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 Nov 2015 Jvak
An optimistic 6 year old girl with the whole world in front of her.
A crying 8 year old wishing her parents would hug her.
A damaged nine-year-old hoping for a bedtime story.
A changed 11 year old learning that it'll never be okay.
A broken 13 year old looking for an exit.
An angry 15 year old with a bag packed at her side.
A bitter 16 year old lost past the point of return.
A determined 18 year old ready to fly.
A recovering 19 year old seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
A strong 21 year old seeing the whole world for the first time.
 Nov 2015 Jvak
Robert Blankenship
Here in Texas we have a sayin
We don't call 911
We take care of things ourself
That way we know it's done

But that sayin ain't exactly true
Why, I've called 911 myself
If I had the time
And felt I need their help

911 will always come
No matter the time of day
If you have a need
Call and they are on their way

There are times their help is needed
Especially when things look dire
Such as a serious accident
Or if your house is on fire

I love the men and women of 911
Those heros do the best they can
But they just can't always be quick enough
To lend a helping hand

There are many circumstances
In which you can call and wait
For 911 to arrive
Though in our mind their always late

But there are as many situations
In which 911 is not an option
And as an individual you are forced
To take or not take action

In these types of situations
We do what must be done
And after we are safe
Then we call 911

So here In Texas friend
Know we do not run
If we can we will call
But we don't depend on 911

It's just how we do it in Texas.
 Nov 2014 Jvak
 Nov 2014 Jvak
A body
three times
every 7 years, they say.
 Nov 2014 Jvak
Charles Bukowski
small cheap rooms where you walk
down the hall to the
bathroom can seem romantic to
a young writer.
even the rejection slips are
amusing because you are sure that
you are
one of the best.

but while sitting there
looking across the room
at the portable typer
waiting for you on the table
you are really
in a sense

as you wait for
one more night to arrive to sit and
type Immortal Words--but now you
just sit and think about it
on your first afternoon in a strange city.

looking over at the door you
expect a beautiful woman to walk in.

being young
helps get you through
many senseless and terrible

being old
 Nov 2014 Jvak
E. E. Cummings
it may not always be so; and i say
that if your lips,which i have loved,should touch
another’s,and your dear strong fingers clutch
his heart,as mine in time not far away;
if on another’s face your sweet hair lay
in such silence as i know,or such
great writhing words as,uttering overmuch,
stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;

if this should be,i say if this should be—
you of my heart,send me a little word;
that i may go unto him,and take his hands,
saying,Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall i turn my face,and hear one bird
sing terribly afar in the lost lands
 Nov 2014 Jvak
So many misinterpreted metaphors
make me cringe
''are you trying to ruin poetry for everyone''
but I hide my damp eyes behind my fringe
because I mustn't argue and my teachers are never wrong
They sing without a meaning or lyric in their song
we are taught to write what they want to hear
not the truth we feel inside our hopes and fears

But i must turn the other cheek
to get my degree I need..when home I ponder, I weep
because it was the school that killed poetry
for many of my peers..
But all is not lost..wipe away those tears
Grab the pen that feels ethical
the paper that doesn't deceive, doesn't lie
and write a poem that you can feel
you'll get out of school alive
(You know who you are who started this haha!)..Don't get me wrong I love teachers in general..I plan on becoming an awesome one someday too :)
 May 2014 Jvak
 May 2014 Jvak
You are tea,
serene in your surroundings.

                                                  ­                                                         I am coffee,
                                                         ­                        attention always bounding.

Your colour a milkish pale,
creamy optimism.

                                                      ­                                           I am taken black,
                                                          ­                                           bitter cynicism.

Two sugars,
to match your disposition.

                                                   ­                                                      None for me,
                                                             ­             I'll maintain my grim affliction.

                                               We differ so much,
                                                     it's obscene.
                                                   But in the end
                                               we're both caffeine.
 May 2014 Jvak
Leah McGuire
 May 2014 Jvak
Leah McGuire
As I lay here in my bed
          I've decided
I'm going to rid these voices from my head
          Or die trying
 May 2014 Jvak
Poetic T
You awake from your sleep next
to me, I see beauty before my
eyes you smile look at me, you
go for a kiss then exhale, its like
something died in your mouth
during the night so powerful I
fall out of bed.

My god I can taste it in my nose,
my eyes water, you ask did I hurt
my self with my fall, I have to tell
her the truth.

She looks open mouthed, I have to
be polite and ask her to shut her
mouth. To extinguish that breath
use mouth wash, toothpaste, Jesus
something just to rid you of this
death breath you keep breathing
out towards me.
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