For all the saints…
Softly across the stone rectangles
Her hands lingered –
Palms and index pointed
At names and dates.
who from their labors rest,…
As if those behind the
Stones could feel her there;
As if the sainthood were
Rubbing off, a soulful osmosis.
who thee by faith
before the world confessed,…
The book was not unnoticed,
And she opened it slowly,
Unsure of what she might find –
Names, dates, scripture, loved ones.
thy name, O Jesus,
be forever blessed.
The baptismal font stands
Here, guarding its kin –
A promise from long ago;
A trust, a hope, faithfulness.
Alleluia! Allelulia!
© Lewis Bosworth, 2015
The lines from the hymn at the beginning, in between stanzas and at the end are supposed to be in Italics. I have yet to figure out how to do that in "Tips!"