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Jul 2017 · 591
Kayotic Tragedy Jul 2017
I'm laughing while dying
It may look like I'm crying
But truth is I find it quite queer
How we as humans survive off fear
We may deny it, but truth be told
Fears are what make us, young or old.
Some may fear money or political debates
While others may fear morality and all their mistakes.
But our fears make us thrive, like stepping stones
But if we jump too far, we risk breaking our bones.
But some of us surrender, enveloped by our fear.
And that is the end of their stories, my dear...
Jul 2017 · 363
Reality (10w)
Kayotic Tragedy Jul 2017
Slowly yet surely, we are all dying on the inside.
Jul 2017 · 322
Kayotic Tragedy Jul 2017
Fingers like ribbons
Wrapped elegantly over her lips
Silencing her screams and soaking up her tears
Hands do explore the body
Holding her in place as she attempts to flee
Eyes are the key to the soul, so what do mine say?
Once a soft green, now a disturbing grey
The smile of a child has turned cold and porcelain.
They strip her of her clothes and take pictures once again.
Males see her beauty, natural as they claim
But she only sees the naked body and turns away in shame.
Many have requests, she is famous now.
But not with pride, not with honor, this is different somehow.
Every single picture is as suggestive as it gets.
They aren't her, not as she seems, and not at her best.
But for that $100 every photo shoot.
She will pose just for the money, in only her little boots.
Jul 2017 · 293
Hey Dear Poets...
Kayotic Tragedy Jul 2017
Help me please, this is no joke.
Hurry now, I beg of you.
I just need some reassurance, some advice from you guys I must say.
I am struggling really hard to make it through the days.

Often have I had these suicidal thoughts.
And wondering how to change my frame of mind to ease the pain.
For now I can't unhurt myself from this hole I've dug.
Please if you are available, leave a comment, I don't mean to bug...
Jun 2017 · 564
Kayotic Tragedy Jun 2017
The lions outside of your door
The wolf is in your bed
The lion's claws are sharpened for war
The wolf's teeth are red
And what a monstrous sight he makes, mocking man's best friend
The lion and the wolf both crave the same thing in the end
May 2017 · 540
Mr. Grim
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
Death is but a shadow that follows us all
That hot breath against our neck when we know someone is there
That feeling of being watched when we are all alone in the dark
We fear it, or at least most of us do.
But there is nothing to fear, *except fear itself.
May 2017 · 435
The Game of Life
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
Is it true, that me and you
All have felt the same?
Through our lives, we live it "right"
Just to feel the pain?
Have you ever forced a smile?
Or tried to pass your blame?
Because of so, I hope you know
You aren't alone in this game
May 2017 · 447
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
Our flesh melds together as we intertwine
Ribbons of red dance across his back
They are lead by my fingers as I mark their path

Our hearts racing with one another in a desperate attempt to avoid a crash
A wave of pleasure drowns out my pain
As he slams against my body to collide once again
And to one another, the feelings of life
Flow through a connection unmatched by all others in just one night
May 2017 · 465
My Muse
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
His flesh is so soft, yet tears like paper
His eyes a color that could melt my soul
And yet my love is like a fire
Once we committed, my feelings have taken their toll

His hands so gentle when they caress my cheek
His voice so soft as he speaks kindly to me
But I am a beast left untamed
And despite my attempts, I can't keep it contained...

