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 Feb 2016 Joyce
 Feb 2016 Joyce

if today I faced the
End of the World
I would turn my face unto the sky
and sigh my soul

What is there to fear?
Destiny is in God's hands.

"For God has not given us a Spirit of fear,
But of Love, and of Power,
and of a SOUND MIND
2 Timothy 1:7

This inspiration was given the me
by another poet here
who wrote about the same subject
Francaise de la Ferme
If I misspelled the name I apologize!
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Mike Essig
brighter than a thousand suns...*

Helicopters scud the night. Syllables penetrate deeply.
Mulch has no value. Fingers curled softly in sleep.
Style marks the spot. Weapons hidden beneath kilts.
Pinpoint errors. Know where you are. Charlie Parker got lost.
You're a little teapot. The cat ponders these things.
Glamour a kind of architecture. National Enquirer a house.
Her only idea disastrous. He entered from behind. Stealth.
Take it any way you want it. ****** distillations of poison.
Something longer perhaps? Squash blossoms lovely. Preferences.
Ferns are not intentional. He wants a mulligan. Sentences question.
Ahead engorged. The color purple. Glance. Not quite wet.
Humpty-Dumpty the primary archetype. Master Coder. Triple Helix.
   If this gum be stale: do not chew it;
   If you are a window: draw the blinds.
   Or writhe in  ******* of meaningful.
      Come along to Carthage and Burn.

 Feb 2016 Joyce
Another Day
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The most days
I will work each week
Is three

Happiness on this planet
I'm afraid
Will forever elude me

My left side of my body
Is a bit stronger
Than my right

I try to offset this
With weights
It seems I always
Lose this fight

It's a small imbalance
Not a big deal
Some say

But it bothers me
How I feel this way

And the loneliness is
All consuming
Seeing friends
A few days a year

I won't bother crying
I won't shed a tear

And the therapist mocks me
And the world does too
They hated Jesus
And they will hate you

The wicked lover power
And money too
When judgement day comes
They will be *******

Jihadists plan attacks
In the middle of the night
When different cities
Are attacked
People will be filled with fright

The human race
Just repeats
The same mistakes
Over and over again

I watch **** on the internet
My ***** makes me sin
Some people were
Just born to to lose
And others to win

At the gym
I sit and listen
To people talk
But no one talks to me

I guess this is
My miserable life
And how things
Must be

Nothing ever happens
In this life matrix
And I find it quite queer
I sat on a granite boulder
And drank a non-alcoholic beer

Just a bunch of names and faces
Just a bunch of dates and places
Body slowly dies

It's all absurd and
Mostly meaningless
Should I even bother to cry

Earth the worst
Of all the planets
In the galaxy

I'm content to be miserable
Content to let things be

It could always be worse
I drank a glass of water
To quench my thrist

One day our economy
Will collapse
This is how it should be
America a sinking ship
Will drown in the sea

A New World Order to emerge
Perhaps it will be
Like the movie "The Purge"

Globalist powers
Don't care for you and me
An Orwellian nightmare
Becomes a reality
No longer a writer's fantasy

And I pray to some guy
Named Jesus
I suppose he really cares
He is supposed to hold my hand
And to say "There there"

A world of suffering and sin
All becomes Eve let Satan in
It was their fault, not mine
On this earth
I have spent some time

And if an agnostic
Or atheist
You can see
Human beings are good at
Creating misery

Resources distributed unfairly
Throughout the green earth

A man brings his produce
To market in Africa
He knows what it is worth

A tribal leader
Has destroyed half his fields
He couldn't just let things be

I traveled around the world
Met some good people
And some bad

I don't know really what
To think of this life
Should I just be sad?

Lie in bed and watch a movie
And dream of my female friend
The world never cares
About my desires
Lonely to the end
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