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 Nov 2014 Joe Bay
Emma Livry
The guests are leaving
The shoes are off
The mascara remains
Only because it is waterproof.

The room is empty
The music is off
The food remains
Only because it is already paid for.

The door is open
The lights are off
The flame remains
Only because there was no energy to extinguish it.

The veil is torn
The dress is off
The girl remains
Only because she does not believe you're gone.
 Apr 2014 Joe Bay
Emma Livry

Pick up... pick up...
Go to the hospital.
I'm good. Don't worry about me. I'm good.
Allen, go to the hospital.
I'll get better. Stop nagging me.
You won't get better if you don't go to the hospital and get looked at.
I'm not going. I can't afford that.
You have insurance. They want to help you. I promise.
I don't have money for that. Hospitals are only for rich, white people.
Allen, go to the hospital. You are worrying me! Please just go.
No. I will get better on my own.
You need help, Allen.
No I don't. I'm good.
Allen, you don't even want help, do you? You don't even want to get better at all..
Emma, I'm fine. It will all be okay in time.
That was your point wasn't it? To make it all okay? But for who, Allen? Just okay for you? Because if you leave, I won't be okay. Please get help..
I don't want help and I don't need it anyways. I will be gone soon and everything will be better. You'll move on. Everyone will. No one cares about me anyways.
... You think no one cares about you? Allen, I love you. And you want to leave? Because you think no one cares? I care. I care about you so much. I always see those cuts on your wrists even when you always wear longsleeves because I think you are a little more comfortable around me than everyone else. I see those cuts and think *Why does he do that to himself? Is it my fault? Is there anything I can do to make him realize that he doesn't have to do that? I really try to be there for him, but maybe I am not enough for him to be happy
But I still try. Even though I think that, I try to help. And I don't do that because I pity you. I do that because I love you. I love you, Allen.
... Emma, please stop.
No, Allen. I won't stop. You need to get help. I can't lose you. What about your mom? She needs you. And your little sister? She needs you. Do you want to leave your family?
Emma.. you are the best person I know.
Allen what's happening are you okay?
Yea... Emmmmma It'ss aaall okayyy
Allen, please get help, your words are slurring.
Allen can you hear me?
I loooove youu Emmmmaa. My prettyyyy Emmmma.

 Mar 2014 Joe Bay
Nick Moser
 Mar 2014 Joe Bay
Nick Moser
I smile.
You smile.
Your face tells a story.
My favourite book to read.
And every time you walk by,
I have to check my vital signs to see if I'm still breathing.
Because you take my breath away.
And even though we don't know,
Each other that well.
I really want the time to cross paths.
I keep holding onto hope even if no one else knows why.
Because you mean a lot to me,
Even if you don't realize it.
You make me smile in the saddest of times.
Your cute laugh.
Your priceless smile.
It draws me in like a pencil; erasing all doubts.
I just don't know what to do.
I know there might be a chance.
But what if there isn't?
What if you turn out like all the others?
I don't want that, you don't want that.
Why chase something that I'll never reach?
But I want to reach you so badly.
Too badly.
So sadly.
And that feels like the end of another hopeless journey.
Ended too soon.
I'll miss you.
You're all that I want.
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
Emma Livry
I     am  so          emotionally            drained
I do   not       even  know      what to  write.
I cannot figure out how to  express myself.
I                   am                                       numb
And            I               do                 not    care.
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
Nick Moser
If I could go back to that night and live it over and over, I would.
I'd go back one million times over.
And then some.
The time we shared was short, but filled with so many memories.
We walked around looking for our destiny, but we couldn't find the destination.
Once we did, it was vacant, just like the hope we had of now having a good time.
But we marched on.
Led by a beast, we walked toward a nightmare.
A long, long, long walk.
Through the lights and sounds, the noise all around.
We walked town to town it seemed like, until some of us started to have doubts.
So, in that next moment, I was off on foot to try and save our weary souls.
I soon reached my target, and I drove the getaway car toward salvation, literally.
After missing the right signs with so many wrong turns, I finally found good news.
I sped toward the west end, bypassing every fall.
I passed the destination, but found my friends in the streets.
They were just looking for some Family.
We rode together toward the flashing light of prosperity, and found the rest of our gang.
We stood together as one, and even though it was scary, even though we got separated, and even though there was moisture, we came out together.
We started to part ways.
But soon most of us were back in the saddle together, tighter than most families.
We soon drove way out to the country where there's five forks in the road, not just one.
Then, as night lagged on, I found my way home.
I layed down in my bed, still feeling, no, still wishing I was there.
Oh, if only I could go back.
Because if I could live it over and over.
I would.
I remember that day, that image never fades away.
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
Running out of days
My breath is becoming short
The whispering wind begs me to stay
Hoping for a twist in this plot

Please don't take my soul
Not now, not just yet
But it's beyond my control
Must cherish this journey of no regrets

Let's build our own little fort
Where no one gets hurt and no one dies
Hopes and prayers are my last resort
As we bid melancholy goodbyes

Oh darling, take my hand
My grip is getting weaker
Prepare yourself to let go, unplanned
Since my skin has turned paler

Soon my sleep will become deeper
Craving for a final moment with you
Before falling into this eternal slumber
Before my time due

Oh darling, wipe your tears
Those drops are precious
Go to our little fort, take shelter
And reminisce how our memories were tenacious

Raising a white flag
One more moment, please
I solemnly begged
Alas, closing my eyes at ease
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
It's the way
that you
know just how
to hold me and

the way
that you
smell just like
the home that I

can't seem
to find
except when
you're near me and

the way
that you
make me feel
I could be- am-

February 9, 2014
12:40 AM
edited February 16, 2014
i'm not sure how to feel about this one, but i wrote it, so here is is.
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
 Feb 2014 Joe Bay
come be my Mad Hatter
and let me be your Alice

drive me insane
with your upside-down reality

we would kneel together
in front of the
Queen of Hearts

don't let go of me
lest i awake from this dream
and never see you again

— The End —