Refrain Tongue from evil Let not my lips speak bad. Or evil, let me see good days. And love Let life be worthy of living Give me life so stunning. Forever and Worthies
Words of Mouth are more of Life-giving, they flow like Deep waters, like flowing brooks with Wisdom Hearing and speaking good words gives Happiness to me and Brings lots of joy. To all
Ebens Known as aliens Visited planet Earth Many times, they are from planet Serpo They travelled 40 times the speed of light. They shared a holograph of Universe, top Secret
Pleasant Words are healthy. To the bones and sweet to The soul, they are very pleasant. As an Honeycomb which gives sweet honey Pleasant words are music. Sounds good to the Ear drums
Tongue has Power, it can Make death or life happen. While using the tongue, one should be Careful Give life to others by showing Love and caring, that is The way to live In peace
In hope Continue to Rejoice, because hope brings Happiness, better mental health Also Be patient in trouble when you Undergo suffering Continue in Prayers
What I Sow, the same is Reaped, more I sow the More I reap; if less I sow then Less I Reap, let me happily feed the Needy so that God Also feeds me. Truly