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As the sins partied the night away the sun came rising in the country Tranquility.
"Are you ready to spend all eternity together?" Loyalty asked Love as they stood on their balcony.  "My dear, dear, husband soon to be, you already know the answer to the question you ask" said Love.  As Loyalty and Love stand locked in a warming embrace being kissed by the rays of the sun the two share a kiss of their own.  Beep, beep, beep.  "Well this is a perfect time for my communicator to beep" said Love.  Breaking her embrace with Loyalty, Love answers her communicator.  "Hello Faith how are you?" asked Love.  "I'm fine Love and how are you?" answered Faith.  "I'm ready to start this new era in my life" said Love.  "I'm looking over your wedding file.  Are there any last minute changes you want to make?" said Faith.  "No Faith everything's perfect" said Love.  "I'm outside your house waiting on you Love.  Let's get going" said Faith.  "I'll be right down.  I have to go Loyalty" said Love.  Grabbing Love by her waist and pulling her close Loyalty whispers in her ear "Are you sure this is what you want?"  "I wanted you when I first saw you.  Now if you'll excuse me Faith is waiting for me" said Love.  When Love exited her house she found Faith hovering in her brand new transporter.  "Wow Faith this is beautiful" said Love.  "Thank you Love.  This is the new Neo 7000.  It was the last one left" said Faith.  Interrupted by her communicator Faith answers her call from Loyalty.  "Hello Loyalty what do you want?" said Faith.  "Why you have to ask like that Faith?" said Loyalty.  "Just make sure Knowledge have you at the chapel on time.  Now if you'll excuse me I have things to do"  said Faith.  "C'mon Faith we don't have time to play with Loyalty" said Love.  Rising higher in the air Faith and Love zoomed away.  As they flew through the sky Faith asked Love about her humanitarian organization S.O.U.L.  "How was your peace keeping mission in the country Limbo?" asked Faith.  "The citizens there had a lot of raw emotions from the war.  There is a big scar dividing the country" said Love.  "Your organization S.O.U.L. has a lot of strong positive influence.  How long has S.O.U.L. been active in the humanitarian field?" asked Faith.  "Five years" answered Love.  When Faith and Love landed at the chapel Wisdom was waiting for them.  "Love and Faith I've been waiting patiently for the two of you.  I've spoken with Loyalty on my communicator.  He and knowledge will be here shortly and then you can pledge yourselves to each other" said Wisdom.  Just as the three was speaking Grace walked out of the chapel.  "Hello Love and Faith it's about time the two of you showed up" said Grace.  "It's good to have a star for a friend who's gifted in all the arts" said Love.  Love threw her arms around Grace and gave her a big squeeze.  "Let's get you in your wedding dress.  If you'll follow behind me to your dressing room we can get started" said Grace.  As Love and Faith followed behind Grace, Knowledge and Loyalty landed at the chapel.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
My favorite poets and literary artists are

Marcus Garvey
James Weldon Johnson
Phillis Wheatley
Langston Hughes
Maya Angelou
Countee Cullen
Paul Laurence Dunbar

These are mine who are yours.
Who are your favorite poets and literary artists.
Covered in darkness wearing a veil of evil the bride stands before her groom and a vile host of wedding guests.  The heat and hate that filled the air was so thick that they all choked on it.  Baffled and amazed that Lust the biggest **** ever was about to be wed to Greed everyone watched with anticipation as a union of sin was joined in unholy matrimony.  The Words that flowed from the mouth of Pride the priest cut through the air like swords.  "Disgustingly wicked we have come together in the presences of demonic forced to behold the joining of this devil and **** in unholy matrimony.  This band and covenant of marriage was established by evil in darkness.  Lust will you have Greed to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage?  Will you obey him, lay with him, and fulfill his ****** desires as long as you both shall live?"  With the flames of hell burning in eyes Lust answers "I will."  "Greed will you have Lust to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage?  Will you supply and adorn her with riches as long as you live?"  With a twinkle in his eyes that sparkles like gold, Greed answers "I will."  By the powers invested in evil the bride and groom may kiss."  As Greed and Lust's lips touched their wedding guests were as silent as a corpse.  Turning her back to the wedding guests Lust throws a bouquet of Poison Ivy and Venus Flytraps over her head.  Stepping in front of Sloth, Envy snatched the bouquet out of the air.  "Nice catch Envy" said Sloth with slow slurred speech.  "Thank you Sloth and I do believe green is more my color" said Envy.  Turning around to see who caught the bouquet Lust wasn't a bit surprised to see Envy holding the Poison Ivy and Venus Flytraps.  "Well Envy I guess you're next to be wedded off" stated Lust.  Pride motions for Hatred to release the owls.  Unlocking the huge cage Hatred releases the owls.  Slow to take flight the great Owls flap their wings and ascends into the darkness.  "Let's get this party started" yelled Greed.  As the sins partied the night away the sun came rising in the country Tranquility.  "Are you ready to spend all eternity together?" Loyalty asked Love as they stood on their balcony.  My dear, dear, husband soon to be you already know the answer to the question you ask" said Love.  As Loyalty and Love stand locked in a warming embrace being kissed by the rays of the sun the two share a kiss of their own.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This is a poem that tells a story.
