54/M/The Exclusion Zone
Married to Mrs. Timetable. Surreal picture by Justin Peters. New book "Exiled to Dusk" available here: https://poetizer.com/book/ba36575e-df93-482e-9279-e97ae0b7bc13
13/F/NJ/silently screaming
I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …
David P Carroll Poems https://dcarroll304.wixsite.com/mysite All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
it suggests it comes from a pure inner space, that comes from an untouched world—that's what it means to be human, the highest human capacity
Aspiring young poet influenced by imagist and beat schools of poetry, Kerouac prose, Haiku and free verse. Subjects mainly confessional and observational.