So I tear into his back, bite into his flesh
Mark him with all of my dark inents
And even when I am ferocious and cruel
He still whispers in my ear, "I love you."
May 2017 · 342
Our Society
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
We feed off the sorrow, death is our muse
We don't care about other's achievements, just the abuse
Intrigued not by praise, but fueled by pain
Compliments are forgotten, but a single insult will leave a stain
We say good is better, but our actions speak different
We care more for those who repent
Guilt, greed, death, and utter destruction
Cause a much bigger disruption
Than completed goals, rewards and achievements
Because deep within we give into the idea that misery is far more interesting than peace and joy
May 2017 · 274
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
"Touch me"
Rip into my flesh so I know that I can feel
"Hold me"
Grasp my neck and strangle me to remind me that I could breathe
"Kiss me"
Bite down till my blood flows, reminding me that I'm alive
"Love me"
Use me, abuse me, never let me go. I don't want to die alone...
May 2017 · 339
Black Blob
Kayotic Tragedy May 2017
At first I did love you, your actions so queer
Your tail had been chopped and same with your ear
It was love at first bite, and with me you belonged
But now you won't stop, and we don't get along
Your constant meowing, your yowls hurt my head
Why don't you go take a cat nap instead?
You **** up my work, please leave alone
Or soon enough it will be you that is thrown.
Annoying new family member
Apr 2017 · 325
Dear Father,
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
This whole time I swore...
I thought you were making me stronger
But in the end you were only tearing me down....
Apr 2017 · 397
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
Thoughts of pure rage and eternal sadism are locked behind penatrating blue eyes, intentions cruel and filled with a darkened sense of immorality. Slowly yet surely it seeps deeper within the heart, consuming all kindness and sympathy that the soul has left to offer. Scaring the mind of the ****** as it fights this curse. Day after day, the haunted shadows creep closer, their fingers outstreched as they attempt to capture her heart and mind. She screams, but the cotton of the pillow poors into her throat muffling her to a soft whimper. Her body pulses, twiching but only in minimal movements. No signs of struggle, but inside she sees it all, the blood, the corpse, the weapon firmly grasped. By the end of this masterpiece, she drops her paintbrush, the blood running down her own body as her eyes open to the soft and warm sheets of the bed.
Apr 2017 · 273
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
Got so many problems in my head
Continuously living, but I feel dead
Tellin' me to be happy but I feel dread
Maybe I should roll over and go back to bed

People are sick, twisted in their minds
All of our souls trapped in the binds
Falling apart as the string unwinds
I'm hunted by demons of all different kinds

Some made of anger, some made of hope
Some come out swing after one puff of dope
I can't tell, how deep is this *****?
I keep on trying but there's no way to cope

With this disease, rotting my brain
Help me please, I think I've gone insane
Collecting the pieces that remain
All while keeping my heartbreak contained
Apr 2017 · 268
Fuck You
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
Hey ***** you want a poem?
About something that makes **** worse than yours?
How about a life experience in which I am sure you have yet to endure.

Sure your hubby drank, sure he hit you once or twice
So why the **** don't you leave him? How is that for advice?
At least your problem can be solved, your complications are done
But there isn't a way out of everything, at least not this one
My father, he is dying... A man I truly love
And I am watching silently as he remarks about the ones above
But there is no god, no savior now
And my only remark to you is, are you happy now?
Apr 2017 · 557
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
Her flesh is but paper
His teeth like a pen
Marking up her hips and thighs
What'll happen to us then?

She is kind of crazy
He is just too calm
But when she loses sanity
He pulls her back into his grip and gives a kiss to her palm

She begins to cry, always breaking down
He holds her, even when annoyed
As she begins to drown

