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Joshua Helmuth Dec 2015
Each place I stay feels different
But at the core they're all the same
The only thing that changes
Is who I am, though not by name
To find something new
Is difficult to do
When you don't know what you want
And this journey's too long
For the end to be wrong
But the right destination is a taunt
Comfort is the bane of progress
So I don't know why I'm still here
It feels like changing is impossible
I need help to move on from familiar
Joshua Helmuth Sep 2015
These are the thoughts of...
This is the only idea that...
A wall of thought to an ocean of...
The writer's block is...
Oh come on
A good idea is not...
I won't give up until..
Never mind...
Joshua Helmuth Jul 2015
The moon is my balloon
It follows me wherever I go
Cross-country or globally
Sometimes I lose it
In the clouds of snow and rain
But it always returns
It glows in the dark
And brightens the deepest nights
Beauty luminescent
This poem was brought to you by the moon. I was watching it on a particularly long car ride and remembered how when I was a kid I would look at the moon from the car window and think that it followed me. It's just a but of inner child that quite a few people can relate to.
Joshua Helmuth Jul 2015
As I looked to the sky on a cloudless night I was greeted by the most incredible scene: stars, silver in their majesty, scattered across the ink of the sky. I was enraptured. I gazed at then, but it was strange. They were gazing back at me. As tears streamed down my face, the crystal goddesses burned straight through my heart and deep into my soul. Weak in the knees I came crashing to the ground. They continued to peer into me. They knew all of my secrets, They knew all of my hopes and dreams, all my fears and all of my pain. There was no stopping The Stars from knowing. Even so, I wanted them to see, to know. While I sat on the ground they seemed to whisper "everything is ok," and for a fleeting moment, everything was.
Joshua Helmuth Jul 2015
There is safety in solitude
But when does that become loneliness
I want to be needed
Instead I'm a thread that needs snipped
Something extra
Someone no one asked for
It's not their fault
I'm self-destructive, unstable, a mess
So I'm safe here in solitude
But I never asked for the loneliness
Joshua Helmuth Mar 2015
All people have a Wall of Life painted white
"Draw, experiment, write, be free," it says
So why is mine still blank, save for a wandering line
This wall has begun to atrophy
Crumbling from the sides
It looks so frail
But this is more than I've been able to do
The cracks spread through the line
The line that goes nowhere
Breaking, peeling, fragments falling
What have I done, what have I done?
           Nothing. That's why you're in this mess
What do I do, what do I do?
           Nothing. It's what you do best
Please help, please help
           No one will come. They're busy with their walls
Go away... Go away....
           I'm the only one you've got
I've grown to trust the voice
It speaks the truth more often than not
But I want a different truth
Please help, please help
The atrophy is killing me
Joshua Helmuth Feb 2015
It's not isolation
That feels too closed
It's not solitude
That is chosen
It's something more
Unwarranted emptiness
But I'm not alone, am I?
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