Wearing a crown of fire and a robe of blood Hatred sits upon his throne of thorns and thinks on ******* Love.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Red hat is an anagram for hatred.  He is wearing a crown of fire.  Fire is red or orange.  The crown of fire is his hat.  Fire represents destruction.  Love is the opposite of Hate.
Chocolate, nothing taste better than rich creamy chocolate.  Such a delight, brown chocolate skin woman how sweet you must be.  Such a savory treat, brown chocolate skin woman.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
As Akurra got into his 1960 Impala his cellphone rings.  "Hello Amber what's going on?" asked Akurra as he cranked up his Impala.  "I'm here with Jade.  She's ready to do business.  The Black Crime Syndicate and the Jade Dragons are both waiting on you Akurra" said Amber as she stood across from Jade.  "I'll be there shortly Amber" said Akurra.   Akurra ended his call with Amber and drove off.  Akurra drove to his scrap yard on the north side of town where the Black Crime Syndicate and the Jade Dragons were waiting for him.  When Akurra pulled onto the premises of his scrap yard which was actually named The Scrap Yard he saw the Black Crime Syndicate and the Jade Dragons waiting for him.  I'm going to have to come up with a better name for my scrap yard thought Akurra as he exited his Impala.  Akurra walked up to Amber Forest and asked her how long has everyone been waiting.  "15 minutes" said Amber Forest.  "What type of mood is Jade in?" asked Akurra.  "She's in an up beat mood" answered Amber Forest.  Akurra walked over to Jade, gave her a hug and asked how was she doing.  "I'm doing good" said Jade.  "Let me unlock the gates to the scrap yard so we can get started" said Akurra.  As Everyone stood in the center of the scrap yard Jade told Akurra to make this quick.  "I hear you Jade" said Akurra.  Jade was a tall dark skin woman with plump lips and a small nose.  While standing there Jade thought about how it would be much better if the Jade Dragons and the Black Crime Syndicate was one organization.  I did always like Akurra, Jade thought to herself as she watched Akurra walk to the trunk of a smashed up Volks Wagon.  Akurra opened the trunk of the Volks Wagon and got out three pounds of ******.  "Is this what you're in such a hurry for?" asked Akurra as he held up the ******.  "Yes that's why I'm here" said Jade.  Removing her pocketbook from her shoulder Jade pulls out stacks of money.  As Jade paid Akurra for the ****** she pulls him close and whispers in his ear "Akurra I would like to have a private meeting just the two of us."  Akurra handed Jade the ****** and gave her a hug.  Akurra whispers in Jade ear "Ok but we will meet at Club Envy on Saturday at midnight."  After Jade and the Jade Dragons left the scrap yard the Black Crime Syndicate top ranking members wanted to know what Akurra and Jade was talking about.  "When the time is right I'll tell all of you but for right now y'all need to stay in your lane and let me and Jade take care of things.  Now it's time for me to go home and record this and mail everyone's pay check" said Akurra.  After locking up the scrap yard Akurra drove home.  Akurra lived alone in a one bedroom apartment and drove a 1996 Impala.  Akurra wasn't a big spender or a show off.  He liked staying under everyone's radar.  Only a few members of the Black Crime Syndicate knew where Akurra lived.  Amber Forest was one of them.  When Akurra pulled into his parking spot in front of his apartment he saw someone slumped over on his doorsteps.  Looking at the figure Akurra could tell that it was a woman.  Who could this be thought Akurra as he got out of his car.  Slowly walking up to the woman Akurra reached out his hand touching the woman.  Akurra then crouched down to look in the woman's face.  "What on earth is going on here?" Akurra asked himself.  "Oh my God this is Violet.  Someone murdered Violet.  What is this in her mouth?" said Akurra.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Gangster love story.
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