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"What else are you doing today?" asked Jewel.  "I'm going shopping.  I need a new outfit" answered Olive as she paid Jewel for doing her hair.  "We'll get together Olive.  Just let me move things around on my schedule " said Jewel.  "Yeah sure Jewel" said Olive.  Getting back in her car Olive drove to the clothing store New Fashions.  Strutting through the store Olive began looking for an outfit.  I think I'll start with the shoes first.  The shoes can make or break an outfit.  Olive thought to herself.  Standing in the shoe section of the store Olive saw a black pair of knee high boots that would make any outfit look good.  "I can't believe no one has purchased these" said Olive as she grabbed the boots.  "Now I need to find a shirt" said Olive.  Walking through the store Olive spotted a red v-neck shirt that would match her black knee high boots just right.  "All I need now is a skirt and I'll have the perfect outfit" said Olive.  After a few minutes of searching Olive came across a black skirt.  "Now this is a killer skirt.  I'll have everyone looking at me all day with this outfit" said Olive.  After purchasing the outfit Olive drove home.  Olive spent the rest of her weekend relaxing.  By the time Monday arrived Olive was refreshed and ready for work.  I hope Akurra come into the bank today thought Olive as she got ready for work.  Getting in her car Olive checked the time.  "I won't have to drive like a race car driver today" said Olive.  When Olive arrived at work she didn't have to run through the bank's glass doors she walked.  Right away her co-workers mouths fell opened.  One by one Olive's co-workers complimented her on her new look.  "Wow Olive you look great" said Terry.  "You look amazing" said Willie.  Olive thanked her co-workers for their compliments.  "You all made me feel very beautiful.  Thank you for your kind words.  Now it's time to get to work" said Olive.  As Olive walked to her office she prayed for Akurra to come to the bank today.  Every time the bank's doors opened Olive would would walk out of her office to see if it was Akurra.  Please god let this man come to the bank thought Olive.  Near closing time Akurra finally showed up.  "Mr. Akurra Wings how may I help you today?" asked Olive.  "Wow my whole name first and last.  I would like to purchase a security box and make a deposit" said Akurra.  "We country people like to say your whole name.  Please follow me to my office Mr. Akurra Wings" said Olive.  "You have to fill out some papers for the security box and how much would you like to deposit?" said Olive as the two sat in her office.  "I would like to deposit three thousand dollars" said Akurra.  "Akurra I'm going to ask you a question.  This is a question that's hard for me to ask" said Olive.  "Ms. Olive you can ask me what ever you want" said Akurra.  Slow to speak Olive says "When I first saw you I wanted to ask you this but I said no it would be wrong to do so.  Now I just changed my mind.  What I want to ask you is can I take you out?"  Sitting straight up in his chair Akurra says "I'm speechless.  We can go out but under one condition."  With a surprised look on her face Olive says "Oh do tell."  "If you let me me take you out and pay for everything" said Akurra.  "You have the heart of a real gentleman" said Olive.  "So is that a yes?" asked Akurra.  "Of course" said Olive.  "We can meet in the bank's parking lot this Saturday at 6:00pm" said Akurra.  After filling out the paper work for the security box and making a deposit Akurra left the bank with an ego the size of the city itself.  As Akurra got into his 1960 Impala his cellphone rings.  "Hello Amber what's going on?" asked Akurra as he cranked up his Impala.  "I'm here with Jade.  She's ready to do business.  The Black Crime Syndicate and the Jade Dragons are both waiting on you Akurra" said Jade as she stood across from Jade.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Gangster love story.
Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel StoneWall her childhood friend.  When Saturday rolled around Olive hopped out of bed and got ready for her hair appointment.  On her way to the Golden Scissors Olive thought about how Jewel have been trying to get her to get Dreadlocks.  "Jewel said I should try something different.  I guess I'll be getting Dreadlocks" said Olive.  As Olive parked her red BMW in the parking lot of the Golden Scissors she noticed she was Jewel's first client.  Now only if it would stay like this thought Olive.  Opening the doors to the hair salon Olive saw Jewel sitting in her chair as if she was a client waiting to get her hair done.  "Jewel get off your lazy **** and get started on my hair" said Olive as she entered the Golden Scissors.  "Olive hush your mouth before I make you turn around and leave" said Jewel as she rose to her feet.  Rolling her eyes and waving her hands in the air.  Olive pranced over to Jewel and tugged on her hair.  "I've decided to let you dread my hair.  You're right it's time for a change" said Olive as she raked her fingers through Jewel's hair.  Placing her hands on her hips Jewel says "It's about time.  Place your **** in my chair so I can get started.  "Oh yeah I got a fish on the line" Olive told Jewel as she sat down.  Dragging the comb through Olive's hair Jewel says "Mmmm do tell Olive and don't leave nothing out."  "I won't and by the way dye the tip of my dreads red.  This new face came into the bank today.  A tall good looking brother by the name of Akurra Wings.  He opened a checking and a saving account" said Olive.  "As Jewel twisted Olive's hair she asked the question "Did you ask him out?"  "Not yet.  The next time he come in I'll ask" answered Olive.  "What does he look like?  C'mon Olive I need details" said Jewel.  "He's tall around six feet, light skin, and he has a brush cut" said Olive.  "Mmmmm he sounds yummy.  Will you get in trouble if you date him?" asked Jewel.  "I don't think so and it's no body business who I date" answered Olive.  With a concern look on her face Jewel says "I just want to make sure you don't get in trouble."  "Jewel we don't hang out that much anymore.  We need to get together and do something" said Olive.  "With me working all the time Olive I don't have that much free time.  Because of who you are I'll make time" said Jewel.  When Jewel StoneWall finally got finished with Olive's hair it was 1:00pm.  "Take a look in the mirror Olive and tell me what you think" said Jewel as she took a step back.  Rising to her feet Olive looked in the mirror.  "Wow Jewel if I knew I looked this good with Dreadlocks I would have gotten them a long time ago" said Olive as she stared at herself in the mirror.  "What else are you doing today?" asked Olive.
"I'm going shopping.  I need a new outfit" answered Olive as she paid Jewel for doing her hair.  "We'll get together Olive.  Just let me move things around on my schedule " said Jewel.  "Yeah sure Jewel" said Olive.  Getting back in her car Olive drove to the clothing store New Fashions.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
Gangster love story.
As Olive Spectrum lay on the floor at Club Envy with her lungs burning and filling up with blood from being shot by an unknown person.  She thought her life would never end like this.  Olive's tears started to flow as she thought of the years she spent slithering with snakes.  Her job at the BNB Bank made it easy to launder money for the Black Crime Syndicate.  It was six years ago in the month of June that her life took a downward spiral.  Upset at the thought of being late for work Olive floored the gas pedal.  As she passed by the slow moving drivers weaving in and out of traffic.  Olive hoped she she didn't get a ticket.  I just had to stay up late watching the marathon of Funny Man.  Now I got to race the clock and pray I don't get stopped by the police.  Thought Olive as she sped past the other drivers.  As Olive Spectrum pulled into the BNB parking lot she checked the time.  "It's 7:55am.   I made it within five minutes" said Olive.  Getting out of her car Olive walked through the bank's glass doors.  As time passed the employees of BNB got the bank ready for the public.  One of the three people that arrived at the time of opening was a new face.   Mmmmm yummy thought Olive as she walked up to the tall light skin man.  "Hello sir how may I help you?" asked Olive as she eyed the man up and down.  "My name is Akurra Wings.  I would like to open a checking and a savings account" answered the tall light skin man.  "Mr. Wings please follow me to my office" said Olive.  As Olive and Akurra sat in Olive's office filling out papers Olive made it up in her mind that she would get to know Akurra on a personal level.  After a day's work Olive got behind the wheel of her BMW and started her drive her home.  On her way home Olive called her best friend Jewel StoneWall.  "Hello Jewel how are you?" asked Olive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand holding her cellphone.  "I'm doing great Olive.  What's up?" answered Jewel StoneWall as she did one of her client's hair at her salon the Golden Scissors.  "Are we still on for Saturday?" asked Olive.  With a confused look on her face Jewel asks "Is the day Friday already?"  "Yeah girl what day did you think it was?" responded Olive.  "To tell you the truth Olive I thought the day was Thrusday" said Jewel.  "No Jewel it's. Friday.  I'm glad I have a friend who owns a hair salon" said Olive.  "You better be thankful.  I'll talk with you later Olive" said Jewel.  "Ok bye Jewel" said Olive.  Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel StoneWall her childhood friend.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
A gangster love story.
In these streets on the hunt for a chocolate bunny with a big ****
A brown cotton tail who'll keep her mouth closed and won't tell
Sssshhhh be very, very, quiet I'm hunting
chocolate bunnies throughout the urban jungle I'm hunting chocolate bunnies.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
The she-devil that rides my soul
Her putrid breath stinging my nostrils
Her decaying teeth gnawing my flesh
Her ragged nails clawing at my heart
ripping my life to shreds.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Burried in the blue fields of Pluto
Family and friends keep Death company
A symphony played by fallen angels fills the night air
as shadows dance down the halls of Hades
Around blue flames they dance.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Lady in violet
let us venture to Venus the planet of love
plant a vineyard
open a winery
becoming the axis of the universe
under purple skies in a bed of purple violets drunk on purple wine.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
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