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  Aug 2014 Julia
Nik Bland
I pray you wake to find yourself amongst yellow lilies
A few steps away from a place called home
That those who you leave behind here will remember you fondly
And that the light will never leave you alone

I pray we shall look on as tears flow from our face
As you look at us in that faraway place
That our tears will bloom flowers in the wake
Of a goodbye that won't last a tomorrow

I pray the sun will kiss your skin and pain will be no more
That He will adorn you with such gifts befitting a long lost son
That you will be in the presence of the One you worship and adore
And though one life has ended, a new life has begun

I pray your legacy lives on in heart, in action, and in mind
That your song rings forth in those you've left behind
That the day will come again when we meet in an embrace
As brothers and sisters at the feet of the Father

I pray that joy will be felt in the memories like the rays of the sun
That the love planted will endure through and through
That you will feel the lilies planted by the Father and the Son
And that the Holy Spirit will guide us as it did you
  Aug 2014 Julia
There is sadness buried in her heart,
broken dreams and frozen hopes
shattering a wounded soul.
But all she says is, there is still hope.

Because broken, frail and torn
is where God makes us anew,
and sometimes it takes darkness
for us to finally see the light.

Now there is laughter in her eyes,
joy in the way her mouth curves up in a smile,
a sparkle so bright
it leaves a trail of light after her.
Julia Aug 2014



Why Her?

Why Now?


Why Him?

Why Now?






Julia Jul 2014
What do I do when there's nothing left?
What do I say when what's said has been said?
Loneliness is a funny thing...
Feeling miserable until God's love brings

Happiness that cannot hide
Elation brought out from deep inside.
All fears subside,
The Holy Spirit is awake and alive.

Heavenly Father, crash into me.
Wash me in and out, I pray, make me clean.
Wipe away all the painful things,
Forgive me for all of my past sins.

Giving you control,
Help me to let go.
Let your love shine through,
I give my all to you.
Julia Jul 2014
As slowly as the waters waves grasp for land,
Is my heart yearning to return again.
As quickly as the rush of wind sets waves in motion,
Is my mind set back on letting go.
Julia Jul 2014
I stand,
looking out the window, and
All I can see are the demons that have been chasing me
Causing all of my fears to come
Running toward me once again.
Julia Jul 2014
With new hope in her eyes and
confidence in her stride,
Her head held higher than before,
He locks his eyes to hers
and slowly begins to realize
That he's lost her for good
And she's okay.
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