She keeps slipping from him
But doesn't realize he is beginning to lose his grip
She is making a big mistake
*Because she will lose him if she slips
Apr 2017 · 767
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
Never will you prove to me
That she is not as they make her out to be
You are wrong, you are blind
Trying to make the past unwind
How is it that you defend
How is it, you just pretend
That she is in a victim stance
When everyone else batters you with their rants
She's a *****, a ******* *****
But you don't care about what's in store
She tries to pull you from my grip
When I wish to help, I trip
Falling for your soft eyes
And watching as you fall into her lies.
But you are mine and I am yours
And you can't see her behind closed doors...
That ******* ***** is not as good as you make her out to be, and you are a victim of mental abuse. I love you, but you are so ******* blind...
Apr 2017 · 249
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
Remember young rabbit,
**Run for your life, for the world is cruel.
Apr 2017 · 219
Kayotic Tragedy Apr 2017
He is my guardian angel
And I, his little devil.
He is my night in shining armor
And I, his soft voiced siren.
He is my cupid
And I, his poisoned apple.
He is my superhero
And I, his crazed villain.
But through all of these examples, he was raised in the light.
And I was raised in the dark.
But with no ease, his inner heart is too strong.
Singing me as he attempts to rip me from the grips of the shadows.
My flesh burning for I have never touched the light....
Mar 2017 · 300
How Many (10w)
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
How many poems until I can feel like I'm sane?
Mar 2017 · 730
Love Me
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
"Love me softly"
Comes the whispers as she is carressed gently by a hand of broken glass
"Kiss me gently"
She breathes as her lips become coated in cigarette ash
"Touch me lightly"
She moans passionately as the needle slowly sinks into her flesh
"Never leave me"
Finished off by her own curse
Mar 2017 · 348
Total Eclipse
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
My mind, it bleeds
Into poems that I know he reads
Cringing at my pathetic usage of the english word
Claiming my feelings to be over exaggerated and absurd
I apologize time and time again,
But yet, when everyone is away I return to my pad and pen
And once more allow my thoughts to flow
In away that helps me let all my pain go
My escape, yet my tormentor, I'm held captive by my own emotion
Turning my words into their own sick devotion
Mar 2017 · 423
Dreamy Gaze
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
He looked into my eyes, claims he loves what he sees
He is not the first to make these claims
Most don't recognize what they are gazing into, it's not a look of love
Not a look of lust, and not a look of confidence
But in fact a look that explains who I am
It's a dreamy gaze, color changing
A mesmerizing story
About a girl who chases the stars, even being aware
That they are all dead and not as they seem
*The girl who loves to chase her dead dream
Mar 2017 · 277
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
Tear into my flesh, use me as you wish
Make my flower bloom, and my honey flow
I am little red searching for that big bad wolf
With his undeniably dangerous thrill
For lust over love because love is not my priority anymore
I lost my innocence when I wandered from the path
Grandma's house can wait, my horomones are driving me wild.
So I will wander the forest until he hunts me down
And accept my fate when I am finally found
I only wish for his teeth to sink into my flesh
And let my blood flow like a fine glass of red wine
Mar 2017 · 266
2 AM
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
My mind. It hurts.
My thoughts are eating me alive.
Sleep is not my ally tonight.
Nor has it been for some time now.
I fear closing my eyes because my dreams haunt me.
Opening my mind to face a distorted reality that villainizes me.
It's all my fault
That's what I hear my subconscious say anytime something goes wrong.
And it eats me alive. Killing me slowly.
My family is dysfunctional, past dysfunctionality.
My friends, must be make belief because its only when things get rough that they vanish.
I keep my problems to myself, at least for the most part.
I don't wish to put that burden on anyone else.
But yet I offer to take their burdens too, I only wish to help.
Because I know how awful it can be to feel alone with no one there.
Especially when you are the one who supports everyone else....
Mar 2017 · 258
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
You can't escape it
It lives in us all
Some can in fact control it
But eventually it will be our downfall

Whether it be through misery or through pain
Maybe through greed, or through loss
Like a storm, first it sprinkles then comes the rain
But what will this emotion cost?

Will it cost us our happiness? Our joy?
Maybe our family? Possibly a dear friend?
Maybe a child's anger will cost them something as simple as a new toy.
But, point is, despite costs and control, anger will always win in the end.
Mar 2017 · 264
Fucking Hell
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
**** your laws
**** your beliefs
And **** your flaws

**** this system, its unjust
**** this country
**** your trust
**** feminists, its no longer about equality

**** what you think, it won't affect me
**** these emotions
**** the pain
**** all these lies
You all drive me insane
Mar 2017 · 403
Emotional Outlet
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
I have pent up emotions, as we all do
But I am unsure how to convey them

Self mutilation, leaves room to be mocked by those who don't understand. And leaves permanent marks that will leave shadows in your times of happiness in the future.

Self humiliation, merely makes you look like a town's fool. Nothing but a lower member of society in the eyes of those around you.

Self criticism, only opens your eyes to the details that you find to be flaws. You will become blind to your good traits....

Self destruction, the path that will lead you to suffering beyond compare, and you'll forever regret it.

