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Feb 2015 · 391
why aren't i dead yet
kala Feb 2015
the unanswered phone calls and
the fake smiles
remind me why i don't
deserve to live
i cant be loved by a single
lonely or fulfilled
i'm a leftover
a nuisance
a waste
it's a miracle if someone simply
acknowledges me
i know no one will care
when they wake up the next
morning and i'm
almost giving up
Jan 2015 · 311
kala Jan 2015
i take glimpse of
your baby blue locks
only to find your
shattered to pieces
though your sincere stare
only holds painfully aching
love and intimacy
found nowhere but here;
inside of my own dark,
blackened soul.
Jan 2015 · 245
kala Jan 2015
i knew i had fallen
when you were taken from me
and i drowned in my own sorrow
for months
when you wouldn't leave this
wretched damsel
when i showed you the landscape
of me
and you insist upon creating shelter
upon it
when i stayed awake long hours
of the night
scared and
desperate and
wishing and
that you were the dove that stayed
who would never lift a talon
to my fragile soul.
Dec 2014 · 270
kala Dec 2014
i fail to carry
a soul of my own so how
can i carry yours?
leave me be. i cant take it.
Dec 2014 · 887
kala Dec 2014
you cannot seize to pace
when will we ever leave this place?
an aqua-free drowning
their tormenting voices in our heads;
the constant pounding.
all i want to show them,
all i want them to see
is when we're flying
oh darling
quite the flawless soul
you were truly meant to be.
Dec 2014 · 597
kala Dec 2014
darling* there's no need to
depression is my life's right
baby don't you
self hatred is my soul's fate,
dear don't shed a useless
because you'll forget about me
in only a
babe don't be scared to walk
i've been alone my whole life
Dec 2014 · 457
kala Dec 2014
they will never truly
comprehend that
the ice trickling in
my veins
is only making my
darker  colder
more numb
than i was just
a moment before.
Dec 2014 · 373
kala Dec 2014
the flames engulf me
and scorch my skin.
my pain subsides
along with one deadly sin.
the fire kisses my every inch
and i only feel a slight pinch.
i hold my tremors; i am not that weak;;
out of my pores, my life starts to leak.
Dec 2014 · 368
kala Dec 2014
i can almost see
them flying
through the sky;
the doves
that i cherished so.
they twist and turn
until i can no longer
rely on their
pleasant company
and my lungs collapse
as i realize that they've
truly disappeared
and they're released from
me and my hell
for all of eternity.
while they live in nirvana,
i sit inside this pit of fire,
lacking peace that the doves
have no issue obtaining.
so i draw into myself
lonely, and drowning in
my flames
while they are
notorious and

— The End —