't make out what the woman said but I heard Elise say that's what I wondered
So I promise you she won't hate you and she will forgive you
But for her sake and her future forgiving yourself is an absolute must
With all she's been through it wasn't her dog that she left in your care ...allowed you to share
It was her ability to breath again , her dreams instead of nightmares her love and her trust

Dogs live to chase squirrels and I'm sure she knows that
But you need to realize that she didn't give you her love and trust lightly and she won't take it back that way either
We ,my husband and I are going to brunch
and if you want to accompany us....
.afterwards -if you wish ,we will help you home
And my strong man can dig you a spot,
Then together we will bury him so..she doesn't  have to see
By leaving some cups of earth she doesn't have to
And the earth you each scatter will be...
In the days to come
A good memory to share  in the face of such a tragedy

I opened my eyes to see this woman staring at Elise and I had no idea what was to come
  Where are you going for brunch..if you don't me asking
Elise let out a subtle laugh, if you join us the choice is yours our treat
Do you know Denellies Deli on...yes we do I spoke up and it's one of our favorites
  Mine too she said with the smile like sunshine breaking through grey skies
But I was wondering about that quaint little nick- nack place next door
Do you think we could find a suitable market of some kind there
Of course we will said my lovely wife as she helped the lady rise
And that man following us is my husband David and you are  ?
Elise turned back to look at me as I fell a few paces further behind
Giving me that knowing smile and subtle nod that said
she knew that  giving them space...
....Was what was on my mind!

So yes today is the day that turned out different
Because for the very first time I realize
To really see how beautiful my wife truly is
I had to see her by closing my eyes!
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
Look at the world at large
See how they all do barge
Noone can see right now
The way I see
My eyes do look inside
Reason finds a place to hide
Nothing frightens me besides
What nothing really is
Something rings a warning bell
They've opened up the gates of hell
Maybe... Its just as well

No need to close the gate
All done a bit too late
Something to set me straight
Nothing gives
Stop there ...don't go too far
Never know where you are
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2016
Just a few little words
Was all that it took
Suddenly everything was broken
An  uncaught thought
Running loose with no excuse
For ever being spoken

It'll never be the same
No need to even blame
Anyone for the damage
It wouldn't mean a thing
No words will ever ring
With truth
Or ever even manage

To break the awful silence
To take away the pain
To stop the sad decay
To turn loss into gain
To open up closed doors
To put back the love
To right the wrong once done
To not take push to shove

But it's done... done... done
From start to finish
I heard the starting gun... gun... gun
As my racing heart
Let love diminish

Now the cold wind blows
Across my empty dreams
And the warmth of my love
Is washed away downstream
Where it will sink to the bottom
In rivers of icy cold... cold thoughts
And find peace among the rubble
Giving up its final bubble
As it slowly rots
Washing out to sea
As if it never even existed
The inevitable fate
Of any uncaught thought
That should have been... could have been... resisted

Uncaught thoughts that should have been
Left out... resisted... never even listed
Among any spoken word
But because you didn't choose....
.... to pause
Didn't choose to think or realize
The brink that you were standing at
The awesome distance that suddenly existed
Complete with the echo of a connection broken
A word spoken
That should have been - could have been
Really should have been ... resisted
A word that really should have been
That could have been... resisted
A word... that sadly...
.....has now been
Has now been listed!
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2016
As if from out of nowhere
Gnarled Twisted fingers
With jagged rusting fingernails
Reached out ... Grabbing me
Dragging me... Back
From going over the precipice

Stopping the headlong tumble
Into that deep dark echoless Abyss
At that critical moment
Of complete systems failure
When the call of the Void
Seems impossible to deny

That falling through the darkness
Would seem as if I could fly
I sensed
The siren song was calling to me
As it had been all along

Just as I let Go ... Leaning in
Relinquishing control
Those wrinkled withered hands
With the Twisted gnarled fingers
And those rusted over fingernails
Pulled me back.... With
Strength  incomprehensible

Freeing a Sinister scream of agony
Pure pain and despair
Ripping out and splitting the air
As it rose up from the depths
Of that deep Darkness... that
Echoless void

Someone had reached out...
... To save me
So I turned to see who... it was
That had pulled me back
Wondering how it is...
... That they knew

There was no one there
Just the last fading remnants
Of a shadow on the wall
So I smile to the Fates
As I gather paper and pen
Making a note for my future
Lest I ever forget and Tumble back in

Then with withered and wrinkled hands
I Hold Steady to the notepad
With rusting fingernail adorned
Twisted and gnarled fingers
I begin
A whole different flight
As I begin to write
Keith W Fletcher Jul 2019
Hello, Poetry?  Keith W Fletcher   Poems     Dec 2016 Back from the edge

It will soon mark 7 long silent filled years since the pain and depression that ended up inspiring this poem. During the band days of yesteryear we always had a chance to get together on this type of summer/ autumn holidays and  raise hell and make noise and it was like a big family, so I repost this one here for whatever I can get out of it this time and for all that are ln need, for then (by all means) especially for you as well!

As if from out of nowhere  Gnarled Twisted fingers  With jagged rusting fingernails  Reached out ... Grabbing me  Dragging me... Back  From going over the precipice   Stopping the headlong tumble  Into that deep dark echoless Abyss  At that critical moment  of complete systems failure ...When the call of the Void  Seems impossible to deny   Convinced  That falling through the darkness  Would seem as if I could fly    Ive sensed  that the siren song was calling to me  As it had been all along   So ,Just as I let Go ... Leaning in  Relinquishing control  Those wrinkled withered hands With the Twisted gnarled fingers And those rusted over fingernails Pulled me back... With  Strength incomprehensible   Freeing a Sinister scream of agony  Pure pain and despair  Ripping out and splitting the air  As it rose up from the depths  Of that deep Darkness... that  Echoless void   Someone had reached out...  ... To save me  So I turned to see who... it was  That had pulled me back Wondering how it is...  ... That they knew   There was no one there  Just the last fading remnants  Of a shadow on the wall  So I smile to the Fates  As I gather paper and pen  Making a note for my future Lest I ever forget and Tumble back in   Then with withered and wrinkled hands  I Hold Steady to the notepad  With rusting fingernail adorned  Twisted and gnarled fingers  I begin A whole different flight  As I begin to write Keith W Fletcher Written by Keith W Fletcher  Oklahoma                490        naǧí, Ryn, Ami Shae, Keith Wilson, J Robert Fallon III, and 1 other Ami Shae  Ami Shae  Wow!!! This is one of the best writes I've ever read! Gives me hope! Thank you!!!   0      1 reply   Dec 2016
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
my perceptual imbalance regardless of talents spread out over a
   chronological lifetime
gives an obfuscated vision of a murky aberration  unfocused on
  all but the aperture
overwhelming  blind ambition especially when wrapped up in
   raiment of religion
becomes translucent in the implications and applications as they
  writhe into obligation
laid out in prostration in their zeal appealing to an ever evolving
  version of Valhalla  

even now we see demonstrations of new world rationalizations
  mired in implications
Machiavellian machinations as we seem to suddenly find need
  of insentient insensate
willing partisan participants who believe participating in sacred
   rights annihilations
in total disregard of patently salacious overbearing lying denying
   terrorizing  abomination...
............A SAD SAD TRADE FOR  WHAT WAS....
                .. OUR GREAT....OBAMA nation.
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