Under my umbrella
rain hitting all around
getting wet anyway
so I take it down.
I really don't mind
it's been a hot day,
and the rain seems to
wash all my blues away.
Rain covers my face like tears,
but they are of joy
not of pains or fears.
Into every life they say
some rain must fall.
But I'll not complain,
the sun always shines
brighter after the rain.
And as I said,
it's been a very hot day.
And this cool refreshing rain
was sorely needed anyway.
So moments ago my screen saver updated to a pic of a dozen or so brightly colored umbrella opened up on a bright blue sky back drop.
And this poem popped into my mind.
I quickly jotted it down, before it could disappear from my mind and this is the finished result of 5 minutes of intense poetic thought LOL!!!
I hope you like it, I certainly enjoy it when they come like this.
Thanks for reading
checkout the video for this poem on you tube