So if I cannot handle these emotions in such ways, shall I bottle them up and allow them fester?
Or find an escape, an outlet, to express them.
Whether it be through poetry, or drawings.
I will find a way to portray all that's inside
Without being locked up
Or being forced to hide.
Mar 2017 · 758
Changing Colors
Kayotic Tragedy Mar 2017
No one knows what I hide
Behind my crystal eyes
A pool that constantly changes

One second you glance its a brilliant green
The next moment you cast a gaze upon me
It casts a solemn grey shadow.
But not only does it lose its color
It brings back to the surface a soft blue.

My eyes change like the seasons
Controlled by a source of emotions

Grey, lost and all alone in my mind
Blue, saddened and hurt
Hazel, recovery, its a sign that I am fine
Green, pure and utter happiness. A color you may only see for a few mere minutes if you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of my eyes on a good day.
Feb 2017 · 380
The Unrequited Love
Feb 2017 · 263
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Why do I....
Want to die....?
Feb 2017 · 485
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I am but a doll
Who is perfect and pretty until I fall
But once I fall, I will not crack
But I will shatter, there's no going back
To my pretty porcelain past where I once felt free
But after I broke, I don't know what happened to me...
My mind twisted, flower petals fell
The truth became hidden, lies were all I could tell.
Look into my eyes, tell me what you see.
Tell me if you can envision what I was meant to be.
Feb 2017 · 389
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
People are like roses.
We bloom in our own gardens
We each have our beautiful petals and our harsh thorns.
But we are also greedy and destroy one another.
Thinking love gives us a right to cut away each others stems.
But once a rose's stem is cut, it is only a matter of time.
Before we begin to lose our beautiful petals and we soon start to whither away.
Losing all qualities one once found admirable and killing the love in which was once there.
Feb 2017 · 272
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Twisted is the heart that carries the burden of darkness. Unsure how to see the light for no one had ever thought to bring upon this darkness, a lantern to brighten its path. But once this heart is revealed to the light, many will notice it does not merely heal. The plague still exists. And to make matters worse, the light begins to burn and singe the poor beating ***** that provides life to one's soul. The more the world changes for this dark heart, the more it has come to show that changing someone or something for the better, removing it from the world it has always known, may not be the wisest path.
Feb 2017 · 284
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Here I am, fulfilling my dream
To you it looks as it seems
But here behind the scenes is where the truth lies
My look only helps my disguise

A tattoo artist is what I wish to be
But right now that is not what you will see
Instead I stay in the background and observe, waiting for my chance to shine
To show my skills, my work is so divine

But talent is not what matters, at least not for now.
I must go through the hardships and resurface somehow
So I can prove myself worthy of such a privilege as to stain another's body
With a power as strong as writing someone's heart and soul on somebody
Feb 2017 · 302
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Tis this a holiday full of of ingrates
All of which complain that they don't have dates
So now they sit here moping about how they are alone for Valintes Day
But what about those other holidays?
The kids without mothers, fathers you see?
Those children who cry the days everyone else has somewhere to be.
So if you are alone, sit on your couch or lay in your bed.
And be thankful you aren't in worse circumstances instead.
Feb 2017 · 257
Truth Is...
Feb 2017 · 219
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
**** with mother nature
And she's gonna get ******
She don't always act like a lady
She's the one who handed you the gift of life
And she can always take it away
Oh look up in the sky
It's about the size of Texas
Oh ****, it's the end of the world
But don't you come crawling to me
Feb 2017 · 210
Breakfast in Bed
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I think you should be grateful
About this breakfast I've made and brought to your bed
But "Who the **** are you?!" is what I received instead.
Feb 2017 · 422
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
A shimmer in your eyes
Was all I wished to see
But no hint of pride or acceptance could be heard
And I know I've done good, but all I want to be
Is accepted by my father, why aren't you proud of me?
You raised me up this way, to follow my dreams.
But once I went to chase them, I tore away the seams
Of the disguise that you wore so well
The truth is you feel hopeless and think I'll go to hell.
But daddy I shall promise, that I will show to you.
All of my intentions, which in my eyes are good and true.
I'm sorry you are gloomy and are hurt by my choice.
But I had to leave eventually and speak with my own voice.
Feb 2017 · 230
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I stand here like a doll
A plastic smile upon my face
I'm only here for your entertainment purposes
But don't worry, you can't hear my screams
For my face is frozen and my screams are muffled
Feb 2017 · 484
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I want to shove a bullet
Straight through my brain.
Forget all these ******* people,
I think I've gone insane.
Feb 2017 · 301
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I once met an angel
His wings had ruffled feathers
They showed his trials in life
This angel claims to love me
But I couldn't help but envy his wings despite my feelings for him
So even though I envy his wings
They also scare me
For if he has wings he could fly away and leave me
One night out of fear, he became my experiment
As he slept so peacefully I grabbed the hedge trimmers
And I brought them to his gorgeous wings
And snapped straight into the bones
They snapped loudly, his blood staining the feathers as he shrieked
And once I saw what I had done
My experiment was complete
But my fear came true, as he still chose to leave me.
I sleep with his wings every night, regret still eating at me.
Feb 2017 · 224
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Falling down a rabbit hole
Deeper than I had ever dreamed
I fear this is my story
A once normal life from what it seemed

