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there is nothing I could ever say
nor anything I could ever do
to spark the flame of passion
I long to see in you

its like we stand on different worlds
that just happen to share space
from altogether different times
that exist in the same place

I know you hear the words I speak
see the expressions that I make
but somehow all the love I give
falls lifeless in your wake
You are not scared of the dark
You're scared of the shadows
It's a fear of the unknown
And that's pretty normal

You are not afraid of heights
You're anxious of falling
And it would be kind of stupid if you did
So that's pretty normal

You don't hate love
You fear not being loved back
Humans are not lone creatures 
So it's pretty normal 

It's not that you are scared of trying again
You just don't want to fail
For the same reasons 
So that's pretty normal 

Im scared of not being in control
Afraid of not having options
She's scared of spiders
We are all afraid of something

So she's a chicken if she doesn't jay-walk
And he lost the dare for excessive shots
We are not afraid of dying 
But rather we fear what comes after?

That's pretty normal
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out

— The End —