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738 · Mar 2016
My love is poison
Jupiter Mar 2016
He was my old friend,
My childhood friend,
My love,
The one and only person who made me feel,
Feel what I wanted to feel,
He brought me to the darkest sides,
He brought me to hell and back to heaven,
Well I thought it was heaven,
I thought this was true love,
But he was darkness,
He held me in his arms,
He sang me the lullaby,
He was the poison holding me back,
He kept malice fastened in my head,
Hatred was what I knew,
His long thick fingernails ruptured into my flesh,
He infused venom into my heart,
Turning it black,
Giving me an asthma attack,
Making me run,
And never look back,
But it was a black hole,
It was endless running,
And no light,
I was trapped,
Trapped in the black hole,
Created by him,
And no escape.
657 · Mar 2016
The sun and the moon
Jupiter Mar 2016
Happiness sets like a sunset deep beneath her soul
While depression takes over her like the full moon and the dark gloomy clouds
Unseen by the big crowds

Did you notice her moon gleams?
They are only dreams now
Because she has been captured by the dark gloomy clouds
The devil’s children

Did u see the last pieces of hope
The little stars
Those little hopes just grabbed away from her

There is nothing left now
Now it is an empty sky
Empty sky without stars
Nor the full moon
Only the dark gloomy clouds

Do you really think it's easy
Easy trying to light up the light on the stars
When she doesn't know what the brilliant bright light looks like

It was the devil’s children
They made her go blind
How unkind
And now she forgot the light
Light was just a sense of imagination now
They took control of her somehow
And she was their muppet now

She could no longer feel
Feel what other people felt
Love and happiness gone
crushed into stardust
All that was left in her was
Anger, hate and pain
Agonising anger
And excruciating pain

She was the storm of anger
that created the sea of sorrows
Maybe someday
someday she hope that
She could find the light or
that the sea of sorrows and the storm of anger
will create a beautiful sunrise

Maybe someday her wounds would be stitched up
and will stop hurting
and they will just be forgotten scars
Scars hidden beneath the stars

And one day her pain will go away
and so will her agonising anger
and for once the clouds will reveal a divine bright sunrise  ©
290 · Sep 2016
Jupiter Sep 2016
My heart is a treasure chest,
Hidden deep beneath my scared skin,
And warm-blooded blood,
That started to turn ice cold,
arteries and into my heart,
I have cried with my own eyes,
But the only difference between my heart and treasure chest is,
A treasure chest is filled with gold and pleasant surprises,
but my heart is filled with anger and shattered pieces of happiness,
Just left for dead,
left and forgotten.
256 · Sep 2016
Not Today
Jupiter Sep 2016
Maybe not today,
today is not the day,
the day,
the day where I try to squeez my brains out.

— The End —