I live a life of deception
Afraid to tell the truth
I have no true recollection
Of who I once I was, because I washed it all away

I never answer to my name
For now I only go by Kay
It seems alien to me when someone says it
I wish it would just go away

I hurt the ones I love
When I begin to fall
Because when they try to help me
I try and take it all

All I am is selfish
Blinded by my own greed
Pretending to be selfless
Feeding off of those who succeed

And when you are done with me
I'll just go make some new friends
That shower me in pity
Until that next friendship ends

Because my life is falling
In a downward spiral
And I don't have much time left
Before my own health disease takes it all
Feb 2017 · 281
Child's Laughter
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Such a lovely sound
It's an infection, but one that should definitely be spread around
It brings to those, joy and warmth for their hearts
And that small baby's smile is the brightest light I ever did see
Especially when her baby blue eyes were locked on me
Feb 2017 · 487
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
Who are we to hide behind these screens?
Silently judging one another with cruel thoughts instead of speaking face to face
Feb 2017 · 264
Relate To One Another
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I don't even know why I expect you to relate to me
You and I are different, both of us have grown up differently
You are a stranger, at least in my eyes
We have never met before, and yet my words have struck you enough that you continue to read this.
Sure, you and I are different, our lives lived on our own.
However, with words, could you see things through my eyes?
Can we truly relate without ever meeting?
Maybe, just maybe you continue to read my writing, my scribbled thoughts, because they aren't just mine alone.
But maybe my words can speak your thoughts and feelings too
Feb 2017 · 293
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I don't want to be awake again
I spend my days with my head in my hands
And if I go outside I'll fall apart

Sketches mean nothing, but they are my world to me
I just use it to set me free
But I could not go away if I wanted to

I can hide from friends, but my feelings are still there too
Self-depricating thoughts interrupting all the time
Emphasizing all the traits that I wish weren't mine

My outlook isn't bright so I shall close my eyes
Compulsively complaing about how the world is full of lies
I can't stand the ways that I react

I wish to make myself disappear, but I am hesitant
Convinced that my future will be better than the present
And so for today, I remain intact

I don't want to be awake again
I spend my days with my head in my hands
And if I go outside I'll fall apart
Feb 2017 · 624
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2017
I once was a doll, one who was broken
Assigned to scare those who waltzed into my home
I wasn't alone, but my partner has never spoken
Her figure cold, porcelain and never roamed

I was unlike other dolls, able to move, able to speak
And at times, I only wished to gain a friend who was alive
But humans as I have learned are rude and quite unique
But none wished to remain with me, I wonder why?

At one time I was as sweet as Candy
Until I let out my Cin
Started off playing games, those which I considered handy
Until they never stopped them from leaving, then I could feel my other side kicking in
She was mean, heartless should I say
And she was not one to accept people, she made them go away

Now I sit alongside my frozen friend
Waiting until I too, meet my frozen end
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